Annual International GIS forum "Integration of Geospace — the Future of Information Technologies", on April 19-21, 2017
International GIS forum is the largest in Russia and the CIS an action for the professionals specializing in the field of use of space shooting, aviation shooting (including from unmanned aerial vehicles – the UAV), laser scanning, cartography, creation of geographic information systems and services of different function.
Annually the forum integrates more than 70 speakers and 350 participants among whom there are leading suppliers, experts and the companies — consumers of the products GIS and DZZ. Traditionally representatives of Roskosmos Group, JSC Rossiyskiye kosmicheskiye sistemy, Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, National Center for Crisis Management (Federal State Institution of NTsUKS Emercom of Russia), Rosleskhoz, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation, JSC Roskartografiya, JSC Gazprom, JSC Rosneft, JSC Surgutneftegas, Moscow State University of geodesy and cartography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the leading commercial organizations of Russia and also foreign suppliers of data and developers of geographic information systems participate in a forum.
In the program:
- International conference
- Industry round tables
- Master classes and seminars
- Tender of the best GIS - and DZZ-projects
- Exhibition of technologies and equipment
Subjects coming GIS forum:
- Use of data of space and aviation shooting, air laser scanning for solving of tasks of cartography, rural, forest, water management, the oil and gas and mining industries, transport, regional and municipal government.
- New approaches to receiving and processing of space data.
- Cost efficiency of implementation of geoinformation technologies and use of space and aviation shooting. The best cases of the gained income owing to the carried-out integration and implementation of new technologies. The Russian and international experience of data application of space and aviation shooting for assessment of economic potential of projects. How does space help investors?
- Import substitution. The software presentation for work with space data from domestic developers. An open discussion during which participants will discuss how demanded will be the provided products and services and also will reveal the factors which are slowing down promotion of these or those technologies in the Russian realities.
- Pilotless business. Drones – a fashion trend or pressing need?
- Intellectual geographic information systems and services. Proposed solutions and examples of implementation. BigData and IoT technologies as drivers of development of the industry.
- In an orbit. New groupings of satellites of space shooting – the new market. Data or services – what will be selected by the consumer?
For participation it is necessary to be registered on the website till 4/12/2017.
Venue: Moscow area, Imperial park hotel.
The additional information can be obtained at organizers: +7 (916) 456-98-96, e-mail:
Seminar "Creation of corporate web GIS based on the Geoanalytics Platform"
Within carrying out the 11th international the GIS forum "Integration of Geospace — the Future of Information Technologies" (on April 19-21, 2017, the Imperial Spa-hotel, Moscow area) will pass a seminar "Creation of corporate web GIS based on the Geoanalytics Platform".
The Geoanalitika platform is the Russian geoinformation platform intended for development of corporate web GIS and information and analytical systems, creation of cloud geoinformation services. The Geoanalitika platform is developed by specialists of Sovzond company since 2015.
The basic license for the Geoanalitika platform allows to create the cartographic websites providing the solution of the following tasks:
- display of space information;
- import and export of geodata;
- providing to users access to instruments of work with geodata (search, editing, filtering, etc.).
The expanded license provides additional instruments of storage and data analysis, including:
- the automated loading and processing of geodata from open and commercial sources;
- data analysis of remote sensing of Earth, including atmospheric correction, calculation of vegetative indexes, morphometric analysis of a relief, cluster analysis, creation of classification and regression models.
In the first part of a seminar the overview of the Geoanalitika platform will be submitted: functionality, architecture, integration mechanisms with other systems, schemes of licensing, etc.
In the second part of a seminar practical demonstration of creation of corporate web GIS based on the Geoanalitika platform from loading of initial data before formation of the complete geoinformation solution will be carried out. Participants of a seminar will be able to get acquainted with the next stages of creation of web GIS:
- preparation of initial data (connection to data sources, import/export of data, creation of new tables in base of geodata, connection of external geoinformation services for work in a system);
- publication of services (creation of OGC services, cartographic stylization of vector and raster data, caching of taylovy services);
- publication of thematic projects (creation of the project, setup of layers, attributive information, access rights to the project);
- work with the thematic project (management of layers of data, editing, search and data filtering, work with the table, creation of a data mart).
In the third part of a seminar the next plans for development of the Geoanalitika platform including including, support of new formats of data, expansion of opportunities of data analysis and use of additional specialized solutions on storage, cataloguing and data processing will be submitted.
