In Khabarovsk Krai began digitization of archive of district department "REGISTRY OFFICE" on the equipment of "ELAR"
Customers: Administration of Khabarovsk Krai
Contractors: ELAR (Electronic archive, NPO Opyt) Product: ELARSKANProject date: 2015/04 - 2015/09
Number of licenses: 500 books
October 20, 2015. ELAR corporation announced delivery of the planetary scanner of ELARSKAN of A2 to department of ZAGS of administration of the Verkhnebureinsky municipal district of Khabarovsk Krai. The scanning equipment is necessary for department for the independent translation of registers in an electronic form.
Department of ZAGS of administration of the Verkhnebureinsky municipal district of Khabarovsk Krai, 2015
Digitization of ZAGS archives is carried out within the state program of the Russian Federation "Information society (2011-2020)", the single system of accounting assuming formation for rendering of services in electronic form: registration of the facts of the birth, adoption, death, change of a name, the conclusion or annulment of marriage, issue of duplicates of certificates, providing data in the interested public authorities.
ELARSKAN A2 is delivered in district department of ZAGS of Khabarovsk Krai by completely ready to work and equipped set of the Russified software of a premium class which allows to make scanning and to process images in batch mode. Work with the device is simplest, convenient and does not demand from the user of ownership of special skills. The contactless method of scanning of ELARSKAN A2 excludes mechanical impact on originals and their damage. Besides, the scanner is equipped with a manual book cradle which moving parts can be configured under the different thickness of a back of the scanned books, representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.
"We should digitize about 500 books on 250-300 sheets which thickness of a back can reach 10 cm. Some assembly books have quite solid "age" - the earliest records in them were made in 1929. Digitization will reduce the number of addressing paper originals, having ensured their safety and also having simplified employees search of necessary entries in assembly books, - Natalya Turchenko, the head of department of ZAGS of administration of the Verkhnebureinsky municipal district told. – Works on the translation of books in an electronic form already began".
"The ELAR planetary scanners are already used for independent digitization of assembly books in managements of ZAGS of Udmurtia, the Arkhangelsk, Lipetsk and Chelyabinsk regions. Except the equipment in bodies of ZAGS of the Sakha (Yakutia) Republic, the Samara and Kaliningrad regions the system of electronic archive based on ELAR SAPERION is used. It simplified conducting accounting activity of organizations, reduced the number of appeals to paper archive, reduced terms of provision of services to citizens and preparation of responses to interdepartmental requests, - Ilya Verigin, the expert of ELAR comments. – The system of electronic archive also increased the level of control over internal and external activity of REGISTRY OFFICES, i.e. minimized risk of non-execution of requests at the scheduled time".