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Баннер в шапке 2


Satybaldiyev Muslim Makhmutovich
Satybaldiyev Muslim Makhmutovich


Muslim Satybaldiyev was born on June 6, 1981 in Moscow.


2003: The highest to Business school at the Central Parisian School and the European School of Management

In 2003 - 2004 in parallel got an education at the Higher School of Business at the Central Parisian School (ECP) and the European School of Management (ESCP-EAP).

2004: HSE

In 2004 ended State the University "Higher School of Economics", "Strategic and Corporate Management".


2005: Vice president Alfa-Bank

In 2005 - 2013 - worked in Alfa-Bank where there passed the way from the coordinator of sales department of credit products to the development director and to sales, the vice president, being responsible for development of distribution channels.

2013: OTP Bank

In 2013 - 2016 - OTP Bank" worked as the sales director, the associate director of a division in ", was responsible for management of operational sales to classical network and alternative channels.

2016: Director of a division Network

In 2016 - 2017 held a position of the director of a division Network in "OTP Bank".

2017: Vice chairman of the board

In November, 2017 Muslim Satybaldiyev according to the solution of Board of Directors of OTP of Bank joined the board and was appointed to the position of the Vice chairman of the board of bank, along with Igor Belomyttsev and Kirill Dremach. All three candidacies were approved by the Central Bank of Russian Federation.

Business of a classical branch network and alternative sales channels, work with a VIP-segment, micro and small business and also development of the direction of Internet commerce fell within the scope of responsibility.

As of August, 2020 is not registered in the specified position on the official site of bank any more.