Bashkir republican geological fund
Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation
450006, Lenin St., 86
Top managers:
Smirnov Alexander Ilyich
The Bashkir republican geological fund works as a part of the ministry of environmental management and ecology of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The main the purpose of fund - formation of a common information space by means of creation of a databank of geological information on the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The fund renders public services:
- Providing in use of the data from republican fund of geological information received as a result of the state geological studying of a subsoil
- Providing the conclusions about existence (absence) of fields of popular minerals on the built-up sections (the certificate of a bezrudnost).
Historical information
In 1930 along with the organization of geological service in the territory of Bashkiria – the Bashkir prospecting management (BGRU) of Narkomtyazha of the USSR the geological fund is created.
In 1949 by order of the Ministry of geology of the USSR No. 248-3 of 6/28/49 based on BGRU created the Southern Ural Geological Management (SUGM). The territory serviced by management changed. Except the area of Bashkiria, included the field of activity of YuUGU: western areas of Kazakhstan, Upper Ural district of Chelyabinsk region, Orenburg region. With respect thereto the Geological fund was renamed into the Southern Ural geological fund and was department of YuUGU. Respectively reports on all geological researches conducted by YuUGU in the above-stated territories came to fund.
In 1956 the serviced territory was reduced, in connection with selection of the West Kazakhstan areas and transfer to their geological services of Kazakhstan.
In 1957 of 8/28/57 YuUGU is renamed by Glavgeologiya's order at Council of Ministers of RSFSR into the Southern Ural Territorial Geological Department (SUTGD), and the Southern Ural geological fund became also territorial.
In 1960 the Orenburg geological department to which all works on the Orenburg region were transferred was formed, and all reporting materials on the works which are earlier made in the territory of the area were contributed to their geological fund.
In 1961 YuUTGU is transformed to the Bashkir Territorial Geological Department (BTGD), and Southern Ural territorial geolfond is renamed into Bashkir. Further the Bashkir geological fund was structural division of BTGU which was repeatedly transformed and renamed. However the name of the Bashkir territorial geological fund remained invariable up to 1992 when it was a part of PGO "Bashkirgeologiya".
In 1992 based on the Bashkir territorial geological fund the Bashkir Republican Geological Fund (BRGF) which was a part of the State committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan on geology and use of a subsoil as department was organized.
Since 2002 BRGF, being under authority of Management on geology and use of a subsoil of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and since 2003 the Ministries of natural resources of the Republic of Bashkortostan as organizational structural division SUE Bashgeolcentre of RB was a part.
Since 2004 functions of the Bashkir republican geological fund were performed by department of geological information of the Ministry of Natural Resources of RB. Since 2006 - the department of monitoring and information technologies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of RB, since 2008 - department of nature-resource and ecological information of Minekologiya of RB, and since 2009 and till present function of geological fund are assigned to department of information resources and Minekologiya's monitoring by RB.