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Softline completed School of design of Higher School of Economics with the equipment of Apple

Customers: Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics National Research University)

Contractors: Softline
Product: Macintosh
Second product: Apple iMac

Project date: 2017/11  - 2018/04

On June 28, 2018 Softline announced completion of School of design of the National research university "Higher School of Economics" the equipment for holding profile occupations.

The school of design of Higher School of Economics National Research University trains bachelors, masters and graduate students in the field of design, a fashion, the modern art, the photo, cinema and advertizing. The basic principle of training at School of design — project approach: from the first occupation students under the leadership of the curator create own projects therefore for work on occupations the modern high-quality equipment is constantly necessary. Because every year the number of students of School of design grows, it was required to broaden the park of computers for the equipment of new computer classes and educational clusters where students improve practical skills: work in design programs, mount and animate videos, process photos, project interiors of residential and public spaces, etc. On a competitive basis the partner selected Softline company which has wide experience on selection and implementation of the best hardware and software solutions according to assigned tasks.

Audiences were completed with the modern equipment which is demanded for the organization of hi-tech educational process in the field of design. Indisputable advantage is expense optimization on updating of the park of devices as all equipment of Apple it is guaranteed supports current versions of operating systems within four years after purchase.
Anton Karpov, business development manager of Softline

On project deliverables for practical lessons at the Softline university delivered 150 monoblocks iMac and 2 notebook MacBook Pro. The school of design selected the equipment Apple as it has ample technical and program opportunities for work with graphics and the Retina display with a high density of pixels which provides an exact color rendition that is necessary for creation of professional design projects.

Specialists of Softline made operational supply of equipment in strictly stipulated terms. It is very important for us because the number of students considerably increases every academic year, and we should provide everyone comfortable conditions for work.
Sergey Dubeykovsky, technical principal of design