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Баннер в шапке 2

Implementation the Compass - Personnel management at the Electroplant

Customers: Electroplant, holding company

Contractors: Compass
Product: Compass: Personnel management
На базе: ERP system Compass

Project date: 2004/03  - 2004/06
Number of licenses: 40

From 2004 to 2012 only modules "the COMPASS were used: Personnel records" and "COMPASS: Payroll". In 2012 implementation of the module "the COMPASS began: Human resource management". In May, 2012 only are put by forces of management of information technologies of HK "Elektrozavod" into working operation a planning feature of training and retraining of personnel. Then implementation of automated scoring of personnel began.

In March, 2012 licenses to use of the module "KOMPAS were purchased: Human resource management", and during the spring the staff of Management of Information Technologies of JSC HK Elektrozavod is exclusive by own efforts, without resorting to the help of consultants of KOMPAS company, carried out implementation of this module regarding profiling of positions and planning of training and retraining of staff of the company. In the automated workplaces of human resources managers such functions as are used now:

  • accounting of education, skills of employees;
  • planning of actions (rates), for a covering of needs for training;
  • execution of unplanned requests for retraining of employees;
  • automatic formation of lists on planned and unplanned training and advanced training;
  • accounting of educational institutions and courses of retraining;
  • accounting of cost of retraining;
  • planning and accounting of limits and training costs, comparison of planned and actual costs;

There is a next stage of automation – the functionality of assessment and employee assessment is implemented. In further plans use and all other opportunities which are given "by the COMPASS: Human resource management".