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Unibo (robot)

Developers: Fujitsu
Date of the premiere of the system: May, 2017
Technology: Robotics


2017: Announcement

In May, 2017 the Fujitsu company announced the interactive speaking Unibo robot capable to distinguish emotions of the person and to consider his preferences, Nikkei reports.[1]

Unibo which exit is planned for October, 2017 will become the first commercial robot of the Japanese producer. Believe in Fujitsu that innovation will be able to find application in receptions of different organizations and the service industry and also to be used as the intellectual assistant to the house. The company notes that colloquial opportunities of Unibo are already close to the natural speech thanks to the fact that the robot has an access to the examples of a talk which are stored in a cloud.

Unibo robot

The cost of Unibo should be several hundred thousands of yens. Setup of a system under individual needs of the customer will be paid in addition.

In the robot developed together with Tokyo Unirobot companies the corporate technology of Fujitsu in the field of artificial intelligence under the name Zinrai will be implemented. She allows to analyze emotions speaking, proceeding from intonations of a voice, and is already applied in call centers of the company. In addition the robot will be "taught" understanding of some features of Japanese.

Accumulating experience of a talk, Unibo will samoobuchatsya. Besides, by means of the camera the robot will be able to distinguish emotions and persons of speaking and to react to requests of users. For example, on a question of what to prepare for dinner the robot will be verified with the data which are available for it and to offer the recipe taking into account preferences of the interlocutor.

Fujitsu calculates that thanks to such products the annual sales volume of its business in the field of robotics to 2020 will reach financial year 30 billion yens ($264 million). However the competition to other Japanese vendors, such as Sharp and Softbank which began sales of the interactive Robohon and Pepper robots earlier is necessary to the company.