Seminar "Approaches to detection and assessment of not used farmlands on the basis of geospatial information"
Within the GIS forum "Integration of Geospace — the Future of Information Technologies" (on April 19-21, 2017, the Imperial Spa-hotel, Moscow area) the seminar "Approaches to the system of assessment of lands on the basis of geospatial information" will take place.
Not used farmlands are the sphere of interest of many state and private organizations. Modern technologies of space monitoring allow to reveal not used the earth of different type and quality, to estimate complexity and prospects of their involvement. On the basis of information on existence in the territory of not used farmlands state bodies make the decision on imposing of penalties or seizure of land at owners. The type and a stage of overgrowing and also efficiency of use in the past is important information at the solution of a question of acquisition of the land plots for conducting agricultural production. The distance to sources of industrial pollution, availability of infrastructure is used at assessment of prospects of use of the land plots for organic agriculture.
Specialists of Sovzond company develop a technology chain of identification and assessment of a status of not used farmlands which includes semi-automatic algorithms of receiving basic products. Expert verification allows to increase the accuracy and quality of selection of not used lands.
The program of a seminar includes 3 blocks:
1. The finished technology chain of processing and interpretation of multispectral data of DZZ from the Landsat and Sentinel spacecrafts for solving of tasks of identification of not used lands using the software packages ENVI and QGIS.
2. Use of space pictures of Resource-P in the developed technological solutions.
3. Demonstration of the thematic geoportal created based on space pictures of high and ultrahigh resolution.
We invite to participate in a seminar of investors in the field of agriculture, representatives of agroholdings, agricultural-producers of all levels, heads of regional governments and departments of agriculture, the land and property relations, the insurance companies working in agro-industrial complex and also everyone.
Seminar "New opportunities of processing and data visualization of remote sensing of Earth using ENVI 5.4"
Within annual international the GIS forum "Integration of Geospace — the Future of Information Technologies" (on April 19-21, 2017, Imperial Spa-hotel, Moscow area) will take place a seminar "New opportunities of processing and data visualization of remote sensing of Earth using ENVI 5.4".
Today specialists of different areas even more often resort to use of data of remote sensing at detection and the analysis of changes of the environment, mapping of natural complexes, infrastructures, implementation of long-term monitoring. Use of data of remote sensing considerably increases efficiency of receiving and updating of information on the interesting objects of the land surface and reduces terms of execution of works. Observation of the Earth's surface occupies more than 350 satellite systems. It means a huge variety of the possible directions of their application, but, at the same time causes the necessity of development of tools for data processing of remote observations. Therefore innovations of ENVI of version 5.4 cover practically all stages of preparation, thematic processing and data preparation.
ENVI (Environment for visualizing images) is the effective and available software allowing to perform a full stroke of processing and the analysis of optical-electronic and radar data of remote sensing of Earth and also their integration with given laser scanning, web maps and data of geographic information systems.
During the seminar the following questions will be considered:
- updates of the interface of a possibility of data visualization;
- support of new sensors;
- enhanced capabilities of work with "scientific" formats of data (HDF4/5, NetCDF);
- continuation of integration with ENVI LiDAR: creation of TsMM on a cloud of points, orthotransformation of pictures on the received model;
- automation of cutting of the image on tiles;
- an algorithm of masking of overcast Fmask for data of Landsat, Sentinel-2 and NPP VIIRS Moderate Resolution;
- new approach to classification: application using the new options API of the standards collected according to one picture to other pictures and also calculation of a matrix of errors;
- interactive editing results of classification.
The seminar will be interesting as the specialists who already have work experience in the software package ENVI and the new users wishing to gain an impression about program capabilities and technologies of data processing of DZZ.
Seminar "Vector tiles - the modern mode of work with volume geospatial data in web applications"
Within GIS forum there will take place the seminar "Vector tiles - the modern mode of work with volume geospatial data in web applications"
Traditionally cards in web applications form from a set of bitmap images of the identical size, so-called tiles. For each large-scale level the server the fixed set of pictures forms. For difficult space data process of rendering of initial data in images takes essential time and requires big disk space. The received tiles are normal pictures and do not bear any attributive or geometrical information on initial data.
The technology of vector tiles allows to design the card not from freeze frame images, and from pieces of the initial data containing both geometry, and necessary attributes. Among advantages of this technology – not only high data-refresh rate and smaller requirements to disk space, but also ample opportunities on creation of maps with dynamic stylization and display in 3D. About opportunities and restrictions of this technology the speech in a seminar will also go.
