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Баннер в шапке 2

"ACC-Budget Control" is used in Finance department of Yekaterinburg

Customers: Finance department of Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg; Government and social institutions

Product: ACC-Budget Control
Second product: ADC-Planning
Third product: ADC-Finance

Project date: 2015/10  - 2016/02

In Yekaterinburg the works on upgrade of functional structure of a single system of management of public finance regarding financial control and control in the field of purchases are completed. The specialists of Administration of Yekaterinburg responsible for control and auditing activity work in a common information space of the ACC-Budget Control system.

For the purpose of quality improvement of management of municipal finance and ensuring efficient and transparent use of budgetary funds since 2008 in Administration of Yekaterinburg work on automation of crucial elements of management of public finance of the city is conducted. So, based on information systems of BFT Company planning processes ("ADC-Planning"), budget implementation ("ADC-Finance"), procurement management were automated ("ATsK-Munitsipalny the order") and a common information space of management of a financial system of the city is created.

Entry into force in 2013 of Federal laws No. 252-FZ and No. 44-FZ and updating at the legislative level of content of control activity created the legal basis for improvement of control and auditing activity. With respect thereto the Finance department of Administration of Yekaterinburg made the decision on upgrade of functional structure of a single system of management of public finance and automation of control and auditing activity of the city based on the information solution "ACC-Budget Control". After a successful completion of trial operation the Finance department and Control and audit administration of Administration of Yekaterinburg and also the main managers of budgetary funds are connected to an automated system of financial control.

Project implementation allowed to increase quality of control and auditing activity of Yekaterinburg for the account:

  • uses in work of data on execution of the local budget;
  • approvals of control actions for a planning stage, first of all for the purpose of an exception of duplication of control actions;
  • preparation of necessary documents for holding control actions in the automated mode (programs of checks, administrative documents for holding control actions);
  • automatic formation of all printed forms of documents based on holding control actions and also all necessary reporting.