Customers: RC MEI Contractors: 1C-Rarus Product: 1C-Rarus: Public catering 8На базе: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Project date: 2015/10 - 2015/12
On December 21, 2015 the 1C-Rarus company announced project implementation on automation of a single system of accounting for plant of a power supply of MEI.
Project Tasks
The plant's management of MEI set for 1C-Rarus company the task - to automate accounting in uniform information base for several points of a power supply with a total daily flow in 7 thousand visitors. For the solution of the designated requirements the product " is implemented by 1C: Public catering 8".
Project Results
With implementation "1C: A public catering 8" in points of public catering of MEI plant (3 table, 15 buffets, cafe of fast food) became available:
- the information system allowing to keep multicorporate account (are automated operational, accounting and tax accounting);
- work with process charts;
- calculation of cost value of dishes and semi-finished products;
- conducting inventory accounting (receipt, movement, inventory and write-off of Inventories, retail and wholesale);
- automatic formation of postings;
- data exchange with systems "1C-Rarus: Restaurant + Bar + Cafe" and UCS Rkeeper;
- control of existence, expense of goods, sales of products.