Customers: Moscow City Elections Commission (Moscow Election Committee) Moscow; Government and social institutions Contractors: Croc Product: DocsVision (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2017/12 - 2018/05
Number of licenses: 60
On July 3, 2018 the Croc company announced implementation of an electronic reception and electronic document management system (EDMS) in the Moscow City Elections Commission that allowed to reduce time of registration and consideration of citizens' appeals and incoming correspondence. The solution on the platform of the Russian company Docsvision was implemented in 10 divisions of Moscow Election Committee within the import substitution program, having replaced the solution based on IBM BPM. Implementation of EDMS is executed by Croc company.
The project systematized document handling and the citizens' appeals arriving as in paper, and electronically via the website of Electronic receiving Moscow City Elections Commission. The implemented solution allowed to organize fast and convenient registration of correspondence in uniform base. Both contractors, and employees controlling process can monitor work with the document at all stages and taking into account compliance to the regulated terms. All history of consideration and performance of a document, preparation of the answer is available in a system, as well as the electronic version of the document. It excludes need of movement of papers between divisions, as much as possible optimizing process of work of staff of Moscow Election Committee at all levels: from the management to specialists.
In EDMS the system of reminders on the coming end of term of consideration of the document is also built. This function is especially relevant during the election campaigns: according to regulations, decisions on any address to this period are made in five-day time, but no later than the day preceding the voting day. The contractor of a request sees in the separate list of reminders of a task on which control term comes nearer, and the head receives messages in case of threat of non-compliance with terms of the contractor.
CROC completed implementation of EDMS beforehand prior to the election of the president of the Russian Federation which took place in March, 2018 that allowed to provide training of staff of Moscow Election Committee in the planned mode.
"Daily through Moscow Election Committee there passes the set of requests from citizens, local government authorities, commercial structures concerning explanations of electoral rights, voting procedures and other nuances. In an area of responsibility of the Commission - preparation and elections and referenda in Moscow. We are strictly limited to regulations and therefore process optimization of registration and transfer of the document to the contractor allows to select more time for the solution of the problem of addressed, having provided control of bureaucratic procedures to computer technologies". Valentin Pavlovich Gorbunov, chairman of Moscow Election Committee |
For June, 2018 in Moscow Election Committee 60 jobs are automated.