The Magnoliya network has 160 shops in Moscow and the Moscow region.
The Magnoliya network uses the centralized system architecture of GESTORI Pro therefore when integration of the cash POS-FIT-FR system with a bonus system Svyaznoy Club was carried out, Magnoliya already had the stable communication channels integrating shops of network with the central office of the company. Thanks to this circumstance and also presence at FIT company of own team of highly skilled developers of the cash software integration of a large number of shops of network with a processing center of CFT was carried out to the shortest possible time.
Also since 2006 the Magnoliya network uses DiAna decision making support system: Digital Analytics Pro.
The Magnoliya supermarket chain became the first domestic retail operator who implemented at himself self-checkout. It is remarkable as well the fact that Magnoliya of the first began to apply cash desks of self-service of self-checkout in the "shop at the house" format in Russia. On July 9 and 10 starts of SCO in the first two supermarkets of network in Moscow to the addresses: Bolshoy Fakelny Lanes, 2/22 and Pokrovka Street, 43 took place.