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Yurkevich Sergey Aleksandrovich
Yurkevich Sergey Aleksandrovich

Expert in improvement of the public and municipal administration.


The father – Yurkevich Alexander Mikhaylovich - the Soviet fighter of the Greek-Roman style, the Honoured Master of Sports of the USSR on Greco-Roman (Greek-Roman) wrestling, the veteran of Armed forces. Senior coach of USSR national team (1969 — 1970). Mother is Yurkevich Lidiya Grigoryevna the excellent student of health care is a doctor.

1997 – 2001 State academy (university) of management of Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

2005 – 2009 Russian academy of public service under the President of the Russian Federation.

2002 – 2003 work in committees on the international affairs and physical culture and sport of the State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. It is mentioned by gratitude for the organization of work of the commission of the Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation at the VIII St. Petersburg Economic Forum.

2004 – 2008 Office of the Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation, deputy for public relations.

2004 – 2008 the Expert of the interdepartmental working group on questions of the federal relations and local government of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation concerning improvement of public administration.

In 2007 it is elected the chairman of the board of Fund of support of national projects.

2008 Acted as the organizer of the Russia's first round table of expert level on interaction between the state and the Internet industry "The state and the Internet". Work of round tables and the task working groups in the State and Internet format is continued in 2009.

2008 – 2009 Chairman of the supervisory board of the Center of internet marketing.

2009: Work in office of the envoy of the CFD

2009 – 2012 Responsible secretary of the Commission at the Russian President's Plenipotentiary in the Central federal district on development of information society. Created Expert center on the electronic government and information society.

2010 Organized holding the Russia's first interregional conference seminar the Electronic government and information society 2010 for 18 regions of Central Federal District of the Russian Federation on the platform of the All-Russia Exhibition Centre.

2010 Organized holding an interregional seminar on the electronic government for 18 subjects of Central Federal District of the Russian Federation on the platform of GU Higher School of Economics.

2011 Acted as the co-organizer and the leader of the All-Russian expert forum "The electronic government and information society. The region and municipality", collected 74 territorial subjects of the Russian Federation on the President-Hotel platform.

2011 Organized holding two-day seminars conferences on the electronic government and information society in Smolensk, Ivanovo, Oryol and Bryansk. Seminars brought together more than 1300 public and municipal servants of regions.

2012: Institute of the electronic state

Since 2012 the head at Institute of the electronic state.

2012 Organized an exit seminar on studying of the national project of the electronic government in the Republic of Ireland (Dublin). Within the seminar the speech of experts of Russian regions of the provided IT projects in the field of the electronic state on the platform of one of the oldest educational institutions of Europe – Trinity College took place.

2012 Organized an exit seminar for federal and regional officers of the Russian Federation on studying of the national project of the electronic government in the Republic South Korea (Seoul). In 2012 South Korea occupied 1 place in the rating of the UN of E-Government Development Index. The same year Russia rose from 59 to the 27th place. Representatives of federal agencies and also the deputy heads of regions in the rank of the vice governors responsible for the electronic government of the Lipetsk, Oryol, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Astrakhan, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Tomsk, Ivanovo, Kursk regions, Krasnodar, Perm and Khabarovsk Krai, representatives of the Republic of Buryatia and Republic of Chechnya, specialists of other subjects Russian ̆ Federations participated in a seminar.

In 4 days of a seminar, working in a busy schedule participants carried out a round table with the Korean colleagues; got acquainted with history, development and standards of the electronic government of the Republic of Korea in National news agency; attended seminars according to the electronic identity certificate in NIA, ICT in health care in Digital hospital, a public key infrastructure (PKI) in Management of certification and data protection (KICA), got acquainted with the system of e-passports, visited the National agency on a computerization and information processing (NCIA) in Dechzhon, held a session at the state enterprise KOMSCO ID Card devoted to production; participated in a seminar Expert - control services of health care insurance (HIRA); visited Digital Pavillion exhibition complex and also the IT center of national operators LG and SK Telecom.

2012 Organized an exit seminar for specialists of the sphere of the public and municipal services of the Russian Federation in studying of a system of the centers of public services in the capital of Germany Berlin and the capital of the federal land Brandenburg – the city of Potsdam.

