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+ ESET (ESET of Softvea)

ESET is developer company of the software in information security field. Representative offices of ESET are located in 160 countries of the world. The headquarters of ESET is in Bratislava, Slovakia and in San Diego, the USA.

Business in Russia

2018: Record sales growth for 14%

The representative office of anti-virus company Eset in Russia and the CIS summed up on February 25, 2019 the work results for 2018. The company completed reporting period with record sales growth for 14%. At the same time the number of clients of anti-virus solutions of Eset increased by 34% in comparison with 2017.

From significant points of growth in the company noted the retail direction and also business in the CIS. The company strengthened positions and on market of telecommunications — sales in this segment increased by 78%. Such good result is caused by effective cooperation with operators "Beeline", "Rostelecom", "MegaFon", Tele2 and MTS within affiliate programs.

Updating and expansion of a line of corporate products became an important factor of growth, according to Eset. So, the company presented the sets of solutions with the built-in sandbox of Eset Dynamic Threat Defense intended for large and medium business. Also corporate clients could estimate the updated functionality of the solution "Office Control and DLP Safetica". From the companies also the telemetric service Eset Threat Intelligence which provides information on the target attacks, new malware and activity of botnets used great interest.

In 2018 Eset also implemented a number of the service initiatives designed to optimize interaction of clients and partners with the company in all contact points. Record levels of NPS and NSAT of clients — 69% and 66% respectively became result. The indicator of satisfaction of partners was 83%.

Start of free service "A guarantee of antivirus protection" became one of key service activities — at its connection users of Eset will be able to return money in case of the incident connected with information security. Large business can also expect compensation for damage.

In 2019 the company intends to expand a product line and a partner network and also to implement new service initiatives. One of strategic objectives of the company — to strengthen positions in the field of service in the Russian IT market.

2017: Start of the new direction of business of Eset Cloud

On July 10, 2017 the Eset company provided in Russia and the CIS Eset Cloud — the new direction of business for service providers within which partners will be able to manage far off anti-virus solutions of the corporate customers. The Eset Cloud model is focused on service providers for whom essentially new affiliate program is developed.

According to the statement of Eset, business is perspective for the following types of the companies:

  • cloud service providers;

  • system integrators and distributors of software solutions;

  • IT outsourcers;

  • hosting providers;

  • Internet service providers and telecom operators.

Cloud services of Eset are flexibly configured under model of sales and specifics of work of the partner with the customer and, as envisioned by the company, will allow partners: sell anti-virus solutions of Eset on the basis of a monthly subscription; render a range of services on management of antivirus protection and remote administration; make the solutions Eset a part of a complex of cloud services and deliver them together with the virtual equipment as a part of a single batch; conduct settlement with the customer, proceeding from the number of days of use of products.

According to developers, distinctive feature of cloud services of Eset are the minimum costs for integration, or its total absence.

Customers should not purchase separately licenses for the solutions Eset, to be engaged in deployment and administration, to keep in staff, responsible for anti-virus security. All above-mentioned is undertaken by the certified partner of Eset Cloud. The customer needs only to pay monthly service, emphasized in the company.

Within cloud services of Eset the complex packets of security adapted for small, medium and large business are available. Products for protection of file and mail servers are separately provided. The customer can change in real time quantity of the protected nodes and the products Eset, paying only actually consumed services.

"The Eset Cloud model expands possibilities of service provider and displays them for a framework of resale of licenses based on a monthly subscription. We offer partners an opportunity to manage far off antivirus protection of the customer — Alexey Kosichenko, the director of the department of development of Eset Russia commented on start of the new direction of business. — The partner earns from new service, and the customer saves time and money. Besides, partners of Eset will be able to add own cloud direction, offering customers antivirus protection and due level of service".

2016: The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications refuses to enter Eset antivirus in the register of domestic software

In February, 2016 ESET Development LLC suggested to include the product of complete anti-virus solution in the register of domestic software which conducts the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Department refused to the company, and it took legal action. But the arbitration court in October, 2016 rejected the claim ESET development [2] (in more detail).


Growth of revenue by 11% to 3.8 billion rub

On April 18, 2016 ESET published results of previous year. The company showed steady growth of income in the falling Russian market of antiviruses.

According to the message of ESET, in 2015 the company increased revenue by 11%. She did not specify a monetary indicator. In 2014 sales of ESET in Russia made 3.5 billion rubles. It turns out that 2015 revenue of the company reached about 3.885 billion rubles.

Revenue of ESET in the falling Russian market of antiviruses grew by 11%

The vendor noted that in 2014 and 2015 the market of antiviruses in Russia balanced between the insignificant growth and decrease. The retail sector has a negative impact: here sales dropped by 18% in January-September, 2015 of rather same period of previous year (data of GfK).

Start of new solutions for mobile devices, joint projects with cellular operators and the online sales of ESET which came back to growth are called the pacing factors promoting increase in revenues of ESET.

