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2016/10/07 12:58:40

Interview of TAdviser with the vice chairman of the board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Nikolay Elistratov

[1] The vice chairman of the board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Nikolay Elistratov told about development of departmental information systems and the first projects of import substitution in an interview to the Chief Editor of TAdviser Alexander Levashov.

already lives In thoughts of AIS RPF-3. We know approximate parameters of the future.

What projects take away most of all your time and forces now?

Nikolay Elistratov: There are several priorities which occupy a considerable part of time. The first is a creation of AIS RPF-2. In 2016 comes to an end the planned terms of creation of this system. Since 2017 we bring it into commercial operation. Point debugging of all tools, all mechanisms is now conducted. Work is very heavy. There are so-called releases when we with each new stage start more and more subsystems.

The second is a seat of RPF in the electronic government. Transfer of state services to an electronic form, services of the Uniform portal of state services, portal of the Pension fund. For the last we passed few years from internal work in the IT block to external, ekstravertny.

The third and fourth priorities are the [2] Single State Information System of Social Security (SSISSS) and the Federal Register of Disabled People (FRDP). Work is interesting, creative. On FRI by the end of 2016 we will be able already to show powerful information products which will really work, for the benefit of the person.

Kind of you described that stage at which there is a development of an information system of RPF?

Nikolay Elistratov: When we speak about the history of information technology development in RPF, we select two big stages. The first - till 2012, the second later.

Till 12th year there was no accurate concept of development of IT. We began with it. And at the first stage we considered that the concept of IT needs to be written after the development strategy of RPF in general is written. When I worked year here, understood that if we do not move forward, we will never write the concept. Because the strategy of RPF constantly changes. Each half a year something new, the legislation is mobile. It transforms matter.

We wrote the concept of AIS RPF-2 together with consultants all 2011. Then creation of a system began, and at the end of 2016 - the beginning of 2017 its industrial start starts. After that all 2017 we will be as good district doctors to go with the thermometer and to measure degree of dynamics of each of 27 subsystems, to watch how they interact with each other and with external the world.

In what fundamental differences of the AIS of RPF of the first and second generation?

Nikolay Elistratov: Two systems differ cardinally. The first was exclusively internal, practically did not communicate with the outside world, issued the reporting and statistics on pensions, on administration. A system worked for statistics, the budget.

At a boundary of 2012 all model of the electronic government in Russia began to be developed. It entailed changes and in our actions. There was an external circuit – a subsystem of external interaction. AIS RPF-2 is in many respects ground on external interaction through EPGU, through SIEI. At us there is a lot of services therefore we are connected with many departments an extensive infrastructure network.

And the general in the first and second systems the fact that they are connected by an ideological rod – the personified accounting. On it all history of the Pension fund is tied.

What next stage of development of the AIS of RPF, for example, in the horizon till 2020? Whether there is a concept AIS RPF-3?

Nikolay Elistratov: Already lives in thoughts of AIS RPF-3. At least because AIS RPF-2 is started. We know approximate parameters of the future. And, of course, the question of it costs. But we made the decision that we will not untwist the new concept in 2017. It is the running in period. And in 2018 we will have something with digits 2018-2025. I think that improvement of a system from within – high-speed performance, openness, data protection will become a rod. There will be a choice of the new ideas which are given rise by the electronic government. And the most important – RPF will develop as the powerful innovation center in the field of social security. For this purpose there are all premises.

We at the end of 2016 - the beginning of 2017 start universal and very mobile platform on which technology "cubes of Lego" are strung. Each cube is a modern subsystem. But each cube from 27 is coordinated by "nervous system" in a uniform organism. We will try to increase power of this system, to do it to the most technological, friendly, convenient for the person.