2012 Organized the II exit seminar for a seminar for federal and regional officers of the Russian Federation on studying of the national project of the electronic government in the Republic South Korea (Seoul). Technologies of digital transformation in electronic economy became an object of attention of this seminar.

2012 Organized an exit seminar for a seminar for federal and regional officers of the Russian Federation on studying of a national system of public services in the Republic France. private traders of a seminar in particular held working sessions in GIP-MDS / Group of public interests on upgrade of the social reporting, CNIL / the National commission on information science and freedoms, "La Fondrie" the Digital agency of the region Ile-de-France, Pôle Emploi / National employment agency of citizens, DISIC / the Interdepartmental commission on information management systems and communications, BNF / National Library of France, DGME / General management on state ̆ upgrades Department international from - carrying, Department of Innovation, Department Projects, the ADETEF / Commission on competitiveness, industry and services, Conseil général de la Seine-Saint – Denis / Regional ̆ council of administration of department of Seong San Denis, GIP e-bourgogne / Electronic Burgundy, and in other organizations.

2012 Organized the first in the contemporary history of Russia and Great Britain a seminar on studying of best practices of the public and municipal administration, providing the public and municipal services, work of "the open region" and "open municipality", formation of the electronic state of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern ̆ Ireland. Participants of a seminar visited departments and held working sessions with representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet, the Public digital service (Government Digital Service, Cabinet Office); Embassies of the Russian Federation in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Ministries of Health of Great Britain (Department of Health); Administrations of Greater The Greater London Authority; Managements of large projects of the Secretariat of the Cabinet (Major Projects Authority, Cabinet Office); Message Space companies, etc.

2012 Organized holding the All-Russian seminar conference "MFC of the future – the best practices" for heads ̆ the multifunction centers of subjects Russian ̆ Federations concerning studying of best practices of providing the public and municipal services using MFC. The action took place based on MFC of the city of Balashikha situated near Moscow.

2013 Organized holding the II All-Russian seminar conference "MFC of the future. Topical issues and solutions" on the platform of President-Hotel Group. The action brought together more than 250 participants from all subjects and MFC of Russia. Also became one of the sharpest in this sphere on heat of discussions.

2013 Organized an exit seminar for a seminar to studying of a national system of public services in the Republic Brazil. The little know, but from Brazil, in 2007, specialists of the Ministry of Economic Development brought the project of the centers of services of one window which received the name of MFC or "my Documents" in Russia. The original name of this project in Brazil of "Poupatempo" - that is translated as "Save time".

2013 Organized an exit seminar for federal and regional officers of the Russian Federation "The smart city of the future" on studying of the project of the smart city of "smart-city" of Songdo in the Republic South Korea (Seoul) At a seminar were studied as the newest technologies of "the smart city" including application of "green" IT, and the best practices of management of the city and rendering state services to citizens in the field of housing and public utilities, health care, education, social sphere and management of transport infrastructure. At a seminar of 2013 elements and the principles of the electronic government of new generation - the Electronic government 4.0 - SMART EGOV were provided.

In 2014 organized the All-Russian practical forum of local government "The modern region and municipality. The best practices of development" dated for the 150 anniversary of Territorial reform.

In 2014 held another III All-Russian seminar conference "by MFC of the Future. Topical issues and solutions". The All-Russian conferences of MFC of the Future held since 2012 annually bring together more than 250 participants. Last VI Conference "MFC of the Future. The white nights" taken place in St. Petersburg in May, 2017, brought together already more than 350 participants.

In 2016 Organized holding the All-Russian forum 'Obrazovaniye2016'. Concerning digital education, the general and professional education and also to practical problems of cadet education.

In 2017 Organized holding the II All-Russian forum 'Obrazovaniye2017'. Subjects of Digital education and the General education became scope of an action.

In 2017 it is elected the president of Fund of development of the public and municipal administration. The Fund which became the legal successor of support of national projects.

Continues the activity as the Russian Sea Body project coordinator

Family and hobbies

He is married since 2003. Wife Yurkevich Inna Anatolyevna. There are no children. Favourite hobby – cruiser yachting and distant sea campaigns, professional Yachtmaster the instructor. The member of the Royal Institution of navigation, the head of the social and educational project "Russian Sea Body" since 2003. The member of the Russian Geographical Society since 2014.