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Yavlinsky Grigory Alekseyevich
Yavlinsky Grigory Alekseyevich

Yavlinsky Grigory Alekseyevich is the Russian politician and the economist, the founder of party "Apple", the candidate for President of Russia on several elections.


Was born on April 10, 1952 in Lviv in family of the military.

Graduated from evening school of young workers, working as the mechanic at glass company "Raduga". In 1973 graduated from the Moscow institute of the national economy of G.V. Plekhanov.

Worked as the senior engineer, the senior research associate of Vniiugol institute of Minugleprom of the USSR managing the sector of the heavy industry of Research institute of work of the State Committee on work and social problems. Developed the Job evaluation catalog of positions of employees of the coal industry.

Since 1984 Yavlinsky worked in the Goskomtruda system: deputy chief of summary department, then head of department of social development and population. In the summer 1989 Leonid Abalkin who just became the vice-chairman of Council of Ministers of the USSR and headed the commission on an economic reform, invited Yavlinsky to a position of the manager of Summary economic department of the office of the State commission of Council of Ministers of the USSR on an economic reform (known as "Abalkin's commission").

1993: Founder of Yabloko Bloc

In the fall of 1993 Grigory Yavlinsky created an electoral bloc which could fight for seats in the State Duma. After long negotiations by co-founders of the block there was the former chief state inspector of Russia Yury Boldyrev and the scientist and the diplomat, the former ambassador of Russia in the USA Vladimir Lukin. Founders called the new block on the first letters of the surnames - Yabloko.

In 1996 and 2000 Grigory Yavlinsky participated in presidential elections, having received according to 7.34% and 5.8% of votes.

2008: Failure from re-election for a post of the chairman of the party Yabloko

At the regular congress in the summer of 2008 Grigory Yavlinsky refused re-election for a post of the chairman of the party, having offered as the chairman of one of the deputies – Sergey Mitrokhin.

In 2010 Grigory Yavlinsky as a result of alternative vote is elected the chairman of Expert advice on economic reforms of the Russian public organization New Economic Association.

In 2012 Grigory Yavlinsky was re-elected by the member of Political party committee "Yabloko"

2011: The head of Yabloko fraction in Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg

From 2011 to 2016 directed Yabloko fraction in the Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg.

In May, 2017 it was elected the honorary vice president of the Liberal International – the political organization integrating the liberal batches of the whole world. Such decision was made at an anniversary 70th congress of the organization in Andorra.

On February 7, 2018 it was officially registered by the candidate for president of the Russian Federation Russian Central Election Commission. According to the results of vote took the fifth place, having gained 1.05%.

2018: A performance on TAdviser SummIT

On May 30, 2018 Grigory Yavlinsky made a speech at the TAdviser Summit 2018 conference. During the open interview he shared reflections about perspectives of digital economy and implementation of disruptive technologies.

According to Grigory Yavlinsky, import substitution in the field of IT should not look as amateur performances

Answering questions of TAdviser, the politician noted that digital technologies – not a question of the choice, their use is also inevitable as a change of seasons today. There are factors interfering their development which are connected with an economic crisis, isolation of the country, Yavlinsky believes. He especially emphasized that digital technologies – only the tool, though important, and not depends on them efficiency or inefficiency of the state.

The digital economy is as the car. It can be fine and good. But if you do not know where to go, or driving the drunk driver, then whatever was the good car, it is difficult to reach when you do not know where to go, - Yavlinsky noted.

On belief of the politician if in the state there is no independent judicial system, and this system works "on a call", no digital technologies will help. And this task - creation of the state under control of citizens - is not solved digital technologies. The fate of digital economies, the politician noted, depends on quality of the state. And if the state – modern, transparent is one if in power there is "mafia" – another. In the latter case, the politician noted, digital technologies and economy will only allow the power is total to control citizens.

You know how digital giants destroy startups as they just clean a glade around the world. And in combination with the state this trend on monopoly can lead to new society which will be total to be under dictatorship. The state will have an opportunity thinly and smart, from his point of view, to manipulate consciousness of citizens, - Grigory Yavlinsky said.

Answering a question of TAdviser about import substitution in the field of IT, Yavlinsky emphasized that it is a compulsory measure, a consequence of policy of the state, and it would be better to do without it. The politician considers that the Russian economy – peripheral, depending on "a core of world economy". And capitalism at us peripheral.

Grigory Yavlinsky recognized, at the same time that Russia has a number of "important, serious" advantage which "Yandex" took, for example, and "it is necessary to rely on it". But in general the situation, according to the speaker, is not in the best way. That to illustrate it, he gave a number of digits. So, according to it, at the beginning of the 2000th years Russia and China were approximately at one level on export volumes of digital technologies, and today China advances Russia much: $120 billion at Chinese and only $7 billion at Russia.

As basic Grigory Yavlinsky selected "two moments". The first – to hope for fast development through import substitution in raw economy is, according to him, manilovism. The second major circumstance, according to the politician, consists that turn the industrial country post-industrial "only free people can".

From the agrarian country to create industrial as history showed, it is possible, using the most different methods – authoritative, totalitarian, everyones. Because it is possible to take one million people, to arm with shovels and to dig out White Sea-Baltic Canal. And here from the industrial country, industrial economy create post-industrial only free people can. This question key. The key of a question is a creation of society and a system in which there is a space for free people, - Yavlinsky said.

Therefore creation of society and a system in which there is a space for the free people living without fear of lawlessness, arbitrary behavior ready to risk and not afraid of risk is necessary, he added. Creation of equal opportunities for all citizens, in whatever part of Russia they were born – it is very important too, the politician noted, and it is necessary to create such conditions as soon as possible, "so far all did not leave".

Objectively there is every chance for break, the politician considers, but if at us are carried out further the same actions as with the Telegram messenger and, more widely, - if economic economic disputes are solved by FSB, then nothing will be possible to make, Yavlinsky considers.

Answering a question of disruptive technologies with the greatest return, Grigory Yavlinsky answered that not in his opportunities to guess what technology will be the most useful also where exactly, having noted at the same time that in the field of public administration success depends on the state administration, but not on digital technologies. And nevertheless the founder of Yabloko especially selected Big Data, in particular – "summing of personal data" which, by its determination, can become "the most powerful instrument of manipulation", falling into hands of "the mafia state".

Having characterized TAdviser Summit as a serious, professional forum, the politician shared very important, according to him, thought with its participants: discuss digital technologies out of policy means not to understand their essence. Digital technologies can solve one million problems, he noted, but it is necessary to remember that these technologies outstripped consciousness of the person therefore the result of their implementation and use depends on a status of the person, society, the state.

As well as in many other cases, we can be among the best. But for this purpose we should solve a number of problems including political. It nothing that we in 25 years did not cope. But we should understand that, without having solved these tasks, we using these technologies will only aggravate our provision, - Yavlinsky considers.

In conclusion of an interview Grigory Yavlinsky wished participants of TAdviser Summit 2018 success and "victories in import substitution".

Science and teaching activity

In 1976 Grigory Yavlinsky came to postgraduate study MINKHA. Defended the dissertation on the subject "Improvement of Job Specialization of Workers of Chemical Industry".

Since October, 2004 is professor of department of the social and economic systems and social policy of Department of applied economy of the National research university "Higher School of Economics" (Higher School of Economics National Research University).

In 2005 defended the doctoral dissertation at the Central economic institute of RAS on the subject "Social and Economic System of Russia and Problem of Its Upgrade" (specialty 0/8/01 - "The economic theory).

Photos of the Yavlinsky Grigory Alekseyevich