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Developers: SKB Kontur, Evotor (OFD Platform)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017
Last Release Date: 2020/02/10


2020: Integration with service of Modulbank "Credit under turnover"

SKB Kontur and "Modulbank" were integrated. Now clients of Modulbank after consent to data transmission can be credited under turnover from the online cash desks connected to a Circuit.OFD. The client of bank should not collect declarations and references — enough passport. On February 10, 2020 SKB Kontur reported about it.

Entrepreneurs need the credits for business development, for small business it was always difficult to receive them. Banks ask a large number of documents, pledge or the guarantee, quite often make biased decisions. Process drags on for several weeks, and there are no guarantees that the credit will be approved as a result. "Modulbank" developed an algorithm which within several minutes analyzes data on turnover on online cash desk and creates the individual credit proposal for the client, including the volume of credit, a rate and repayment periods — without pledge, guarantors and additional documents. Service was started in 2017, now the operator Kontur.Ofd was connected to it.

The client of Modulbank specifies OFD which transfers data from its online cash desks to FTS — a Circuit.OFD in a personal account of bank. Then the client passes a Circuit.OFD into a personal account, signs consent to transfer of fiscal data. The client can configure the list of cash desks from which data, and data transmission terms will be transferred. After that data from cash desk will be automatically transferred to bank. The bank sees real turnover of the client and creates the credit proposal. The client can close access to bank to the fiscal data at any time.

Crediting under turnover from online cash desks solves two problems at once. For bank — reduces risks. Because without scoring financing of small and medium business was and remains high-risk process. And fiscal data from online cash desk help to obtain information on turnovers of borrowers online. Secondly, for SP and legal persons it simplifies process of the request for the credit. It is not necessary to collect declarations, it is enough to sign consent to transfer of fiscal data to bank in a personal account of OFD,
speaks the project manager on application of fiscal data in bank processes of SKB Kontur Eldar Safarov

For bank the credit under turnover of online cash desks is one of the easiest ways to check as far as activity of the company is real. It is a reliable indicator, to forge integration and the movement of money it is impossible. Tax trusts these data, we too. Thanks to integration about a Circuit.OFD process of consideration of the request takes 20 minutes. During this time the client would not manage even to reach to office of bank,
notes Victoria Kazakova, the senior manager on work with agents and partners of Modulbank


Integration about the Circuit. Elba

On December 25, 2019 SKB Kontur reported that Elba was integrated about a Circuit.OFD. Read more here.

Partnership with First OFD in the field of processing of Big Data

Fiscal data operators "First OFD" and Circuit of OFD announced on March 25, 2019 partnership in the field of processing Big Data (Big Data). Cooperation is intended to increase the accuracy of analytical results and quality of market research of sales. In more detail here.

2017: Partnership of OFD Platform and "special design bureau of the Circuit" on provision of services of OFD

"OFD platform" and SKB Kontur signed the partnership agreement on provision of services of the fiscal data operator in January, 2017. The integrated Kontur.Ofd service which integrated technical solution of the licensed fiscal data operator OFD Platform (in the register of FTS Evotor of OFD) and development of SKB Kontur — "A personal account of the owner of the cash register equipment" for monitoring of the transferred fiscal data, formation on their basis of analytical reports and also online registration of cash desks became result of partnership.

Services OFD as a part of service are rendered through OFD Platform operator (permission to processing of fiscal data — by order of FTS of 8/31/2016 No. ED-7-20/468 @). Thus, the integrated Kontur.Ofd service meets the requirements of federal law No. 54-FZ in edition 290-FZ of July 3, 2016 (regarding rendering services of the fiscal data operator) and guarantees uninterrupted processing, the protected transfer, due storage and confidentiality of the transferred data.

Since February 1, 2017 transfer of fiscal data in FTS will become obligatory for all registered cash desks, and since July 1, 2017 all applied cash desks should transfer data on settlings with buyers to tax administration. The Kontur.Ofd service gives the chance to clients to fulfill the requirements 54-FZ and, together with obligatory transfer of fiscal data through OFD, to use additional services of Personal account: trace sales volume and returns in real time, to control work of sellers, to compare activity of buyers, to create and unload analytical reports on the transferred data and also to perform any registration operations with the cash registers on the Internet.

It is possible to be connected to the integrated Kontur.Ofd service in one of more than 1500 service centers "SKB Kontur" in all regions of Russia. Also in representative offices it is possible to purchase the qualified digital signature certificate for work with Personal account and registration of cash desks on the Internet.