Customers: Odintsovo farmstead Odintsovo (Moscow Region); Consulting, including managerial and personnel Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C: Document Flow 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2013/12 - 2014/01
On January 23, 2014 the 1C-Rarus company announced creation of storage of agreements in Odintsovo Farmstead company on the platform of the solution "1C: Document Flow".
Project Tasks
Document flow - one of the difficult and labor-intensive processes having a considerable impact on efficiency of activity of the enterprise in general. Before project implementation employees of "The Odintsovo farmstead" conducted formation of the new documents, search which are already existing manually. It increased terms of preparation and approval of agreements. With respect thereto the management made the decision on acquisition of the 1C: Document Flow software product. The company asked for the help in carrying out automation in 1C-Rarus.
Project Progress
Employees 1C-Rarus created a template for each agreement type with fields for filling, regulations of filling - depending on pattern of ownership of the correspondent. Developed numbering for the created document types, made changes to the program taking into account specific requirements of "The Odintsovo farmstead" to numbering of documents.
Maintaining paper archive did not give the chance to manage flexibly access rights. After automation in a system differentiations of access rights for the head and managers are entered. Creation of a common information space provided interaction of geographically distributed offices with uniform information base.
Project Results
Use of "1C: Document Flow" helped to arrange work with documents, to reduce search time of the information required, to increase quality of the created documentation.
Creation of electronic document management on the basis of the program "1C: Dokumentoobort" helped to resolve questions of interaction of employees in the course of creation of agreements, to set control of discipline, to provide uniform motion of documents without delays and accumulations in separate workplaces.