In 2015 15% of revenue of ESET were the share of products for smartphones and tablets, such as NOD32 Mobile Security and NOD32 Parental Control for Android, against 5% the previous year.

As for cellular operators, with them ESET advances special versions of mobile products and the solution for corporate clients, starts marketing initiatives and develops some other projects. According to forecasts of vendor, in 2016 partnership with operators will bring the companies to 10% of revenue.

Finish 2015 with two-digit growth — quite good result — the chief representative of ESET in Russia and the CIS Denis Mateev says. — We do not lose turnovers. According to the results of the first quarter, despite the continuing general falling of the market, our growth of revenue was 8%. If positive dynamics remains, we will revise the forecast for a year upward.

ESET looks for a method to bypass preferences to the Russian software

The foreign IT companies began to create joint solutions with the Russian firms for a bypass of the law on preferences to the Russian software on state procurements.

In particular, as reports RBC, the Slovak company Eset which is releasing NOD32 antivirus acted this way. It created the joint solution with Code of Security company for protection of computers and servers which the Slovak antivirus is built in.

To be considered as Russian, software should possess to the companies from shares of the foreign capital less than 50%, the representative Code of Security of Gushchin Svetlana noted. Assignments of Eset will make less than 30% of revenue when implementing Secret Net Studio, she added.[1]

2014: Work results in Russia, increase in prices for business products

At the end of 2014 revenue from sales of corporate solutions of ESET in Russia grew by 12% in rubles at an annual average rate, brought data into the companies in January, 2015. The percent of prolongation of corporate licenses at the same time reached record 88% (made 84% in 2013).

The share of corporate and retail sales in the general structure of revenue of ESET in Russia is approximately identical. The chief representative of the company in Russia and the CIS Denis Mateev told TAdviser that against the background of growth of corporate sales, in the retail direction of sale in Russia last year practically did not grow.

Mateev estimates total sales of antivirus software in Russia at the end of 2014 at 12 billion rubles, and a share of ESET in this market - approximately at 25-30%. Thus, proceeding from these estimates, local revenue of the company at the end of year made more than 3 billion rubles.

About 20-25% of total sales of ESET in Russia at the end of 2014 were the share of the online canal. According to the company, at the same time for 2014 its online sales in the country grew by 31%. Also in the company note significant increase in demand for an anti-virus product for the mobile devices ESET NOD32 Mobile Security for Android. Sales in this direction in 2014 grew by 3 times and provided more than 10% of all retail sales in the country, bring data into the companies.

In 2015 ESET expects to increase sales in Russia by 12%

Total number of clients of ESET in Russia in 2014 grew by 3%. The number of users of the solutions ESET in Russia reached 15 million of which a quarter is made by commercial, provide data in the Russian representative office.

Denis Mateev also reported that since January, 2015 ESET raised the prices of corporate products in Russia by 17%. It is not connected with rate fluctuations of currencies, just the company did not change the price of the products long ago, he explained. The prices of retail products at the same time were frozen for half a year. As far as they will grow up after this term, in the company did not specify, having said that as of the beginning of year it is not defined yet.

At the end of 2015 ESET expects the general sales growth in Russia approximately for 12%, recognizing that to achieve the planned indicator will be difficult against the background of reduction both employees in the companies, and numbers of the companies in the market and also the PC market.

Among drivers of growth of revenue in the local market in 2015 in the company see sales increase of the products in a high price segment and also increase in focus at work with the companies of the SMB-segment. In addition, in 2015 ESET plans will focus on further quality improvement of a customer support. Also updating of a product line for corporate users is planned.

The Russian representative office of ESET also told TAdviser that as of the beginning of 2015 the number of the local state, including employees and in other CIS countries, is about 150 people. For the last year it practically did not change, added to the companies.

2012: Opening of the ESET Consulting direction

In May, 2012 ESET announced opening of the new direction of business in Russia – ESET Consulting which will specialize in providing consulting and services on protection of legal entities against purposeful cybercriminal activity.

Specialists of ESET note several years the high growth of incidents in the field of the information security (IS) at the enterprises of different sectors of economy: industrial espionage, cracking of banking systems, DDoS-and other types of the purposeful attacks. The ESET company became the first anti-virus vendor in Russia which provides at the official level a complex consulting and services in the field of protection against cyber crime.

At the time of opening the following ESET Consulting service portfolio is available to corporate customers:

  • Analysis and research of security of an information system.
  • Penetration tests.
  • DDoS- counteraction to the attacks.
  • Rapid response and investigation of incidents in the field of cybersecurity.
  • Implementation and technical support of solutions ESET NOD32.

Projects of the ESET Consulting direction will be implemented with assistance of the Center of the virus researches ESET in Moscow, some other divisions of the company and also with involvement of partners of ESET in information security field. Project works will be performed by the experts who are highly qualified in the field of the cybersecurity including confirmed with international certificates and also wealth of experience on investigation of incidents in various sectors of the economy. It will allow to provide a comprehensive protection of IT infrastructure of the enterprise, to create objectivity of results according to the results of the carried-out works and to develop the solutions having maximum efficiency for each specific organization.

