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Teradata RainStor

Developers: Teradata
Last Release Date: 2015/06/23
Technology: Cybersecurity - Backup and data storage

RainStor is the solution for accomplishment of a number of tasks of archiving of corporate data.

On June 23, 2015 the Teradata company announced start of the seventh version of Teradata RainStor.

The archive solution RainStor is executed on Hadoop framework, it corresponds to requests of exacting clients on exact compliance to requirements of the regulator and a possibility of the integrated analysis of the saved-up statistical data.

RainStor is the solution for archiving of data of a corporate class created on a basis SQL online. Its use helps to reduce the needs for "iron" and cost value of archiving that promotes creation of the data warehouse available only to reading of information. It helps the customer to conform to all requirements of the regulator and the existing industry standards.

Representation of RainStor, 2013

A system can store considerable volumes structured and semi-structured data from storages, the park of computers, other relational databases. RainStor provides profitable means of storage at the minimum hardware expansion.

The solution Rainstor Archive supports operation of analytical tools with the data which were earlier stored on magnetic tapes in uncontrollable "these lakes" and the data deleted because of the shortage of a free space.

Characteristics of Teradata RainStor provide clients with the best opportunities for archived data storage and extraction from them to valuable information.

Properties of a product

  • The hardware – technology of compression of archive, considerably reduces "iron", necessary for its storage, - in the range from 10 to 40 times, depending on data type.

  • The protected data - RainStor provides the invariance of the data stored in the mode "only for reading". Being saved in a certain type once, your data cannot be modified that provides the audit route protected from accidental amendments.

The added or changed data are taken out for a system circuit in the form of the enclosed file, without changing in storage. RainStor offers the protected access authorization process, control of origin of data, their enciphering.

  • Work in Hadoop - RainStor allows online archiving of corporate data in Hadoop framework. The solution initially works in the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) file system which is available in Teradata Appliance for Hadoop or commercial clusters of Hadoop. In addition to Hadoop, the RainStor technology is available to work on other platforms.

  • Multiple data sources – in addition to Teradata Database, Rainstor can archive data from Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase IQ and IBM Netezza. Capability consolidate data of all corporate divisions in uniform archive allows to save means and to improve quality of analytics.

  • Teradata Unified Data Architecture - created for work in a corporate analytical ecosystem, the solution RainStor is integrated with Teradata Integrated Data Warehouse and supports Teradata QueryGrid. It allows customers to answer new business calls, at the same time reducing total costs and level of complexity of a system.

  • Teradata QueryGrid - to users does not need to initiate multistage processes for the analysis of the relevant and saved-up data by accomplishment of requests in different working environments and to make volume data movements.

    • Teradata QueryGrid allows to get data access in RainStor directly from Teradata requests.

  • Teradata RainStor FastConnect – gives the chance to move data at a high speed from Teradata Integrated Data Warehouse to RainStor with the minimum impact on an initial system or to postpone them to later date.

  • Teradata RainStor FastForward - easily moves and converts the data stored on magnetic tapes in RainStor.

According to creators of technology, RainStor it is developed for use of advantages of cost reduction by compression and deduplication of data when preserving access on demand as though users worked within the database.

Solutions Teradata RainStor 7

RainStor is available to deployment in any of options:

  • Teradata RainStor System Archive - RainStor System Archive saves "cold data", i.e. data which usually are removed from a relational DB after a certain term and move to the centralized DB of archived data storage (a tape or a disk).

This archive solution of a corporate class with data management, tracking of history of their origin and also auditor functionality. It allows to store data in the most effective, the scalable and protected key, at the same time supporting full access to data from an initial system.

  • Teradata RainStor Online Archive – the solution RainStor Online Archive is expected carrying out the deep analysis of the saved-up data in a repository. It is created on the principles and characteristics of RainStor System Archive, but provides the bigger availability by means of the SQL standard via the interface of requests RainStor and also Hive or Pig, in cases when RainStor unroll on Hadoop.

  • Teradata RainStor Regulatory Archive – the RainStor Regulatory Archive application reproduces the main characteristics of RainStor Online Archive with adding of compliance to requirements of the regulator. This solution is suitable for processing of the regulated data, in such industries as a segment of payment cards (the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard standard (PCI DSS), health care and the act existing in the USA within a health care system - the Law on responsibility and data transfer on health care insurance of citizens (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act from 1996 (HIPAA) and also requirements of the Commission of the USA for securities and the exchanges (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

RainStor is available to users.

RainStor 7 will be available since the third quarter 2015.