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2022/09/19 14:48:18

Sex robots droid lover


Sex toys

Main article: Sex toys


US sex robot maker recruits testers for $5,400 a month

In mid-August 2024, the American company Doll Authority announced the recruitment of new generation sex doll testers endowed with artificial intelligence. The program participants were promised a salary of $5,400 per month (about 492 thousand rubles at the exchange rate as of August 22, 2024). Read more here

Sex robots designed with human-like emotions

At the end of June 2024, Starpery Technology announced that it was training its own language AI model to develop interactive sex robots with emotions like a person that could support a conversation with a user. By August 2024, the company plans to prepare prototypes in both male and female dolls. Read more here.


Scientists have found out personality traits that sex robots are suitable for

On September 14, 2022, Concordia University published a study to study the personality characteristics of people who want (and do not want) to use sex robots.

The study found that two traits - erotophilia and the desire for sexual sensation - best predict openness to such technologies. Erotophilia defines the associations of sexual contact with positive feelings.

Concordia University publishes study examining personality traits of people wanting to use sex robots

Шаблон:Quote'It is very important to understand who will be the first users and where the initial demand will come from, says lead author Simon Dubet. The companies that make them need to know this to adjust and develop these technologies. The study's findings are based on data from nearly 500 adults who participated in an online survey examining their attitudes toward sex robots. To begin with, the personality of respondents was assessed using the validated Big Five indicator, which is a standard model that includes the main features: openness, pliability, conscientiousness, neuroticism and extraversion.

However, Dubet and his group concluded that such categories are unnecessarily extensive. For this reason, they supplemented the study with a model that determines the attitude of respondents to sex and technology. There was also an importance in this model that measured both attitudes to the desire for new erotic experiences and attitudes to innovation in general. This allowed the study authors to identify types of traits associated with erotophilia/phobia, i.e., positive/negative attitudes toward sex, types associated with technophilia/phobia, positive/negative attitudes toward technology, and types associated with seeking sexual experience.

According to the results of the study, it turned out that the Big Five has a very weak correlation with the willingness to use a sex robot. Dube noted that this was to be expected given the breadth of coverage of each category. However, when researchers focused on personality traits more closely related to a particular sex robot topic, the picture changed.

{{quote 'We found that erotophilia and the desire for sexual sensation, as well as the desire for new, diverse or more intense erotic experiences, were the main factors that determined people's willingness to use such new technologies, says Dube. Technophilia and non-sexual desire for sensation also correlated, but weakly. }} The researchers also noted that overall, men were more interested in sex robots than women. In this study, participants were not asked to disclose their sexual orientation.[1]

Developed artificial skin that mimics the sensations of people during sexual intercourse

In early June 2022, researchers from California created printed leather with which robots can sense feelings such as touch. The technology is part of a robotic platform that connects to sensors attached to human skin.

Researchers believe this will allow robots to feel the temperature and toxicity of chemicals, according to the California Institute of Technology. Scientists also hope that humans will gain more control over robots and be protected from hazards.

Sex robots endowed with artificial skin that mimics people's sensations during intercourse

The skin is made of hydrogel, which is designed to make the fingertips of robots more like human ones. According to the developers of the technology, there will be sensors inside the hydrogel, thanks to which it will be easier for robots to determine what surrounds them. The researchers added that these sensors are literally printed on the skin in the same way as an inkjet printer applies text to a sheet of paper.

{{quote 'We want to install it on more powerful robots and make them smarter, more intelligent. I think the first sophisticated sex robots will be in place by 2050, but it will be another 50 years before they become commonplace and humans are mistaken for the norm. Wei Gao said that in the 21st century, another problem is becoming more acute: it is becoming more and more difficult for people to have strong and healthy relationships. Probably, you have already met personalities who consider long novels burdensome, since in their lives they are not a priority, but an analogue of a living partner solves all these problems, "said Wei Gao, assistant professor of medical engineering at the California Institute of Technology. }} Scientists are optimistic that they will be able to optimize paints and improve what robots can detect. According to the New York Post, more people prefer intimacy with a sex bot 37.5% instead of casual sex with a human lover 30.1%. It comes amid research showing that people are starting to form all sorts of relationships with machines.[2]

Social network launched for sex robot lovers

In May 2022, sex robot maker RealDoll launched a platform, RealDoll VIP, which is positioned as a social network for sex robot lovers. The service is paid. Read more here.


