Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

FSM Projectile Field Maintenance and Repair Management

The name of the base system (platform): Adeptik Optimization Planning System for Production, Logistics and Service
Developers: Mobile services
Branches: Transport
Technology: TMS - Transport Management,  Time & Attendance


PROJECTILE|FSM is a field service management system with the ability to automatically schedule.

2022: Change of copyright holder

In August 2022 (25.08.2022) exclusive right to the product PROJECTILE|FSM passed from Adeptic Plus LLC to Mobile Services LLC.

2021: FSM Projectile Functionality

PROJECTILE|FSM functionality for April 2021 includes:

  • Receiving calls from customers, creating work orders and setting up an exit schedule
  • Displaying the Actions and Moves of Field Employees
  • Maintenance of the directory of service objects with the work history for each object
  • Create regular customer service schedules
  • Various analyses
  • Displaying work orders and the ability to indicate the state of work and the mark on performance
  • Reports on the work performed with the ability to indicate the consumption of materials and attach a photo of the result
  • Customer Survey

2016: Purpose, composition, effects of implementation

The product "FSM Field Maintenance and Repair Management" is designed to improve the efficiency and productivity of field workers, dispatchers and their managers.

Field workers - employees of enterprises (service engineers, repair teams, mechanics, inspectors, etc.), most of the time working outside the office at geographically distributed facilities.

The work of visiting employees must be managed:

  • Make plans for the use of personnel with optimal allocation of resources;
  • Manage employee workload so that there are no downtime and open tasks;
  • Quickly draw up daily lists of tasks and routes (the right employee in the right place);
  • Monitor the performance of tasks, movement/location of field employees;
  • Provide visiting employees with a professional mobile application that eliminates paper work and will allow them to maintain communication with the office on the ground: receive a list of works, a route of movement, operational messages and keep records of spares;
  • Analyze the work done to make it better next time.

"FSM Field Service Management" is a multi-industry FSM (Field Service Manager) solution that automates the above processes.

Results of use:

  • Increased controllability during emergency situations with objects (failure, breakdowns, etc.);
  • The number of errors in the work of field personnel is reduced;
  • Increasing the productivity of dispatchers and field employees;
  • Costs are reduced by saving time on familiar operations by building optimal routes and efficient distribution of work.

The solution consists of 2 parts:

The configuration "FSM Field Maintenance and Repair Management" is not independent, for its operation it is necessary to have an established standard configuration 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 "based on the" 1C:Enterprise 8.3 "platform. The exchange takes place through the http configuration service: the mobile application generates a request to the service and receives a response to it.

The configuration is secure and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user, has hardware protection against unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of the maximum possible openness of the code is implemented to ensure the possibility of adapting the product to the needs of end users.