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Developers: Cronos-Inform
Technology: DBMS



About the software product

The CronosPRO Instrumental Database Management System (IDMS) © is the software package intended for accumulation and information analysis, organized in the form of structured storages – databanks – different degree of complexity.

The TDMS "CronosPRO" is further development of the TDMS "CronosPlus" ©. A system saves all merits of the predecessor, but at the same time significantly exceeds it on functionality, reliability and high-speed performance. A considerable part of users of the TDMS "CronosPRO" is made by the staff of information and analytical divisions and security services of the different companies – those who by the nature of the activity are regularly faced the need of the operational analysis of considerable information volumes.

TDMS "CronosPRO" it:

  • Database management system;
  • System of graphical analysis;
  • Development environment of automated information systems;
  • Technology of information exchange.

"CronosPRO" as database management system

The TDMS "CronosPRO" is the cornerstone a network model of data. Such method of data structure preceded a relational model and was considered, in due time, as already outdated. However time and experience showed that network models are suitable for structuring large volumes of hardly formalizable information. For example, the Internet is the cornerstone of a global network a network model of data structure. Also this model is used during creation of big data warehouses. The TDMS "CronosPRO" has the user interface that allows to address databases without use of a programming language and without specially designed forms. "CronosPRO" allows to perform data exchange with other DBMS and supports work with data of external formats. Special tools allow to perform search in databanks untied among themselves with different structure.

The main differences from other DBMS

So, the main differences from other DBMS:

  • network model of data structure;
  • user interface;
  • the addressing the database without use of programming languages;
  • simultaneous search in databanks with different structure;
  • interaction with other systems and applications.

"CronosPRO" as system of graphical analysis

In the TDMS "CronosPRO" there are instruments of graphical representation. Treat such tools:

  • graphic display of communications between objects;
  • diagrams and charts;
  • tables;
  • reports.

"CronosPRO" as development environment

"CronosPRO" has tool kit which allows to create automated information systems on the basis of this DBMS. In "CronosPRO" there is built-in language of formulas which is used for implementation of standard tasks. Difficult, extraordinary, projects are implemented in the programming language used in "CronosPRO" - Lua. For writing of scripts in "CronosPRO" there is a built-in editor. Among the software solutions developed using "CronosPRO", the following:

"CronosPRO" as technology of information exchange

The TDMS "CronosPRO" allows to create a common information space for information and analytical workers. On the basis of "CronosPRO" the systems of interaction between analytical services can be constructed. The example of this technology is implemented on an informational portal of Cronos-Inform-CroInform Group ©. The service of mutual informing allows to learn about that whom, when and in what purposes the data interesting the user were requested.

Licenses and certificates

The TDMS "CronosPRO" can process the personal data and data containing the state secret what demonstrate to:

  • The FSTEC certificate of the Russian Federation about compliance to information security tools;
  • The conclusion 8 FSB Centers about compliance of the software tool to requirements for data protection.

Features of a system

So, key features of a system are:

  • use of a network model of data structure;
  • dynamic compression of databanks, use of records and fields of variable length;
  • support of the mechanism of identification of records of databases on the criteria set by the user;
  • existence of instruments of design of structure of databanks;
  • possibility of creation, storage and accomplishment of a user code;
  • possibility of input/correction of data with use of the forms configured by the user or standard means;
  • possibility of correction of information in batch mode (mass correction);
  • visualization of creation of advanced queries using different criteria and conditions, including on several connected databases;
  • support of simultaneous search in a set of information arrays;
  • possibility of creation, storage and use of templates of requests;
  • sweep rate of data does not depend on the amount of RAM of the computer;
  • existence of the report generator allowing to use the built-in language of formulas;
  • existence of means of visual display and the analysis of interrelations between objects;
  • possibility of accomplishment of statistical analysis of data, with issue of results in the MS Excel;
  • capability perform information exchange between banks of different structure;
  • support of work with data of external formats (MS Access, MS Excel, Oracle, XML , etc.);
  • existence of a flexible system of security of the stored information which is carrying out tasks of authentication of users, access isolation to subjects to TDMS and registration of the taking place events;
  • existence of a broad spectrum of the service means intended for service of databanks;
  • possibility of automatic execution of a number of transactions (audits, backup, optimization, indexation, etc.) according to the schedule or in a verification regime of files;
  • support of a multi-user operation mode;
  • possibility of remote access to a system via the web interface.

See Also

CronosPlus; Cros; Economic safety; Examination; DataMiner; TeamWork