2011: Opening of support department of large corporate projects

In April, 2011 the Russian representative office of ESET announced the organization of support department of large corporate projects within the Russian office of the company. The corporate ESET direction in Russia annually shows dynamic growth rates: the company continuously increases the list of the clients in all segments of the market. For the purpose of strengthening of positions of ESET in a corporate segment and also granting the high level of service for big customers the decision to create new division of support of large corporate projects was made.

The main objective of new division – increase in level consulting and services for strategic clients whose PC park contains more than 500 jobs. Especially it is relevant for the organizations with wide geographically distributed structure. Within department it is provided the different services connected with preparation and projects implementation including the recommendation about a license policy, formalization of processes of migration on the products ESET. The staff of department will also provide free training of specialists of the customer of integration of solutions ESET NOD32 at the enterprises. Besides, the division will interact with partners of the company in Russia and the CIS countries.

2010: Russia in top-3 the most important markets of the company

As of November, 2010 Russia is included into the three of strategically important representative offices in the world.

2008: EVRAZ Group S.A. - the biggest customer

The largest customer of ESET as of 2008-2009 — the EVRAZ Group S.A. company which purchased 22 thousand licenses for an antivirus.

2007: Sales in Russia and the CIS without Ukraine $20 million

In 2007 sales of anti-virus ESET NOD32 system in Russia and the CIS (excepting Ukraine) exceeded $20 million.

2005: Opening of representation in Russia

The representative office of ESET in Russia is open in January, 2005.

Business in Belarus

In October, 2011 the ESET company announced that products ESET NOD32 received the certificate of Gosstandart of Republic of Belarus issued by Operational analytical center at the President of Republic of Belarus. This certificate confirms that the ESET software products conform to requirements of technical regulatory legal acts of the legislation of Belarus and can be set in public institutions and the commercial organizations.

In previous years the product demand of ESET and among corporate customers grew. With respect thereto the decision on certification of the products ESET according to requirements of STB 34.101.8-2006 was made. Existence of the certificate of Operational analytical center at the President of Republic of Belarus will allow ESET to provide reliable protection against penetration of the malicious software into IT infrastructure of public institutions and the commercial organizations.


2012: Growth of revenue for 4 years for 303%

According to Deloitte revenue of ESET from 2008 to 2012 increased by 303%.

2011: Founders leave posts in the company

January 13, 2011. Founders and co-owners of ESET company - Miroslav Trnka, Rudolf Hrubý, Maros Gryund (Maro š Grund) and Anton Zajac, left managerial posts and left the positions in Board of Directors.

One more co-owner of the company - Richard Marko, (Richard Marko), which was earlier holding a position of the technical director is appointed the CEO of ESET. It released Miroslav Trnk from a duty. Pavol Luka who was the Chief information officer of the company earlier became the new technical director of ESET. The chief researcher of ESET, Maros Gryund was replaced by Juraj Malcho, the former head of virus laboratory ESET. Milan Masaryk became Rudolf Hrubi's receiver and was appointed the chief financial officer of the company. Besides, also the director of the headquarters of ESET in North America, Anton Zayats was replaced. Its duties were transferred to Andrew Lee.

"This initiative occurs within global reorganization of management of ESET that is connected with high growth rates of the company, enlargement and expansion of business, – Mikhail Drozhzhevkin, the head of the Russian representative office of ESET comments. – In 2010 ESET already broke all most optimistic records, the business-related companies. I think that new approach in management, undoubtedly, will allow ESET to continue aggressive policy on mastering of the different markets and to reach the new level of development".

2010: One of the most fast-growing companies EMEA

According to the annual rating of Deloitte Technology Fast 500 EMEA (2010), the general indicator of growth of ESET for the last five years was 530% that allowed the company to take the 343rd position in TOP-500 the most fast-growing companies in Europe, Africa and in the Middle East. Besides, according to results of rating, ESET became the 25th most fast-growing company in Central Europe.

1988: The first antivirus of the company

The predecessor of an antivirus of ESET NOD32 was born in May, 1988. Then on Czechoslovak television the series "Hospital on the Outskirts of the City" enjoyed wide popularity (or "Nemocnica na Okraji Mesta". As you know, the first viruses were attacked only the boot sector, too located on "outskirts" of a disk. And as the antivirus quite could descend for hospital, was decided to beat the name with almost eponymous series. As a result the antivirus "Hospital on the edge of a disk" turned out (or "Nemocnica na Okraji Disku", i.e. NOD).

As for pronunciation, gradually classical "engn ou" forced out diya simpler and clear "notes!". Later anti-virus NOD32 system, naturally, began to differ from the first versions of NOD considerably. A system was transferred to a 32-bit basis what the 32 prefix to writing of NOD32 testifies to. And now former separate writing of NOD32 already in the history. NOD and 32 merged together, having formed only the correct writing - NOD32 though today the software of ESET NOD32 supports as well 64-bit operating systems of Windows.

See Also
