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Paulig Group implemented a control system of data on the movement of goods

Customers: Paulig Group (RUS Paulig)

Moscow; Food industry

Contractors: CISLINK
Product: Cislink Data Tracking Service (DTS)

Project date: 2014/05  - 2015/03


On June 18, 2015 it became known of implementation in RUS Paulig company of a control system of data (DTS) from the company CISLINK System Implementation of Control of Data[1].

Project Tasks

To "RUS Paulig" it is provided in different regions of Russia and the CIS countries. Offices of the company are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tver, sales offices — in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Office Paulig Group, 2014

Despite presence of regional representatives to obtain complete and up-to-date information about what happens to goods in regions:

  • as it gets to a distribution network,
  • as it is exposed on shelves of shops,
  • what distribution by brands,
  • distribution by product type depending on the region...

Data collection of distributors became a task with many unknowns.

"First, the large distributor loads goods in five, seven, eight regions of the country where on one delivery week can leave — Igor Castillo, the development manager noted business of projects of RUS Paulig company. — So when these data appear at us, they have nothing in common with reality any more. Secondly, the frequency of providing data was irregular: we received the defective semi-report quarterly. And thirdly, each distributor provided data in Excel, in the format; in the company there was a special employee understanding these tables. But when data were processed, they were not of any value any more. It is clear, that none of distributors wanted to take additional loading on regular "manual" unloading of data, besides, it would be additional load and of our IT department and department of a business intelligence. In 2014 it was decided to adjust the automated data acquisition of distributors through Data Information Servise. And we selected CISLINK company as prime vendor of these services in the market".

Project Progress

In the middle of 2014 the pilot project — connection to the Control system of data (DTS) of CISLINK company of three distributors started. The pilot project proceeded four months, the scheme of interaction with CISLINK service is during this time fulfilled, reference books are loaded and initial work on a binding of articles of distributors to reference books of RUS Paulig company is carried out.

At the same time, forces of specialists of CISLINK company develop MySQL-storage for the most online and convenient access of staff of RUS Paulig to information from distributors. The pilot project came to the end successfully and connection to service of other distributors became the next stage.

Its integration with a corporate ERP system became an important stage of work with the Control system of data. Data from CISLINK come daily to specially developed storage; business - analysts of the company build reports on these data and import them to Microsoft Analysis Services.

Project Results

For June 18, 2015 14 main distributors of RUS Paulig company, including the companies from the CIS countries are connected to DTS.

According to the guide of the customer, use of a control system of data - not just saving of time, but progress in development of the company, in general. Before data on secondary distribution the company did not receive, and now they are. Using DTS the customer plans sales more precisely, obtains data on accomplishment of plans and KPI of employees, predicts expenses. DTS becomes the powerful tool for the department of marketing and trade marketing planning promotion actions depending on sales market which constantly grows.
