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Rosevrobank reduced time of consideration of requests for the credits

Customers: Rosevrobank, JSB

Moscow; Financial services, investments and audit

Product: SAS Real-Time Decision Manager (RTDM)

Project date: 2015/03  - 2018/04

2018: Creation of the pipeline on the unsecured credits for individuals

On June 13, 2018 the company SAP CIS announced that "Rosevrobank" together with the companies ASAP Consulting and GlowByte Consulting completed implementation of the credit pipeline on the unsecured credits for individuals. It will accelerate consideration of requests and information support of clients. They will receive letters and SMS, confirmation of the solution and other information at all stages of consideration of the request and preparation of the transaction.

Process of crediting is most automated. Consultation of the client, selection of a credit product, calculation of its parameters, execution of the request and decision-making on it, formation of the electronic credit folder and also issuance of credit are put into operation of the pipeline. At each stage necessary documents and terms are controlled, and then the corresponding tasks to the employees form. Also there were automatic preliminary checks according to the request allowing to reduce operating expenses.

The credit pipeline will allow bank to consider up to 100,000 requests for the unsecured credits a year.

"The technology is based on solutions SAP CRM and SAS RTDM and is built in the operating IT architecture of Rosevrobank. Thanks to what and finishing crediting process, beginning from consultation of the client with issuance of credit, it became most automated. It will allow to reduce time of consideration of the credit request and also to increase quality of assessment of borrowers and to lower operating costs".

Natalya Luchinets, head of department of development of technologies of retail business of Rosevrobank

"For the consumer more and more important is a factor of time which he spends on receiving this or that service. The implemented system allows specialists of bank to reduce time for routine processes, to know the client better and to dispose effectively of resources".

2016: Implementation of SAS RTDM as base for creation of the credit pipeline

Upgrade of mechanisms of complex risk assessment on the client presumably will allow to increase the speed of making decision on a credit limit and to finish time of consideration of the credit request up to several minutes.

In the spring of 2016 in Rosevrobank the first project on creation of the credit pipeline based on the solution SAS Real-Time Decision Manager (RTDM) and SAS Enterprise Miner is complete. The project was implemented by the partner of SAS Russia/CIS the GlowByte Consulting company having experience in implementing solutions of SAS in financial credit institutions. The system constructed based on SAS RTDM allowed to change process of complex risk assessment for the acting clients of Bank at making decision on issue of the credit card to them. Now can flexibly operate Bank the size of a credit limit and also calculate a credit limit according to the scheme of express approval. At the same time, a system will allow to increase quality of assessment of the borrower and at the expense of it to reduce risks of Bank. Thanks to the maximum automation of processing of credit requests it was succeeded to reduce significantly influence of a human factor at making decision on issuance of credit, thereby having minimized the operational risks connected with this process.

The implemented analytical blocks of the credit pipeline on the SAS RTDM platform are integrated into a CRM circuit of Bank. Now risk analytics have an opportunity in batch mode to estimate risk level and solvency of all borrowers in the selected segment. The credit limit calculated by a system and the recommended rate are told the client via communication channels available to the CRM system in the form of the offer on the credit.

"Standardization and automation of process of adoption of credit solutions reduce load of all divisions of Bank involved in this business. By our experience, it promotes not only to better risk management, but also significant decrease in operating costs. All range of scoring algorithms allow to use solutions of SAS and to balance risk/portfolio return according to the accepted strategy, – commented on start of the new credit pipeline in Gamanyuk Pavel Bank, the head of management practice by risks of GlowByte Consulting company. – A new system provides much the best control over decision making process and minimizes operational risks".