The technology of vector tiles will be available to users of the Geoanalitika Platform starting with version 1.1 which release is expected in July, 2017. Within the seminar use of vector tiles on the example of the developed Geoanalitiki version will be shown.
The program of a seminar includes three blocks:
- overview of technology of creation and use of vector tiles, story about its advantages and restrictions;
- the overview of services for generation of vector tiles and stylization of cards (Maputnik and Openmaptiles, Mapbox Studio, Mapzen Tangram);
- demonstration of operation of the module of generation of vector tiles.
Processing of radar data with the help of the new version of SARscape 5.4. OPTICALscape is a new product for creation of TsMM on optical these DZZ and shootings from UAVs
Within XI International specialists of the Swiss company sarmap SA - developer of the software package SARscape - will provide to the GIS forum "Integration of Geospace — the Future of Information Technologies" possibilities of a new software version of ENVI/SARscape 5.4 intended for processing of radar data of DZZ, will give examples of the thematic products received in SARscape and their applications in geographic information systems. Also OPTICALscape – the new software product for creation of digital models of the area and a relief will be provided according to the optical stereo-shootings received from the spacecrafts (S) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
The following subjects will be presented in the report at a plenary session:
- information on sarmap SA company;
- functionality and thematic applications of the modules SARscape 5.4;
- possibilities of the new version of SARscape 5.4;
- the new product OPTICALscape – opportunities for creation of TsMM/TsMR according to the optical stereo-shootings received with KA and the UAV;
Within the technical seminar SARscape developers will in details consider the following subjects:
- SARscape 5.4 is the overview of functionality of modules;
- new opportunities of SARscape 5.4:
- acceleration of processing of big arrays of radar data on GPU clusters (PS, SBAS, CCD technology);
- Sentinel-1 is focusing of data of zero level, new convenient tools of cutting of section of interest, downloading these shootings and files of correction of an orbit, more exact geocoding;
- new instrument of coherent detection of changes;
- support of interferometric data processing in the mode of shooting ScanSAR from satellites TerraSAR-X and ALOS-2 in the module SARscape ScanSAR interferometry;
- new features of detection of the ships and moving targets;
- support of data of SRTM with the 30-meter permission;
- examples of the thematic products received in SARscape 5.4:
- topography (creation of TsMM/TsMR, cloud of points, comparison of interferometric and radargrammetrichesky technologies);
- agriculture (land use monitoring, classification of crops, forecasting of productivity);
- forestry (mapping of pedigree structure of the wood, monitoring of deforestation, identification of gary);
- monitoring of shifts of the land surface (landslides, earthquakes, volcanoes, geophysical modeling of shifts);
- monitoring of shifts and deformations of buildings, constructions and infrastructure facilities;
- plans for further development of SARscape;
- OPTICALscape:
- overview of a product;
- the automated creation of TsMM according to the optical stereo-shootings received with KA and the UAV;
- SARscape + OPTICALscape is merge of optical and radar TsMM
It is possible to issue the application for participation till April 12, 2017 on the conference website in the section Registration. You can obtain the additional information in Sovzond company by ph. +7 (495) 642-8870, +7 (916) 456-9896, e-mail:
Results of XI International GIS-Foruma "Integration of geospace – the future of information technologies"
On April 19-21, 2017 in Moscow region SPA hotel "Imperial" XI took place International GIS-Forum "Integration of geospace ― the future of information technologies", organized by Sovzond company.
This year the forum brought together more than 350 representatives of bodies of the public, regional and municipal administration, business companies, the scientific and educational organizations from Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the USA, Spain, France, the Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and other countries.
Companies DigitalGlobe, Planet, SCANEX Group, Tre-Altamira became sponsors of an action. Information support to a forum was given by more than 30 Russian and foreign printed and electronic media.
The business GIS-Foruma program included:
- plenary sessions
- round table
- master class
- seminars
- "Equipment and GIS Technology" exhibition
- tender "The Best Projects in the field of GIS and DZZ"
Within the forum there took place 7 plenary sessions at which participants submitted more than 50 reports on the most current problems of geoinformatics. Special attention was paid to perspectives of development of the industry of GIS and DZZ, import substitution in the field of the geoinformation software, to use of space data. Great interest was attracted by the round table devoted to the Russian grouping of the DZZ satellites. The important place at a forum was taken by discussion of questions of aviation shooting, including using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Many reports were devoted expert GIS in the different industries.
Welcoming guests GIS-Foruma, the CEO of Sovzond company Vladimir Mikhaylov noted that the year which passed since the previous forum can be assessed with confidence positively for all directions of geoinformation industry: there are grandiose changes caused by the increasing frequency and efficiency of space shooting, expansion of opportunities of the analysis of space information for the purpose of obtaining new knowledge; there were groupings of the small satellites consisting of a huge number of devices that allows to conduct shooting of all Earth's surface in the daily mode; the unmanned aerial vehicles supplied with a photo and video cameras are actively used for monitoring a status of objects and changes on the land surface.
On April 19 a plenary session "In an orbit. New groupings of the DZZ satellites — the new market" was opened by the First Deputy CEO of Sovzond company Mikhail Bolsunovsky. He devoted the performance to the new stage in development of geoinformation industry called by it "the Geoindustry 4.0". In the report the trends observed in remote sensing of Earth, aviation shooting, use of the UAV, data processing were analyzed and the forecast as these spheres in 5 and 15 years will look is made. What changes wait for the industry of geoinformation technologies and DZZ in 15 years? Information analysis will be carried out in the automatic mode (since collecting of necessary data), there will be a transition to systems to informal and intuitive perception of tasks with providing solutions to the user of optimal variants on the basis of dynamic space model.
About new products of the industry of DZZ and GIS, the existing problems, trends of development and future the industries were told also by other speakers. The senior director on development of sales channels of DigitalGlobe company (USA) Makher Kuri told about the rapid changes happening in the company about the new opportunities which appeared with start of the WorldView-4 satellite. The sales director of Planet company (USA) Blanca Payas told about new approaches to space monitoring — accomplishment of daily shooting of any area of the planet and access for clients to data within several hours. The director of global markets of SCANEX Group Andrey Shumakov acquainted attendees with the products and services offered by his company. The director of the department of development and management of the state information resources of Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation agrarian and industrial Complex Igor Kozubenko noted that agriculture due to use of space monitoring and shooting with the UAV considerably increases the competitiveness.
During the plenary session "Geoinformatics in a Public Sector" the associate director of Department of automatic space complexes and the systems of Roskosmos Group Valery Zaichko told about the Russian land infrastructure of DZZ and its opportunities. The associate director of Federal State Budgetary Institution Rosselchosmontoring Natalya Vandysheva paid the main attention to a monitoring system of lands of agricultural appointment. The associate director of Federal State Budgetary Institution Roslesinforg Andrey Shlyamin devoted the report to problems of providing the forest industry with information on a status of the woods and forest resources. Great interest was attracted by the report of the director of business development of Sovzond company Vyacheslav Butin. He told about methods of correction of incorrect investment assessment of an object, involvement in turnover of new objects and other methods of increase in income using space shooting. The head of ESTI Group Sergey Varushchenko stopped in the report on a status and perspectives of a GIS-applications in Russia.
"GEO in IT" made a speech at a plenary session the director of the GIM International edition (Netherlands) Darc Haarzma, the associate director of projects on creation of the systems of DZZ JSC Rossiyskiye kosmicheskiye sistemy Andrey Yemelyanov, etc. With great interest participants listened to a performance report of the director of science of Sovzond company Ilya Rylsky about advantages of air laser scanning as source of high-precision data. The session came to the end with the discussion organized by an Internet resource of TAdviser and devoted to questions of import substitution, economy and economy. During the discussion the First Deputy CEO of Sovzond company Mikhail Bolsunovsky noted that implementation of new technologies allows to save means and to gain indirect income. It gave the GRADIS system developed by the company allowing municipal entities to increase a taxable basis, so to fill up the municipal budget as an example.
The plenary session "The Latest Geoservices and Technologies" was provided by reports of the head of department of the pilotless systems of Sovzond company Maxim of Mitino on intellectual service of the order of aerial photograph Flayber, the project manager of DAURIA company Alexander Malinin about the Auriga microsatellite, the sales manager in Russia and the CIS to DigitalGlobe company of Ilya Yudin about the DigitalGlobe Basemap platform, etc.
