Developers: | Sybase |
Last Release Date: | March, 2013 |
Technology: | BI, OLAP, DBMS |
Content |
Sybase IQ is DBMS for storages of corporate data implemented on architecture of pokolonochny data storage. This product is applied by over 2100 clients, it is used in more than 4000 projects worldwide. Sybase IQ accelerates receiving and increases the accuracy of results for the most important areas of a business intelligence, data storage, analytical forecasting and solutions on creation of reports. At the same time devices, standard for the industry, and operating systems installed at the enterprises in the different countries of the world are used. The combination of technology of a business intelligence of SAP and Sybase IQ DBMS provides the complete platform for storage and data management which completely satisfies customer needs.
Sybase IQ 16 DBMS
The release of SAP Sybase IQ quicker, more safely is also more adapted for the changing requirements of business. Making available powerful analytics for the bigger number of users and processes with smaller time and monetary expenditure, SAP Sybase IQ provides the SAP platform for data processing in real time with an opportunity really quickly to turn data arrays into the major information for business.
"The new version of SAP Sybase IQ which now is completely integrated into general strategy of SAP is continuation of tremendous innovations which designating symbol was a technology of support of petabytes of data", - Karl Olofsson, IDC says. - "One of such innovations includes an opportunity to make data available in process of their receipt that users could make requests according to these data as soon as they appear in pokolonochny structures. Thus earlier extended obstacle in processing of big data warehouses is excluded. Thanks to this opportunity SAP Sybase IQ allows users to use fully constantly growing volumes of new business data".
SAP Sybase IQ is an integral part of vision by the company of technologies for data management, for data processing in real time the server plays an accurate role as semiautonomous storage for the SAP HANA platform which manages huge arrays of data, historical and postupayemy in real time, in the SAP platform. Besides, SAP Sybase IQ satisfies customers needs in the big corporate data warehouse in certain cases of the isolated deployment.
"SAP Sybase IQ 16 is an important part of our vision of the comprehensive platform for data processing in real time, the server is a joint innovation and experience of commands of SAP and Sybase", - Vishal Sikka, the board member of SAP AG, the direction of technologies and innovations says. - "SAP Sybase IQ 16 is integrated with the SAP HANA platform and gives flexible and logical opportunities for data management to satisfy specific technical and to business requirements. SAP Sybase IQ is adapted for the mixed loads and a large simultaneous number of users. It is software works at different hardware platforms, supports low total ownership cost for the companies which to be competitive, depend on solutions on the basis of data and processes".
- Extraction of valuable information from "Big Data". To pass from terabytes to petabytes, data arrays should be loaded quickly - large volumes equal the needs for high speed, otherwise systems will stand idle. High-performance data loading, the opportunity which passed into SAP Sybase IQ from SAP HANA absorbs large volumes of data quicker, than earlier (petabyte volumes), making "Big Data" available to applications and users for instant decision making quicker. Traditional databases require or setup and optimization, considerable and expensive on time, to provide reports and the analysis with an admissible performance, or specialized hardware platforms which are hard or expensively scaled in process of change of requirements of business. Thanks to the expanded pokolonochny and distributed architecture of massive parallel processing (MPP) and also the patented data compression technologies and indexings of SAP Sybase IQ dynamically manages multiple analytical loadings at the same time, making easier more economically support of thousands of simultaneous users, the user reports and any requests and also based on data of processes of all enterprise.
- Transformation of business due to deep understanding. The companies can reveal new opportunities for business, satisfy customers needs and reduce risks thanks to answers to difficult questions by data for several years at the time of interaction or transaction. In the latest version of SAP Sybase IQ the smart approach based on similarity of data to trace the most optimal access templates to data on all of MPP to structure for ensuring considerable improvements in area of advanced queries on data bulks is applied. Besides the new technology of control of versions at the level of lines (RLV) allows customers to make advanced queries during receiving huge data arrays from different sources, providing information analysis when it is necessary for more effective decision making.
- Availability for service at the enterprise level, fault tolerance, integration and security. The multiplex fault tolerance implemented in SAP Sybase IQ guarantees availability of corporate data at any time. Users can receive responses to any requests with an interactive speed, making the deep analysis with the raised detail level on huge data arrays and using standard integration in solutions for a business intelligence of SAP or other suppliers of BI tools without permanent intervention in IT. "Big Data" become the basis for actions at the expense of different integration modules for use of MapReduce and Hadoop, intelligent data analysis and compatibility of models with language of predictive modeling (PMML), support of language R and expanded library of statistical algorithms. New characteristics of data protection guarantee security and easy management of corporate systems.
Sybase IQ 15.2 DBMS
Sybase IQ of version 15.2, the analytical server with pokolonochny storage installed on the IBM Power 780 Model 9179-MHB server running the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 operating system showed the highest high-speed performance among not clustered systems in the TPC-H test at a large-scale indicator 1 Tbyte. (These beginnings of 2011)
This test models work of decision making support systems of an enterprise scale — such systems analyze considerable amounts of data, process requests of high degree of complexity and give answers to the questions, major for management. Results of testing once again showed that inherent Sybase IQ 15.2 the innovative architecture and parallelism of request processing provide the maximum high-speed performance at reduced requirements to computing powers. The last is reached thanks to complete use of the available resources and considerably reduces ownership cost.
