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Quorum. GIS adapter of housing and public utilities

The name of the base system (platform): Quorum. SIEI Integrator
Developers: Quorum
Last Release Date: 2017/09/14
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Financial services, investments and audit


The GIS adapter of housing and public utilities — the connected module of the software package "SIEI Integrator" — allows to organize operational interaction through SIEI between bank and the State information system of housing and communal services (GIS of housing and public utilities) at payment acceptance for housing and communal services according to requirements of federal law No. 209-FZ of 7/21/2014 "About the state information system of housing and communal services".

Interaction types with SIEI services

  • Loading and updating of the reference book of suppliers of housing and communal services.
  • Transfer of the message about the accepted payment and obtaining the receipt on acceptance of the message.
  • Cancellation of earlier transferred message about payment.
  • Requests of charges and reply to the request

The request of charges for the current settlement period is possible by one of sets of parameters:

  • identifier of the payment document;
  • identifier of housing-and-municipal service;
  • uniform personal account;
  • house global unique identifier according to the Federal Information Address System + Number of the personal account / Other identifier of the payer;
  • house global unique identifier according to the Federal Information Address System + Number of the payment document assigned by the supplier of housing and communal services;

For receiving an outstanding amount for previous periods it is necessary to specify in addition the consumer's Full Name (for FL/SP) or check point INN+ of the organization (for YUL).

Functionality, features of implementation and architecture

Maintaining normative reference information

The adapter allows to perform requests to SIEI service regarding loading and updating of the reference book of suppliers of housing and communal services and the reference book FIAS (optionally). Initiation of requests can be executed at the command of the operator or in the automatic mode on the set schedule. Reference books can be exported to the core banking system via the program interface of the adapter or by file exchange.

Selection and verification of messages about the accepted payments for sending to GIS of housing and public utilities

Selection of payments can be made for formation of messages by two methods:

  • The message queue about payments forms directly in the core banking system. Selection is made on the basis of coincidence of a TIN or a linking of a TIN and the check point, the receiver of payment to entry in the reference book by suppliers of housing and communal services. Check can be performed by a remote call of the corresponding function of the program interface of the adapter or directly in the core banking system in the reference book which is previously loaded from the adapter.
  • All payment documents are transferred to the adapter from the core banking system and selection in the reference book by suppliers of housing and communal services is made by the adapter when importing.

Depending on the information security policy accepted in bank document transfer from the core banking system in the adapter can be made through web services of the adapter, a call of stored procedures in the database or by file exchange.

The documents loaded into the adapter undergo formatno-logical control in the course of which filling of obligatory fields, ranges of permissible values is checked, control of structure of the Uniform Personal Account (UPA) fields, the Identifier housing and communal services, Number of the payment document, etc. is made." the adapter has a special program interface allowing external systems (for example, a system Internet bank) to check correctness of the entered document containing payment for housing and communal services, online.

Monitoring and process management of transmission of messages in GIS of housing and public utilities

Sending messages and requests can be performed in the automatic or manual mode. In the automatic mode (the main mode) in the presence of messages in queue on sending the adapter without participation of the operator opens a communication session with housing and public utilities GIS service in SIEI according to the set schedule and performs transmission of messages. In the manual mode the adapter creates a message queue on sending, and sending to SIEI is made at the command of the operator.

If in the course of sending messages there is an emergency situation, the adequate notice by e-mail automatically goes to the system administrator and other interested persons according to the made settings. For an example, the adapter can react to the following situations: a communication session open error about SIEI; error of transfer/acceptance of the message; exceeding of answering interval on a request; termination of validity period of the digital signature certificate, etc.

The special web interface constructed on the basis of status model of messages is developed for monitoring of messages as a part of the adapter (see fig. below). The interface allows to control a status of message queues in real time and to react quickly to emergence of faulty situations.

Status model of messages and requests


  • Functions of administration include:
  • management of access rights on the basis of a role model;
  • maintaining event log (user interoperability layer) and system magazine;
  • management of digital signature certificates;
  • settings of notification system about faulty situations;
  • settings of the schedule of communication sessions about SIEI.

2017: Support of the updated format of the register of the registered suppliers of housing and communal services"

On September 14, 2017 the Kvorum company announced modification of the GIS Adapter of Housing and Public Utilities software product for the purpose of support of loading through the SMEV electronic service of "The register of details of the housing and public utilities of Suppliers of housing and communal services registered in GIS" in a format of June 16, 2017.

Completions are caused by the fact that in the current version of a format of the register the field reflecting function of the supplier is deleted and signs of details for overhaul, date of updating, the identifier of details are added. Also in "the GIS Adapter of housing and public utilities" processing of the answer from service of obtaining the register of suppliers in SIEI in connection with the termination of unloading of suppliers in an old format is modified.

The feature of a work progress consisted in what the new format of the register became effective on June 16, 2017, and service of automatic loading of this reference book through SIEI remained the same till August 7, 2017. Therefore the Kvorum company for an intervening period quickly provided to users the version of "the GIS Adapter of housing and public utilities" with function of manual loading of the register of a new format.

After the publication of the SIEI service containing the register in the updated format, specialists of the company started development of the version of "the GIS Adapter of housing and public utilities" with support of automatic loading of the register of the updated format which was released on August 24, 2017.

The arisen collision of term of transition to a new format of "The register of details of the housing and public utilities of Suppliers of housing and communal services registered in GIS" and the term of the publication of the SMEV corresponding service led to additional labor costs for implementation of temporary and final solutions, but in the interests of customers for us have the top priority — the commercial director of Kvorum company Igor Vinogradov noted.