Life itself finds to us tasks. Happens that you begin with a trifle, and then it grows in something large-scale. So was with EGISSO and FRI. In about five years, on my representations, EGISSO will become a full-fledged information system of social security of the Russian Federation in general. It is always important to remember that our purposes were integrated to the purposes of other departments. In this regard our experience of interaction with FTS – delegation of power on administration – shows that in the future, probably, resources need to be unified and to centralizovyvat substantially. It will allow both to save money and to improve reciprocal relationships between federal bodies.

The example with FTS is, apparently, simple transfer of function of one department in another. But in relation to FTS and RPF is a problem of huge scale. Because as we already understood, it is simple to pull out a subsystem of administration of insurance premiums and to transfer it to FTS is and it will be difficult to us to make, and for our colleagues unacceptably. It will not get used to an organism of FTS because we developed on different platforms. Tasks are close, but all miscellaneous.

It is a lot of headache, but on this process of transfer of function from one department to another we with FTS give rise to absolutely modern history. It is that in the course of joint work we begin to grope joint mechanisms of the solution of adjacent tasks.

Do you adjust unification of systems?

Nikolay Elistratov: Data purifications – on a TIN and the Insurance Number of Individual Ledger Account – we conduct for a long time. And now we try that these identifiers worked in close coordination. It is simple give the subsystem we cannot because we have set of functions which will work at that information. And it is impossible from the technology point of view.

I.e. it is possible to tell that you solved this problem?

Nikolay Elistratov: We are very close to its solution. All parameters of implementation are accepted. At us there take place regular joint meetings. Since January 1 we will begin to work according to the new scheme - FTS will administer, and we will do everything possible that process went. That both structures obtained reliable data.

Whether experience of creation of AIS RPF-2 in the course of creation of EGISSO is considered?

Nikolay Elistratov: Everything is considered and everything becomes in a new way. We create a system on wealth of experience and "the typed cones". We take many tools from experience of creation of AIS RPF-2. We understand that EGISSO - a system absolutely external. There a basis of architecture are the center and an external circuit. It will be created again and in close interaction with other departments. By the operator of infrastructure it is defined the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Will earn a state cloud and open source software.

Do you have a plan of import substitution?

Nikolay Elistratov: Yes. There is a plan, there are testirovochny stands, there are interesting results. Often we do not manage to test everything in executive directorate therefore we give these tasks to strong regions. We test, for example, servers on Elbrus processors.

What results?

Nikolay Elistratov: On those tasks which not fatal, not the thinnest of Elbrusa we are suited. We already compare price policy and possibilities of the areas. We always had an IBM focused structure. And when we begin to compare, it turns out that Elbrusov in comparison with "ayka" it is necessary in 10 times more, and it means that it is necessary in 10 times more of the areas. But at the same time the price label falls a little. Attentively we keep track of dynamics. And from easy problems we pass to difficult. We watch how the equipment will behave on hard tasks. But as there are restrictions on the same areas and there is a care waiting for price policy, we try to calculate all risks.

Where are now used Elbrusa?

Nikolay Elistratov: We bought and we use Elbrusa on several functions which we worked on servers of IBM earlier. First of all, it is service of informing citizens.

In the main infrastructure?

Nikolay Elistratov: Yes, they work in the productive sphere in our interregional information center where the most part of our machines is located. It is our main technology platform.

And what progress with import substitution of software?

Nikolay Elistratov: The pilot project on document flow in Tatarstan is implemented. But the number of notes from us to a product was such that contractors choked. But it, I consider, great advantage because we give notes not to refuse domestic developments. We ask to make changes, and each time the product becomes better and better. We are close to required result.

After Tatarstan is happy, the product will be will be implemented also in other regions?

Nikolay Elistratov: Without doubts.

And as for basic software – operating systems, DBMS?

Nikolay Elistratov: We here at the beginning of a way. So far to tell there is nothing.

How your situation with the IT budget? Whether it is necessary to reduce it?