Test results of TPC-H for the joint solution Sybase and IBM:
- The highest high-speed performance at a large-scale indicator 1 Tbyte among not clustered systems: 164,747 requests per hour. This record was reached using twice smaller number of main cores in comparison with the previous record at a large-scale indicator 1 Tbyte for not clustered systems.
- More than 40 percent improvement of price relation and performance in comparison with the previous record at a large-scale indicator 1 Tbyte for not clustered systems.
- For Sybase IQ 15.2 — record number of requests per hour from ever the published results of testing of Sybase IQ on TPC-H technique.
- The IBM Power 780 server using POWER7® processors and solid state drives — one of the most powerful machines of the IBM Power Systems family.
Sybase IQ combines the extraordinary speed of work and high adaptivity with low total cost of ownership, allowing the organizations to solve the most difficult problems of the business analysis and reporting which accomplishment was impossible, impractical earlier or it is economically inefficient. More than 2,000 clients apply Sybase IQ worldwide, having selected innovative technology of pokolonochny processing for the major analytical and reporting systems. Solutions based on Sybase IQ allow the companies to predict more precisely results, in real time to receive a detailed picture of production and to effectively constrain risks in the modern highly competitive economic environment.
Sybase IQ 15.3 DBMS
The structure of Sybase IQ 15.3 includes the platform of the distributed request processing of PlexQ Distributed Query Platform — the architecture of mass parallel processing (MPP) accelerating accomplishment of particularly complex requests by load distribution between a set of computers in a grid-configuration. Unlike MPP architecture without resource sharing, PlexQ uses the approach with complete resource sharing providing dynamic management of the loading generated by requests and its balancing between all computing nodes of the Sybase IQ MPP configuration. The automatic balancer of PlexQ constantly redistributes loading with the purpose to exclude rivalry of users for system resources, providing thereby the predictable high-speed performance sufficient for the whole range of parallel loadings.
Using MPP architecture with complete resource sharing, the platform of the distributed request processing of PlexQ as a part of Sybase IQ 15.3 exceeds traditional MPP architecture without resource sharing regarding parallelism, quality of processing of any requests of self-service and independent horizontal scaling of computing powers and capacities of storage. Thanks to this architecture of PlexQ meets requirements of agreements on the level of service (SLA) much: simple and flexible process of selection of resources allows to execute grouping of nodes in the form of the unified images which can be appointed to different profiles of applications.
The platform of the distributed request processing of PlexQ as a part of Sybase IQ 15.3 offers the following advantages:
- exclusive high-speed performance: users can integrate power of a set of computing resources in the environment of Sybase IQ PlexQ for simultaneous accomplishment even of the most resource-intensive requests;
- the improved scalability: system administrators have an opportunity easily and cost-efficient to execute horizontal scaling of a system in process of increase in amounts of data and complexity of requests, increasing number of nodes any mass hardware;
- architectural flexibility: system administrators can quickly and easily create logical groups of subsets of computing resources in response to the changing user requirements.
Sybase IQ 15.4 DBMS
The main features — existence of the API set based on standard SQL for use of MapReduce technology and integration with Hadoop framework. Among other innovations there is IQ — API for work with DBMS on Java, expansions of already being available set of interfaces for C ++, the support of a markup language of PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) and library of production of data and statistics of Fuzzy Logix company intended for application with MapReduce.
Sybase also from now on offers the free edition IQ Express which is not limited on usage time, but intended only for needs of development and imposing a limit of 5 Gbytes on the extent of base.
Analysts of Forrester Research offer the explanation of appointment of Sybase in the light of active marketing of the SAP HANA complex too expected processing of Big Data: if the last thanks to the high high-speed performance is suitable for the analysis of operational information, then IQ better, considering scalability of this DBMS — for data processing in fast-growing storages.
Main opportunities of a new product:
- The native API MapReduce using the In-Database Analytics and SQL interfaces and allowing to apply alternative methods of the analysis to large volumes of data.
- Integration with Hadoop — various abilities to integrate data and analytical applications in the Hadoop system with Sybase IQ.
- API and means of In-database Analytics — new API Java and the new API C expansions ++, own or certified algorithms of third-party developers allowing to implement high-speed in the database that gives tenfold fall forward of processing. The new simulation environment of intra basic analytics facilitates development and testing.
- The support of the PMML language (Predictive Model Markup Language) by means of the certified connected module Zementis providing automation of accomplishment in the database of the analytical models created using the means of information passing and popular instruments of predictive modeling supporting industry standards.
- The updated library of the statistical functions and functions of information passing executed in the DBLytix database of Fuzzy Logix company. The library uses possibilities of native API MapReduce (TPF), providing high-speed analytical processing.
- The improved compression of text data on comparison with the methods which are traditionally applied during the work with big information arrays.
- The accelerated mass loading of big data sets by means of the ODBC and JDBC interfaces.
- In more detail about Sybase IQ: