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The pilot project of implementation of smart search of Directum Smart Search in "UEC Aircraft engine" came to the end

Customers: UEC Aircraft engine

Perm; Mechanical and Instrument Engineering

Contractors: Directum
Product: Directum (EDMS/ECM system)
Second product: Directum Ario
Third product: Directum Smart Search

Project date: 2011/12  - 2019/12
Number of licenses: 1000


2019: Implementation of Directum Smart Search

On December 9, 2019 the Directum company reported that the pilot project of implementation of smart search of DIRECTUM Smart Search in JSC ODK-Aviadvigatel came to the end.

According to the company, the staff of design office tested possibilities of smart document retrieval in the DIRECTUM system. Users noted that Smart Search considerably facilitates document retrieval, first of all, on indistinct or inexact requests when only approximate data are known.

Since 2012 the design office works with an electronic document management system of DIRECTUM, step by step developing its functionality. Modern approaches and offers of the market, such as artificial intelligence for document handling, also find the reflection in the IT strategy of the organization. So, at the beginning of 2019 the implementation project of intellectual services DIRECTUM Ario came to the end – the program autocompletes a document card in a system at registration.

For pilot start the electronic document management system was updated to version 5.7, and the solution Smart Search – is adapted for scenarios of work of employees "UEC Aircraft engine". The most demanded options of use of the solution became:

  • search of internal documents in contents: orders on awarding, orders on the specific worker, memos on a subject, etc.;
  • search in sense and attributes: the specifications started on approval by the specific specialist;
  • external correspondence with the partner on a certain subject;
  • search of agreements in the period, the author or contents, even on partially reproduced number;
  • fast filtering of results on the necessary criterion: division, the author, the documents only approved, etc.

In 1.5 months of pilot use smart search processed 1800 requests. Participants of approbation noted considerable reduction of time for collecting of the necessary information. Users estimated the built-in hints, accuracy – the necessary documents always appear in the first lines of issue, automatic detection of typos and the wrong keyboard layout pattern.

We are positive for results of a pilot project of implementation of DIRECTUM Smart Search. Unlike standard option of delivery with the external website of search, we implemented search through a desktop client: smart search displays results with links to documents, and upon transition the document opens in a system window. Smart search integrates advantages of attributive and full-text search, and most of users expressed readiness to use the solution in the daily activity. Within a pilot project wishes for further development are collected, and for December, 2019 we already discuss sales opportunity of search in several information systems with DIRECTUM company.

Dang Oleinikov, the chief of crew of support of information management systems document flow of JSC ODK-Aviadvigatel told

During the project the updated functionality of DIRECTUM Ario – "Automatic Detection of Responsible" was also tested. By consideration of the incoming document a system automatically, on the basis of historical data, creates the draft resolution and defines the contractor. In 66% of cases the draft resolution was suitable and at once went to work as responsible. Heads who used the solution, noted significant savings of time and high potential of this direction of development.

2018: Testing of Directum Ario for automatic recognition of details of documents

On November 20, 2018 the Directum company announced that "UEC Aircraft engine" tested Directum Ario — the program for automatic recognition of details of incoming documents. Experts of the company checked system operation in actual practice and were satisfied with results, noted in Directum.

Directum Ario is used for automatic document classification at their input in Directum electronic document management system. The program itself defines a document type, the magazine of registration and the responsible. The clerk needs only to check correctness of automatically completed data. The general labor input of operations on registration of the document decreases by 15-20%.

At the heart of the program – algorithms of artificial intelligence (methods of computer vision and recurrent neural networks) and machine learning allowing it to perfect independently "skills" of recognition and classification of data on the example of the processed documents. In fact, a system processes a large number of examples, reveals patterns and programs itself, developers of a product explained.

Dang Oleinikov, the chief of crew of support of information management systems document flow of JSC ODK-Aviadvigatel told about global plans of application of "intellectual" software solutions in the company: "Many industrial enterprises are faced by a problem of transition to digital production, and some of key components of information systems there will be programs on the basis of artificial intelligence. They will automate routine transactions of users, to analyze information, to help with decision making. Directum Ario clearly demonstrates that intellectual services already become a reality, and their application can give useful effect already now. It should be noted that the pilot project was performed within close and long cooperation with Directum company. Within further implementation and development of this functionality we set a task to implement handwriting text recognition in the document".

2016: Upgrade of process of approval of agreements

JSC ODK-Aviadvigatel is the leading Russian design office on development of turbine jets of aviation and industrial function, is a part of JSC United Engine Corporation – 100% specialized subsidiary company JSC UIC OBORONPROM.

In the world the ODK-Aviadvigatel enterprise is known as the leading Russian developer of engines for civil and military aviation and also industrial gas turbine units and power plants based on aviation technologies.