In parallel with plenary sessions the master class of Planet company ("PlanetPlatform") and a seminar of Sovzond company were held ("GRADIS" technology of identification of the objects of capital construction which are not standing on the cadastral registration).
In the second day of a forum, on April 20, 3 plenary sessions took place. During the "Latest Geoservices and Technologies" session made reports the co-founder of AstroDigital company (USA) Ekaterina Lengold about new grouping of the DZZ mini-satellites, the associate director of GBU CO Kalugainformtekh Sergey Aldoshin about monitoring of lands of agricultural purpose of the Kaluga region (the joint project with Sovzond company), the manager digging of "Yandex" Tatyana Popova about Yandex.Maps service, the senior engineer on data processing of DZZ of Sarmap company (Switzerland) Andrey Gardino about SARscape software, etc.
The special session was devoted to implementation of geoinformation technologies. The head of department of thematic data processing of DZZ of Sovzond company Sergey Myshlyakov told about new opportunities of radar shooting for the solution of industry tasks, the senior research associate of Resonon company (USA) Adam Stern devoted the report to hyper spectral shooting. Also commercial director of JSC Racours Alexander Chekurin, etc. made a speech at a session.
Specialists of Sovzond company, Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIFTRI, geographical faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University, etc. made a speech at a plenary session "Use of Data of Space, Aviation and Instrumental Shooting". All reports at plenary sessions attracted great interest, to speakers many questions were set, after the performances of a discussion proceeded also on the sidelines.
The presentations of reports are available to downloading on the website GIS-Foruma —
In parallel with plenary sessions on April 20 there passed the round table "The Russian grouping of the DZZ satellites. Efficiency, availability, possibilities of processing". Discussion of problems took place in a business and constructive situation. The associate director of Department of automatic space complexes and the systems of Roskosmos Group Valery Zaichko in details told about the state of affairs in the Russian industry of DZZ, outlined perspectives, answered numerous questions.
On April 20 and 21 10 seminars devoted to the most different GIS and DZZ directions were held. Sovzond, Planet, DigitalGlobe, Tre-Altamira, Sarmap, Southern Federal University acted as organizers of seminars.
Traditionally the annual tender "The Best Projects in the field of GIS and DZZ" took place. This time the winner was defined in two nominations.
- Development of unique technologies in the field of DZZ and GIS
The winner — DAURIA Company with the Development of the Auriga Microsatellite for Remote Sensing of the Earth of High Resolution in Optical Band project.
- The best innovation project with use of space data of DZZ
The winner — the Ufa institute of biology of RAS with the project "Mapping of vegetation and determination of stocks of a pasturable forage for the created population of a horse of Przhevalsky on section "The Cis-Urals steppe" of the national Orenburg nature reserve.
Participated in Tender also Geographical faculty Lomonosov Moscow State University and Gamayun. aero (joint project), ANT LLC and JSC Kazgeokosmos.
The Russian and foreign companies participated in the Equipment and Technologies exhibition: Planet (USA), DigitalGlobe (USA), SI Imaging Services (Republic of Korea), SCANEX Group (Russia), Bespilotnye sistemy Group (Russia), Tomskasuproyekt (Russia). the Newest Developments of the Company Sovzond LLC — the land and property GRADIS system and the Russian geoinformation Geoanalitika platform were provided at demonstration stands.
In addition to a highly topical business program, guests of the Forum participated in entertaining and sporting events.
On April 19 during the evening buffet reception was the fascinating intellectual competition "Brain ring is led: a fight of the best minds of DZZ and GIS" with participation of 8 commands made of delegates of the Forum headed by captains. Best of all the command under Sergey Myshlyakov's (Sovzond) leadership, in structure Yury Kuznetsov (Federal State Budgetary Institution PCF of Rosreestr), Elena Isaeva (SUE CIT of RT), Alexander Korobkin (Belgiprozem), Irina Klitochenko ("Gelio-Paks"), Ilya Rylsky (Sovzond) coped with tricky and interesting questions.
April 20 began with morning jog which brought together 16 most brave guests. None of participants withdrew, all reached the finish and were rewarded for the morning sports feat — received corporate t-shirts and memorable sports flasks with symbolics GIS-Foruma.
Day with rewarding of sponsors and winners of competition of GIS projects came to the end with a banquet.
The detailed photoreport where each participant will be able to find also the photo, is available —
The Sovzond company thanks each participant for the shown interest in the Forum and active participation in its work! We wait for a meeting in 2018.