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Institute of the Electronic State (Institute for Electronic Government, eGovExpert)


Institute of the Electronic State (Institute for Electronic Government, eGovExpert) — the non-governmental non-profit organization putting the tasks:

  • creation of the international expert platform on support of projects of formation of the electronic government, development of information society and creation of the electronic state and also issues of informatization of education, health care, housing-and-municipal and social spheres;

  • assistance to interstate expert exchange of the best practices in the field of formation of the electronic government, development of information society and creation of the electronic state and also issues of informatization of education, health care, housing-and-municipal and social spheres;

  • carrying out training programs of the public and municipal servants, specialists of the profile organizations and representatives of the companies, teachers;

  • promoting of use of technologies of the electronic state;

  • consultation of bodies of regional and municipal authority.


2008: Creation of the Center of internet marketing

In 2008 Fund of support of national projects (Russian Federation) together with Information and analytical center of Department of Education of the Government of Moscow created the Higher school of Internet technologies Center of internet marketing. A task – professional training and advanced training of specialists of the sphere of the innovation marketing communications and project management among the Internet for structures of federal, regional and municipal level. More than 1800 listeners are organized training, comprehensive training programs and the system of certification on marketing and management of projects in the Internet are developed for government employees.

2009: Expert center on the electronic government of the CFD

In 2009 Fund of support of national projects (Russian Federation) together with the Commission at the Russian President's Plenipotentiary in the Central federal district on development of information society organized the Russian Federation's first Expert center on the electronic government and information society at the level of the biggest on the population of the federal District of (CFD) which integrated 18 regions of the Russian Federation.

2010: Exit seminars to Europe

Since 2010 the Fund of support of national projects (Russian Federation), together with Expert center on the electronic government and information society (Russian Federation), with assistance of Representation of the European Union in Russia, the profile ministries and departments of EU countries and the CIS, will organize a series of exit international seminars on studying of national projects of the electronic government and information society in the countries of the European Union, the states — leaders in creation of national projects of the electronic government and information society. A big role in development of seminars the project of the European Union "rendered G2C: Support of the electronic government in Russia 2009-2011 ″

2012: Conversion to Institute of the electronic state

Since March, 2012 the Expert center on the electronic government and information society is transformed to Institute of the Electronic State (Institute for Electronic Government EGOVEXPERT).

On April 26, 2012 in the capital of state No. 1 on the electronic government the city of Seoul (the Republic South Korea) the non-governmental Memorandum of understanding in issues of development of information society and formation of the electronic government between the Ministry of Economics and Knowledge of the Republic of Korea and the Korean-Russian business council is signed, from the Republic South Korea and Fund of support of national projects (Russian Federation) and JSC Rostelecom from the Russian side. Within the signed memorandum it is announced creation of Institute of the Electronic State in South Korea (Seoul) and also stated intention of the Russian and Korean side to develop joint projects on formation of the electronic government and development of information society.

Programs for studying of national projects of the electronic government and information society in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Ireland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic France, Great Britain, Brazil, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, the USA, Singapore, Finland, Estonia, China, Japan and other countries are worked out. Events in the Russian Federation are held.