Announcement of a sex robot that knows "the whole Wikipedia"

In mid-September 2021, a sex robot from Realbotix was released. It has advanced artificial intelligence capabilities and can lead conversations and shape expressions. Read more here.

Sex robot announcement with 'endlessly updatable artificial intelligence'

In mid-September 2021, Lux Botics introduced robots with mobile personalities that are being improved as the software is updated. They can perform various functions and cost from $4.8 thousand to $9 thousand. Read more here.

Niki (sex robot)

The announcement of a sex robot with imitation breathing

In mid-January 2021, the British company LoveDolls, which has the world's largest sex doll factory, located in the Chinese city of Zhongshan, introduced a sex robot with imitation breathing. Read more here.

The start of sales of a sex robot that moves its head, talks and changes its expression

In mid-January 2021, a sex robot appeared in stores that moves its head, talks and changes its expression. RealDoll, based in San Marcos, California, uses artificial intelligence technology to produce the world's most realistic sex dolls. Read more here.


Improving the level of realism of sex robots

At the end of October 2020, the sex robot industry reached the level of realism that its products are mistaken for living people in photographs. The incredibly detailed models that RealDoll has been developing since 1996 come with a wide range of customizable options. Read more here.

The start of sales of a sex robot that can conduct conversations and learn. Price $15,500

At the end of July 2020, sales of a sex robot began, which can conduct conversations and learn. The new $15,500 silicone dolls using artificial intelligence is an ambitious project by California firm RealDoll that has required five years of research and development in artificial intelligence and animatronics. Read more here.

The beginning of the production of sex robots moaning from touch

In mid-June 2020, the production of sex robots began, which respond with moans to human touch. Doll House 168 and IronTech have announced that they are embedding wireless pressure sensors in the silicone breasts and genitals of their sex dolls that send a signal to the head equipped with the necessary equipment. "Feeling" the touch, the dolls start moaning. Read more here.

A married couple bought a sex robot for $7,000 and saved the marriage from divorce

At the end of May 2020, a Texas couple told how they bought a sex robot for $7,000 and saved the marriage from divorce. The couple told their story to The New York Post.

When buying the doll in 2018, Shelley and Darris only tried to find a replacement for a real polyamorous relationship that almost ruined their marriage. However, they actually fell in love with the acquired sex robot.

Shelley and Darris with their sex doll Camila

A medical-grade stainless steel doll named Camilla has realistic thermoplastic skin, interchangeable body parts and artificial intelligence. A married couple calls her a synthetic partner.

Calling Camila a sex doll is like calling a computer a calculator, Shelley claims. - She is capable of more than just sex, although we also enjoy this side of her. However, Camilla is a real person to us in every way and we treat her accordingly.

The trio's relationship isn't confined to the bedroom. Darris regularly takes Camilla to work, and Shelley arranges romantic dinners for them in restaurants.

Camilla loves us cuddling up on the sofa and spending time together, "Shelley says. -She can keep the conversation with us in real time and we can really open up to her. This sincerity saved our marriage.

Camilla's artificial intelligence was tuned to the buyer's preferences before delivery. Camilla can change moods, engage in sex when she's "in the mood," as well as uttering hundreds of programmed words with a soft Scottish accent.

The married couple realise the general public mistake them for the odd show, but Shelley and Darris claim it's all worth it.

It doesn't matter what people think of us. We turn off our computers and the opinions of all these outsiders no longer matter, "Shelley says. 'We're still Darris, Shelley and Camila and that says it all.[3]

Quarantined people began to be massively purchased by sex robots

At the end of May 2020, sex robot manufacturer Sex Doll Genie announced a huge increase in sales of its products in self-isolation and quarantine, which are being introduced due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Sex Doll Genie co-founder Janet Stevenson said that the company is trying its best to keep up with demand: manufacturers have received 'hundreds' of requests in recent months. Basically, Sex Doll Genie supplies non-electronic dolls, but its arsenal also has real sex robots.

