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Informational portal MBKI

The name of the base system (platform): CronosPRO
Developers: Cronos-Inform
Date of the premiere of the system: November, 2006
Last Release Date: April, 2014
Technology: BI,  Data Mining,  SaaS - Software as service


About the Informational portal

Informational portal MBKI is intended for risk minimization of cooperation at the expense of the detailed analysis of reliability of the partner (legal entity or physical person, the individual entrepreneur) in real time. The portal is developed by Mezhregionalnogo byuro creditnykh istory (MBKI Ltd) entering into Cronos-Inform Group. The portal is used by the different enterprises on the scale and fields of activity, helping them to reveal timely the fraudulent organizations, not only before the conclusion of the transaction, but also in the course of cooperation. Informational portal MBKI has the Certificate on state registration No. 2013615041 of May 27, 2013.

Portal subsystems

The business reference concerning the legal entity

It is intended for automatic preparation of information on the subject of an entrepreneurship collected from different sources and systematized in the special report. The report includes the following information:

  • the continuous registration data of YUL on the basis of information the USRLE FTS;
  • child structures of YUL;
  • affiliated structures of founders and top officials;
  • annual accounting records;
  • other public data from the state information arrays;
  • official statements of the federal ministries and departments.

A system allows to automatically determine signs of "unreliable" firm by a technique of FTS; carry out an inspection of the top officials and founders on arrays of "the disqualified heads", "mass heads and registrars", "invalid passports"; analyze a financial status of YUL; check a legal address on belonging to an array of "address holes" and so forth.

The business reference concerning the individual entrepreneur

The business reference includes verification of registration data of the individual entrepreneur, check on a number of vernal sources and examination of the individual entrepreneur as borrower.

Certificates of incorporation and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs

The subsystem provides electronic versions of references of registration of legal entities from the USRLE and individual entrepreneurs from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs of FTS in real time.

Affiliation of the legal entity

The subsystem on the basis of data of the USRLE performs in real time search of participation of the company in authorized capital of other legal entities registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Financial statements

Provides in real time annual accounting records on the basis of data of Rosstat for the last reporting period. Contains the express analysis and assessment of a financial position of the legal entity according to the criteria determined by provision of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 254-P: "About an order of formation by credit institutions of reserves on possible losses on loans, on the loan and equated to it debt".

Beneficiaries of the legal entity

For several seconds the subsystem builds a chain of beneficiaries (participants, founders, shareholders) of the legal entity of the Russian Federation, including final beneficiaries of the company. Besides, provides summary on each organization in a chain of beneficiaries.

Monitoring of the companies

The subsystem is intended for weekly automatic change tracking in registration and other factual data concerning SPINNING TOPS of the Russian Federation. Allows to reveal timely the risks connected with changes in activity of YUL: reorganization, liquidation, bankruptcy, disqualification of the top officials, participation in arbitration courts, etc.

Scope of application

The portal increases efficiency of activity of divisions of economic safety, due to reduction of time for search and information processing about clients and partners of the company. Users of the Portal are different government institutions and security services, the systemically important enterprises of the Russian Federation, credit and financial institutions, including the largest banks, the enterprises of heavy and light industry, the trading companies and also the different organizations of medium and small business.

Order of interaction with the Portal

Interaction with the Portal is possible in two modes:

  • in manual, via the web interface, by means of the requests arriving from the user. Depending on a subsystem the user enters certain selection criteria manually. Information search is carried out on official, regularly updated, to Internet resources. Time of processing of a request - several minutes. As a result the user, receives the report in the .doc and .html format containing up-to-date information about a required object
  • in automatic, by means of integration of the Portal with an automated system of the user. As well as at manual the address the Portal carries out information search in Internet resources online, but the answer of the Portal will represent XML-structure of a certain format. Main advantage of such mode is an opportunity to transfer packets of requests to processing.

Licenses and certificates

The informational portal is the intellectual property  of MBKI Ltd — the Certificate on  state registration of the computer programs  No. 2013615041 is granted by Rospatent  of 5/27/2013.

  • The license for activities for  technical confidential information protection  is  the KI 0094 series  No. 004655, the issued  Federal Service for Technical and Export Control of 11/2/2011, registration  No. 1674.
  • The license for  implementation of provision of services  in the field of enciphering of information  is LZ  No.  0025133, FSB of Russia  of 7/28/2011, Reg is issued.  No. 10975U;
  • The license for implementation of distribution of cryptographic (cryptographic) media  is LZ No.  0025132, FSB of Russia  of 7/28/2011, Reg is issued.  No. 10974P;
  • The license for  implementation of maintenance of cryptographic (cryptographic) media  is LZ No.  0025131, FSB of Russia  of 7/28/2011, Reg is issued.  No. 10973X.
  •  MBKI Ltd is included  6/8/2009. Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media in the Register of operators on personal data processing under registration number 09-0053160.
  •  MBKI Ltd has the certificate of compliance to requirements for security of information of a personal data information system "Informational portal MBKI"  No. 22-AC/2012 of   6/15/2012.
  • The decision of Interregional Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on  the centralized data processing ( Notification No. 07-17/0375 @ of    March 04, 2013) about  providing  MBKI Ltd of access to  the data which are contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) and the Unified State Register of Private Entrepreneurs (USRPE).


Official site of MBKI Ltd

See Also

CronosPRO; Cronos-Inform