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The Holding Center trading house remains under protection of ESET NOD32

Customers: Holding Center, trading house

Product: ESET NOD32 Antivirus
На базе: ESET NOD32

Project date: 2015/06  - 2017/04


On May 25, 2017 the international anti-virus company ESET announced continuation of cooperation with Holding Center Trading House company.

The information network of the company is protected by business solution of ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition. Delivery was executed by SoftKey Ltd company.

"Selecting an anti-virus product for protection of network, we paid attention to several aspects, essentially important for the company. ESET NOD32 completely meets all our requirements. Its reliability is checked in practice. System administrators highly appreciated convenience of the ESET Remote Administrator web console. At the level of ordinary users the product is absolutely imperceptible – it protects the workstation and does not distract from daily work".


June 22, 2015. The international anti-virus company ESET announced the beginning of cooperation with Holding Center Trading House company. For protection of an information network the company purchased corporate solution of ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition.

Thanks to cloud computing and the flexible system of pro-active protection, ESET NOD32 Antivirus Business Edition carried out operational scanning and recognition of threats, representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.

"Our company manages tens of shops, offers floor and office space in lease and also works according to the scheme of franchizing, – Demidenko Vladimir, the head of department of automation of JSC Holding Center Trading House comments. – Harmonious and effective functioning of all structural divisions is ensured by an information network of the company, and we pay to its security special attention. We aimed to select such anti-virus product which will reliably protect our network, without requiring at the same time permanent attention system administrators. ESET NOD32 completely conforms to these requirements".