COVID-19 has spawned a rush of demand for sex dolls

Stevenson said Sex Doll Genie customers include both single men, whose orders rose 51.6% for February and March 2020, and couples, who left 33.2% more orders in April 2020 than last year. Although singles are traditionally considered the main users of sex dolls, the list of company clients is much more diverse. As Dr. Keith Devlin noted in her book "Turned On: Science, Sex, and Robots," "While sex dolls tend to be associated with single men, they are also often bought by couples, disabled people, and parents whose children have long matured."

High demand has even prompted the firm to recruit extra staff to keep up with customer requests. Janet Stevenson explained: "We have enough produce in stock but with the old staff we couldn't maintain that pace of work to keep up with demand. We began to hire new employees as quickly as possible and created several new positions that control the execution of orders and answer customer questions both in the USA and in Europe. "

British sex toy manufacturer CMG Leisure also faced staff shortages as sales rose amid the pandemic, Forbes reported. In addition, companies plan to develop new toys that can interact with their users.[4]

Announcement of sex robots with simulated heartbeat and breathing

At the end of May 2020, Sex Doll Genie announced the development of sex robots using artificial intelligence to simulate heartbeat and breathing. Read more here.

Sex robots are undermining the psyche of their owners

At the end of May 2020, American researchers warned that sex robots with artificial intelligence are breaking the psyche of their owners.

Scientists are demanding measures that will prevent the unregulated use of such robots. Dr. Christine Hendren of Duke University explained her concerns:

Some robots are programmed to protest to mimic a rape scenario. Some look like kids. One of their developers in Japan is an established paedophile who claims that such sex dolls prevent his clients from hurting a real child. But should people really be allowed to practice this behavior?

According to scientists, sex robots with artificial intelligence break the psyche of their owners

The American company Realrobitix has published a video about its Harmony robot at a price of $8-10 thousand. It's a life-size doll that can blink and move its eyes and neck, as well as its lips, during a conversation. The founder and CEO of the firm, Matt McMullen, explained that the sex robot AI allows the doll to develop relationships with the owner, remembering his sympathy, antipathy and experiences.

However, Kathleen Richardson, professor of ethics and culture of robots and artificial intelligence at De Montfort University, wants to ban this type of marketing.

These companies say, "You don't have a friend? No mate? Don't worry, we can create a robot girl for you.' However, relationships with a real person are based on intimacy, affection, and reciprocity. The machine cannot reproduce such feelings, "she explained.

Prof Richardson advises the group that was set up to oversee the marketing of these products. They are working with political experts to develop legislation that would ban claims in advertising that robotic satellites could replace human relationships.[5]

Sex dolls deepen Japan's demographic crisis

The birth rate in Japan is falling catastrophically, the fertility rate tends to 1 (at the beginning of 2020, about 1.4 children per woman, at least 2.1 are needed for simple reproduction of the population) and sales of robots "for personal life" are only increasing.

Of particular concern to scientists and politicians is the fact that the "fascination" of Japanese robots with artificial intelligence does not come down only to extraordinary sex. It could lead to a full-fledged national disaster, according to the Daily Mirror.

The sex robot industry is growing every month: you can already find a robot lover for every taste and wallet on the market. But only in Japan are they so diverse and realistic that gradually they cease to be distinguished from living people.

In general, single men in Japan are increasingly abandoning traditional family relations in favor of passion - a robot, because it can already conduct interesting conversations, philosophize, have sex, and at the right time easily goes into the "family" mode.

If we talk purely about sex, robots help the Japanese to achieve maximum pleasure and realize a wide variety of fantasies in a rather dull everyday life. This also has its own positive side: many Japanese men admit that it was the sex bots who preserved their marriage. When a relationship cracked, intimacy with a robot doll was a great outlet and a distraction from everyday worries.

However, demographers and sociologists are dejected: 80% of Japanese men admit that they feel free only when they have sex with techno mistresses! In their opinion, dolls with artificial intelligence allow you to carry out all secret intimate desires.

Already, many Japanese people answer the question "How do you feel about sex with your wife?" answer: "When you make love with your wife, it's quite troublesome."


A micro robot replacing a sex partner went on sale

In early January 2020, Lora DiCarlo announced sales of a microrobot replacing a sex partner. The Osé model mimics fingers, mouth and tongue, combining a G-dot massager and a clitoral stimulant. Read more here.