Effective approval of agreements

Tasks and purposes

From the moment of system implementation of DIRECTUM in 2012-2013 at users wishes to the available mechanisms of approval of contractual documents collected. In 2014 process of approval of agreements in "UEC Aircraft engine" was upgraded. However in the 2015th the new completions necessary for implementation of the changed requirements of the company were required:

  • requirements to structure of approving changed; at the time of start of the project there was no opportunity to change the list or to include in it new faces;
  • it was required to add new documents for review;
  • the mechanism did not consider clear split into the approved documents and accompanying documents;
  • there was no opportunity to tie the account agreement to a cost code from the financial accounting system;
  • the only supplier had difficulties with approval of the protocol of purchase: there was no information on the list approving for the document, it is impossible to add an investment to the started task of approval of the agreement.

Using completion of business processes the company management was going to reduce labor input of start of contractual documents, to reduce an error probability and also to exclude distortion of information (corrections of document attributes in the course of approval).

As a result the project team received the requirements list to new business process:

  1. to Create the master of actions for start of contractual documents with the simplest interface for their entering and sending for approval.
  2. to Develop the mechanism so that depending on the choice responsible for the direction or the center of the financial responsibility (CFR) the structure obligatory approving was defined and process steps on which they should be.
  3. to Add in the master of actions and a task visual information display on approving the protocol of purchase at the only supplier (EP protocol).
  4. to Provide the mechanism of the instruction and confirmation of a cost code to the agreement;
  5. to Provide possibility of change responsible for process at a completion stage with automatic redefinition of the list of the obligatory variables agreeing.
  6. to Provide possibility of adding additional agreeing at a completion stage.
  7. to Include replenishment of the document list for review at a completion stage (the EP protocol, the annex to the agreement, the specification, the protocol of disagreements).

Implementation. From the master to actions

Originally work in DIRECTUM was implemented through the standard reference book "Agreements" of the module "Contract management". The user created record of the reference book, filled necessary attributes, brought documents and started from it a task of a standard route.

However over time this format of work in "UEC Aircraft engine" became less convenient since there is a lot of data, and filling of fields seemed difficult for users.

Besides need for functionality which would allow to display visually the list of all approving within the started task ripened. Therefore the most optimal solution – creation of the new master of actions was selected.

Stages of preparation of the contractual document in the master of actions:

1. Choice of an agreement type. At the first stage of the master of actions the user selects what makes contractual the document – by the form. It can be actually the agreement, the supplementary agreement, the specification, the protocol of disagreements, etc.

In the master of actions it is possible to set a document type at once

2. Filling of the main details. Then it is necessary to enter details which list depends on the agreement type selected earlier.

The completed details differ depending on a document type

3. Choice of documents. On the next stage of the master of actions the user puts in a task on approval electronic documents.

When choosing some document types it is possible to attach the EP protocol

Loading of the main document and EP protocol is always made from the file system of the computer whereas applications and accompanying documents can be enclosed both from the device, and from DIRECTUM.

4. Filling of parameters of approval. Further key parameters of a route of approval which are created depending on the selected type and document type are filled:

  • for the account agreement or the agreement on cooperation/intentions – Executive in charge, Head of the CFD and also need of approval of the head on examination of quality;
  • for the account simplified agreement – Executive in charge, Head of the CFD;
  • for the supplementary agreement, the protocol to the agreement, the order to the agreement, the specification, the protocol of disagreements, the protocol of approval of disagreements, the protocol of settlement of disagreements – Executive in charge, Head of the CFD and also need of approval of the CFD, need of approval of the head on examination of quality;
  • for all contractual documents with the Profitable and Other type – Executive in charge, "The head of the thematic direction" and need of approval of the head on examination of quality.

Parameters of approval consider specifics of process for each document type

5. Choice of approving. At this stage the user needs to fill a cost code, a financing source, to specify additional approving and to define the claiming agreement and the protocol (in the presence). Here information on the obligatory constants and variables approving which will participate in a problem of approval of the document is displayed.

The list of fields is also defined by a type, type of the contractual document and the "Approve with the CFD — Yes/no" parameter filled earlier.

6. Filling of the mailing list In the following window it is offered to fill out the mailing list of the contractual document, to define whether its transfer is required and also whether there is a need for start of a task of approval.

If the Send for Approval parameter is not set, a system will create only record of the reference book "Agreements" and will bring documents in a system, but will not start a task of their approval.

7. Check of parameters of a standard route A system suggests to check the list of the documents sent for approval, structure approving the agreement and the EP protocol at its existence (with breakdown by stages).

