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+ Sinogeykina Ekaterina Helievna
Sinogeykina Ekaterina Geliyevna
Sinogeykina Ekaterina Geliyevna

Sinogeikina Ekaterina Helievna - General Director of NAO Euroexpert.


Catherine was born on May 9, 1975 in Moscow.

In 1998 she graduated from the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2002, she was educated at the Institute of Investment Management (USA).

In 2003, she defended her thesis Financial at the Academy at (Government of the Russian FederationCandidate). economic sciences

In 2005, she studied at the American Appraisal Institute, Business Valuation Course

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In 1998, she worked for OJSC Corporation for the Development of Territories as a financial analyst. From 1998 to 2004, Catherine is a leading specialist in business and securities valuation at CJSC International Evaluation Center. - >

Since 1999 he has been working at the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, associate professor of the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Management of the Faculty of Economics and Business.

Since 2004, Ekaterina Helievna Sinogeykina is the founder and general director of Euroexpert.


Family, sports, dancing, travel, cooking, reading, theater, cinema.


Married. Two daughters.

Business. Essentially. Ekaterina Sinogeikina talks about the strategy and business of Euroexpert