Customers: Magnolia Contractors: IBS Platformix Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructureProject date: 2012/07
In July, 2012 the IBS Platformix company completed the project on creation of the new computing platform for the TERRITORIAL ELECTION COMMISSION Products trading company, the main retail operator of retail chain stores Magnolia.
Due to the active expansion of retail chain stores Magnolia former infrastructure ceased to meet the requirements for high-speed performance and ensuring work of corporate applications.
In a project deliverable performance of the platform increased by 2.5 times, maintenance expenses of computing infrastructure decreased, and the overall level of ensuring work of corporate applications and services raised.
The former computing platform consisted of servers with the built-in disks. The new platform included several 16-core servers with expanded RAM for caching of databases and the standard storage area network which at the expense of the disks SSD set in it shows performance twice bigger, than at former storage. The important feature of the project consists that at significant increase in performance energy consumption and heat release remained at the previous level.