Nikolay Elistratov: According to the plan of informatization of 2016-2018 we put 13.931 billion rubles for 2016. Then it was necessary to reduce to 12.6 billion. Each digit at each department has the color. For RPF the general IT budget includes 2.2 billion on communication services, 1.8 billion more on phones, cartridges and other component parts. The remained money is distributed on 2700 points of presence of RPF.

We carried out interesting analytical work inside – took budgets of our colleagues from other departments, structured them as we see, broke into quantity of points of presence and by different parameters – development of new tools, operation of systems – compared and came to a conclusion that the vast majority of large departments was ahead of us on costs, some by 2 - 2.5 times.

For 2017 we wanted to increase the IT budget since we pass a peak point of development, at us 2016 comes to an end. We start AIS RPF-2, there is a creation of EGISSO and FRI. But to us reduced a request. And we would be satisfied if left us at least the same digit to which we will come to the end of 2016.

Because the last three years to us optimize the budget, we on rates of development do not fail, in terms we display in commercial operation of AIS RPF-2 and we start creation of EGISSO and FRI, but we lack storage systems and simple workstations for regions.

And how many money is necessary on computers, to replace outdated which are more than five years old?

Nikolay Elistratov: 2 billion rubles. Constantly we face the choice – or to spend for computers, or to develop according to plan.

Gosoblako and uniform telecom infrastructure do not help to optimize costs?

Nikolay Elistratov: Eventually, it is sure, optimize. And it is natural. But it is a way which only should be passed.

If I correctly understand, EGISSO will be the first system which you place in "state cloud"?

Nikolay Elistratov: Yes, we very much would like that this system opened new generations of the innovation large-scale tools.

And whether there are similar plans about AIS RPF-2?

Nikolay Elistratov: Without any jokes when we meet the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, always we say that we will be very glad to test and use all opportunities. We try to make so that our resources were cheaper. We have a technology platform on Sushchevsky to a shaft. Owing to the fact that we at the end of 2015 came to limits of capacities we were forced to look for platforms to throw there a part of a development environment. As a result today already actively we work at Goznak.

For you it was the first experience of outsourcing of infrastructure?

Nikolay Elistratov: Yes. The first experience. I hope, it will be successful.

Rostelecom, as far as we know, should become gosoblaka operator, but in this question there is some normative collapse …

Nikolay Elistratov: In it there are also our concerns to avoid risk zones, the main condition of our interaction. We are ready to go for big changes, we conduct active dialogue with many, including with Rostelecom. Are ready to test, use their infrastructure, but we cannot risk since our functions - socially important. Unfortunately, it is one of big problems for FOIVOV when good tools are created, but sometimes lose in time. We would be glad if EPGU always advanced our internal portal of electronic services. There is already big group of pensioners who can receive award of pension never coming into our offices. In a personal account on our internal portal already well to 47 services, and some of them are very demanded. For half a year – more than 2 million runs in a personal account are made.

Together with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications we work on that to use the centralized capacities at full capacity.

Also you will refuse to provide services on the website?

Nikolay Elistratov: Absolutely truly. If uniform telecom infrastructure to us allows to save, we will be able to be engaged in many, ordinarier affairs.

Whether you hope that import substitution will allow you to save?

Nikolay Elistratov: Any diplomat would tell that we very much would like it. There are in Russia things which exceed the western or east analogs. We have such number of "golden" people, there are no such brains anywhere. Such people come to us to practice, but then, as a rule, leave. They go excellent school to RPF. But to stop talented young specialists very difficult. It is a problem in country scales. People are the best, but they are blurred by disorder.

As for an economic benefit from import substitution, it will occur if producers do not lift up the price. But if they grow by 40%, then risks of non-execution of social obligations will not leave us the choice.

Expensive equipment not always the worst. But if besides it even more volume, works more slowly and serves less, then precisely it is worse. And our people deserve only the most convenient and good.

If domestic manufacturers make everything qualitatively and will hold for many years a high level of quality and culture of service, then our IT the industry will rise quickly. All of us hope for it.

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