It is possible to adjust data using the Back button

After clicking of the button "Is ready" a system:

  1. Saves record of the reference book "Agreements" with all attributes.
  2. Brings in DIRECTUM the file with the agreement and the file with the EP protocol (at its existence) and ties documents to new record of the reference book "Agreements".
  3. Brings in a system and adds to the connected documents of the application and accompanying documents (if the entering option "From the computer" was selected. If the item "From a System" was selected, then enters only in the connected documents to record of the reference book).
  4. Creates a task of a standard route (it is set depending on a type of the contractual document), fills all its parameters, brings the agreement, annexes to it and the EP protocol in investments, creates the "accompanying documents" folder and places in it accompanying documents then starts a task.

After start of a task for supplementary agreements, specifications, protocols to agreements the additional folder "Connected Contractual Documents" where links to documents in the system of a type "contractual documents" which are connected with the leading record of the reference book "Agreements" and with all conducted at the moment are located is created.

In total for business process "Approval of contractual documents" is created five standard routes:

  • "Approval of the agreement" – account, profitable and other agreements, except agreements according to the results of procurement procedures;
  • "Approval of additional agreements" – supplementary agreements, specifications, protocols to agreements;
  • "Approval of the agreement (Simplified)" – account agreements according to the results of procurement procedures;
  • "Approval sog. about nerazgl. konf. inf." – nondisclosure agreements of confidential information;
  • "Approval sog. about sotr / intention" – agreements on cooperation or intentions.

Standard routes differ in quantity of stages of approval and also some other the features characteristic of each of types of contractual documents.

The obligatory constants approving are defined in a matrix of approving
The obligatory variables approving are defined in the reference book "Responsible CFD"

Except the listed changes the following requirements were also implemented:

  • restriction of opportunities for editing a card of the reference book "Agreements" is introduced;
  • at a stage of completion there was a possibility of change of cost codes and the head of the CFD, adding of new documents for review (for example, annexes to the agreement, the EP protocol, the protocol of disagreements, etc.).
  • two lists approving are provided in a route: who should approve the agreement, and who should approve the agreement with the EP protocol.

Effect of implementation

Thanks to innovations users of DIRECTUM in "UEC Aircraft engine" had an accurate and clear interface for an institution and sending for approval of contractual documents. Filling of all attributes goes consistently and logically now. There is no need to remember a set of the options of all required approving a system substitutes these data automatically.

Also as a result of project implementation:

  • the error probability and duplications of information at the indication of the approving and other parameters of a route is minimized, there was an opportunity to correct task parameters before its start on approval;
  • process became simpler and is more transparent for users, including new;
  • tools on operational making changes in business process if necessary without change of programs are received, only adjustment of reference books is required;
  • the controllability of process increased, together with decrease in quantity of errors of users the number and the related interventions of administrators was reduced;
  • the quality of filling of the reference book "Agreements" increased.

2013: Implementation of EDMS Directum

The implementation project of an electronic document management system of DIRECTUM in JSC Aviadvigatel is complete, the press service of developer reported on April 25, 2013.

Divisions of the company are in the territory of Perm Motors Group which body is considerably deleted from each other. At paper document flow responsibles personally carried documents everything approving. Long process of approval, cases of loss of white papers and high labor input of processing of correspondence caused need of system implementation of electronic document management.

The DIRECTUM system met selection terms.

The implementation project is begun at the end of 2011. Experts of DIRECTUM company solved problems:

  • creations of uniform electronic archive not of classified documents;
  • reductions of time for processing and document retrieval, including archive;
  • exceptions of cases of loss of documents;
  • ensuring control of execution of instructions.

For each automated process in Aircraft engine selected the responsible who performed coordination of works on creation of the project documentation.

As a result of implementation work with the entering and outgoing correspondence and organizational and administrative documentation is automated. Process of approval of minutes of meetings is optimized. All contractual processes, since registration and approval before obligation fulfillment control are simplified. Besides, integration of DIRECTUM with ABBYY Recognition Server is provided, to the Active Directory, Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and also with the accounting system of the enterprise.

Nikolay Leonidovich Koksharov, the First Deputy CEO (chief designer), the chief of experimental design bureau noted JSC Aviadvigatel: "In DIRECTUM employees practically from all divisions of our company, including the top management – only about 800 people work. At the same time more than 400 employees use a system. Already now the considerable effect which we gained thanks to business process optimization is visible. So, for example, the average time of consideration and approval of the entering / outgoing letters, orders and orders, contractual documents was considerably reduced. System implementation of DIRECTUM allowed us not only to optimize work with documents, but also to receive the highly effective instrument of interaction between employees".

The project is complete at the end of February, 2013. In four months of work in the mode of experienced and production operation in a system 54 hangouts are created. documents, 40 thousand tasks and 12 thousand instructions.