Customers: Globex Bank Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit Contractors: R-Style Softlab Product: RS-SecuritiesSecond product: Finastra Kondor++ Third product: RS-Connect Project date: 2013/09 - 2018/04
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2018: Automation of interaction with the Electronic exchange of bank guarantees
On June 14, 2018 the R-Style Softlab company announced end in GLOBEX bank of the project on automation of interaction with the Electronic Exchange of Bank Guarantees (EEBG). At the heart of the implemented solution — a product of the company "RS-Connect. Exchange with EBBG", intended for the organization of online interaction between different banking systems and marketplace.
As a result of the project executed by R-Style Softlab company all information on the issued bank on electronic exchange bank guarantees automatically is included in the core banking system. It allowed to reduce significantly load of bank specialists, having saved them from need of manual entry of data.
"The electronic exchange of bank guarantees renders assistance to participants of tenders for state procurements when receiving necessary financial provision by them. Thanks to our solution "RS-Connect. Exchange with EBBG" the bank could optimize internal processes of processing of requests for obtaining bank guarantees, accelerate information exchange with the system of the exchange and, eventually, increase number of the issued bank guarantees, at the same time significantly having reduced error probability when entering data on them into the core banking system". Anna Nazarova, associate director of department of banking software of RS-Bank, R-Style Softlab
Integration of the RS-Securities V.6 and Misys Kondor systems +
On September 24, 2015 R-Style Softlab announced integration of RS-Securities V.6 into the Kondor system + in GLOBEX bank[1].
Office of bank (2013)
Integration of systems helped bank to start broker customer service with marginal crediting, allowing clients to make the security transactions not only at the expense of own means, but also on credit. Quickly to trace the current information on the client, tasks between the integrated systems were effectively distributed. Now tax and financial accounting, the reporting under accounts and agreements of the client, determination of "a starting status" (a remaining balance for the beginning of day) are implemented in functionality of RS-Securities V.6, and online calculation of financial client state is made in Kondor+.
"As a result of project implementation in GLOBEX bank the product of our RS-Bank company received the standard interface to the popular information system Kondor+ — Mikhail Drobyshevsky, the deputy CEO of R-Style Softlab company noted. — We already had a successful experience of integration of information systems using web services. However in GLOBEX bank the full range of own tools of the company, including internal development — "A transport component" was for the first time tested".
Implementation of the modules RS-Securities
In Ltd CB GLOBEX the project on implementation of the modules "Back Office of Transactions with Derivative Tools" and "The Considered Bills of Exchange" is kept. Dmitry Zaplatkin, the senior vice president of bank, reported that almost all modules RS-Securities are involved in its credit institution and gateways with external systems are organized. At the first stage of the project in GLOBEX bank the "Back Office of Transactions with Securities" and "Depositary" applications from the structure of RS-Securities were implemented, converting of data is carried out, works on creation of the integration platform for exchange of accounting data between RS-Securities and the Ledger of bank (third-party development) through web services are performed. In parallel there was implementation of the application for automation of tax accounting.