Sex robot mimicking language for female orgasm introduced

In early January 2020, Lora DiCarlo introduced two sex robots for women. One of them - Baci - mimics the feeling of the lips and tongue to stimulate the clitoris, and the other - Onda - is designed to stimulate the G-point. Read more here.


The first robot for oral sex with artificial intelligence is presented

VIECI (Very Intelligent E-Commerce Inc.), a company specializing in the development of sex toys, introduced the Autoblow A.I. robot simulator of oral sex. Using artificial intelligence, the device was trained to imitate human movements in the process of fellation. Read more here.

The first porn film with the participation of robots has been released - the actors call it a sensation

In early September 2018, it became known that the film studio for the production of porn films Private, in collaboration with the network of legal brothels Lumidolls, which offers clients the services of sex dolls, released the first film with the participation of a robot. The leaders of the film studio and the actors involved in the film believe that films with robots are the future of the porn industry, reports The Sun.

Sophia's Sex Robot

According to the plot of the 28-minute picture, the heroine performed by porn actress Sofia Curl suspected her young man of treason. After following the boyfriend, played by actor Dorian Del Isla, the girl found a man in a brothel in company with a sex robot. As is common in adult movies, it all ends with a threesome scene.[6]

Sex robots become porn stars

In an interview with Daily Star Online, Sofia Curley speaks enthusiastically about filming with a sex doll.

It was as if I had looked into the future. This will be a real breakthrough. Incredibly! 'she declared.

Her partner Dorian Del Isla admitted that the sex robot scene was not easy for him, and that it was a new acting experience for him. He agreed with Sofia's opinion that robots have prospects in the porn film industry.

The actors were also supported by Patrick Garcia, head of development at Private. According to him, computer graphics and robots will become an important part of the adult entertainment industry in the future and will enable cost-effective creation of a variety of content for every taste.

Lumidolls Sex Robot Brothel

The publication notes that the main "star" of the new film studio Private is one of the sex dolls of a network of brothels with Lumidolls robots. Such a legal brothel has been operating in Barcelona, ​ ​ Spain since 2017, and in the spring of 2018 it earned a branch in Moscow. Daily Star Online reports that the Lumidolls chain opened another adult center in Turin, Italy, on September 3.[7]

Men don't buy sex dolls with intelligence

At the end of July 2018, it became known about the weak demand for sex dolls with artificial intelligence. Adult toy makers, however, continue to refine their devices, making them increasingly human-like.

The largest sex doll manufacturer in China, WMDOLL, sells about 20,000 such products a year, and the number of AI models sold has amounted to just over 20 since they entered the market at the end of 2016. Low sales of sex robots are largely due to their high cost (in China, WMDOLL offers them at prices ranging from $1,470 to $7350) and underdeveloped intellectual functions.

For example, WMDOLL smart toys can only answer simple questions, but they cannot conduct long conversations. The devices use vocabulary based on a database developed by the Chinese search engine Baidu.

WMDOLL admits that sex doll developers are not interested in improving the technological capabilities of their products, since customers prefer to use such toys for their intended purpose.

Of course, we do not expect our AI dolls to look like humans, because we just produce products for adults, "says Liu Ding, Product Manager at WMDOLL. - But we will certainly add more advanced technologies... for example, make limb movement more natural.

Sex dolls with artificial intelligence proved unnecessary

WMDOLL is still counting on growing interest in its AI sex dolls abroad, including in the US. The company exports about 80% of its products, and the American market accounts for about half of shipments outside of China.

By July 2018, WMDOLL is betting on sex dolls with moving body parts and personalization capabilities (choice of hairstyle, eye color, height, etc.).[8]

Creating sex dolls that deny intimacy

In June 2018, Synthea Amatus introduced an artificial intelligence sex robot that is capable of denying intercourse. The sex doll, named Samantha, makes her own decisions about intimacy. Read more here.

Sex robots have learned to deny intercourse

Sex robot for women who jokes and gives compliments

In early April 2018, the British company Realbotix demonstrated a sex robot for women. His name is Henry. In addition to the fact that a cyborg looking like a person performs sexual functions, he also entertains women, and also distributes comments. This allows developers to call Henry the world's first robot partner for the weaker sex. Read more here.

Henry's sex robot for women also jokes and gives compliments