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Clearview Federal Credit Union implemented the systems of remote interactive service

Customers: Clearview Federal Credit Union

Moon Township; Financial services, investments and audit

Contractors: NCR
Product: APTRA Interactive Teller

Project date: 2016/01  - 2016/05

On August 31, 2016 the NCR company announced implementation of interactive systems of NCR Interactive Teller in federal credit union Clearview.

Project Results

Commissioning of interactive systems NCR (NCR Interactive Teller) for drive-up services helps users to use quickly technologies and to execute banking activities without going out of the car.

Devices help clients to interact far off with financial institutions by means of high-quality video and audio communication. Technologies are supported to 95% of traditional client transaction services in real time at distance that increases a geographical coverage and time of availability of financial institutions to customer appeals.

At office Clearview Federal Credit Union. In the picture the CEO of the company Mark Brennan, (2015)

Interactive video technologies NCR help financial institutions to implement omnichannel solutions, relevant for consumers. With their help bank branches will be transformed to the expert and advisory centers helping business with achievement of their financial purposes.

The clients who do not have an opportunity to visit banking institution in their working hours or preferring not to go to them, can also get expert advice in the mode of remote access.

We see that more and more financial institutions offer the clients flexible formats of provision of services which become an integral part of their life. The software of NCR Interactive Teller means fast and reliable service. I think that employees of Clearview will estimate the increased convenience and flexibility in customer interaction thanks to new technology.

Brian Bailey, the vice president and the general manager on development of solutions for financial services NCR