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Баннер в шапке 2

Power machines 2

Customers: Power Machines

Contractors: Compass
Product: Compass: Personnel management
На базе: ERP system Compass

Project date: 2007/01  - 2007/08
Number of licenses: 262


Description of an automation object

Power Machines company - the leading Russian manufacturer and the supplier of the complete solutions in the field of power plant engineering including engineering, production, delivery, installation, service and hardware upgrade for thermal, nuclear, hydraulic and gas turbine power stations. The Power Machines company created in 2000 integrated technology, production and intellectual resources of the world famous Russian enterprises: Leningrad Metal Plant (1857), Electric power (1898), Turbine Blades Plant (1964), Kaluga Turbine Plant (1946), NPO TsKTI (1927), Energomasheksport (1966). The equipment made by the enterprises of Power Machines is installed in 87 countries of the world. Stocks of the company address in the system of RTS.

As the company was created by a join path of the independent enterprises having everyone the features in work payment methods caused by both production specifics, and the history of development at the time of project implementation in the company more than 250 codes of charges and deduction of the salary were used. Total number of staff of the automated divisions of the company - about 13000 people.

Software Selection

According to the developed traditions in different divisions of the company the diverse software products intended for personnel management solving of tasks were used. The company management made the decision on unification corresponding business – processes on the basis of one HRM system.

In October, 2006 after carrying out careful contrastive analysis of a number of software solutions (including SAP R3 HRM subsystems), IT specialists of the company came to a conclusion that only the subsystem Personnel management of the ERP system of "ORACLE ELITE COMPASS" can satisfy requirements of the enterprise without significant completion.

Were the main reasons of the choice of the COMPASS system:

  • optimal ratio by complex criterion "price/quality";
  • flexibility of software, convenience and speed of its setup for specific features of the enterprise due to existence of the setup visual MASTERS tool which allowed to implement the most part of the project by forces of staff of IT departments of the company;
  • high degree of readiness of the drawing version of a subsystem for use at the enterprises of the machine-building industry;
  • readiness of KOMPAS company to carry out interface of the packet to the software of other firms and to adapt it to individual specifics of the company.

Preliminary testing (approbation) of a HRM system "the COMPASS helped to draw such conclusions: Personnel management" by forces of employees of the Customer, carried out on the basis of free providing limited number of software licenses for a period of 4 months.

General Description of the Project

Project implementation was carried out in four steps. At the first stage there was an automated management of personnel in Leningrad Metal Plant (LMP) branch which total number of employees was about 5000 people. In the first decade of February, 2007 - for two months earlier, than it was planned, - the stage was completed. Reduction of terms came due to failure from the parallel payroll account on the COMPASS system and software tools replaced by it – specialists of LMP made the unanimous decision that it is possible to trust in completely implemented software.

From a response of the Chief of penal correction system of Power Machines branch of JSC of LMP in SPb A.G. Yankovsky: ... All obligations from KOMPAS company were fulfilled precisely in the appointed time, and at times even with its advancing. It is also worth noting sense of duty of staff of the company who treated wishes of clients with great attention and high professionalism. It was the most dynamic project on software implementation in our branch...

The second stage consisted in automation of Elektrosila branch (number of staff – about 6000 people). Balancing and commissioning began on March 28, 2007, and already on May 11, 2007 the payroll was accrued on cash cards of workers.

On April 28, 2007 the third stage of the project – implementation of a subsystem "the COMPASS began: Personnel management" in Turbine Blades Plant branch (number – about 1500 people). At the beginning of June, 2007 a system was put in working operation.

At the fourth stage within August, 2007 the Moscow and St. Petersburg departments of head office JSC Power Machines were automated.

Thus, implementation of each stage of the project took no more than 1.5 months. In total about 250 automated jobs of personnel officers, clerks of the salary, workers of OTIZ and other specialists on whom the following problems are solved were created:

  • full-function personnel records;
  • planning of the staff list;
  • work accounting;
  • payroll;
  • submission of reports to the pension fund and tax administrations in electronic form;
  • salary accrual of employees on cash cards.

IT specialists of JSC Power Machines consider the main result of implementation replacement of diverse software tools by the modern system working in a common information space at the expense of what it was succeeded to lower collective labor costs of staff of HR and settlement departments. They recognize as not less important and the fact that, using the MASTERS tool, it was succeeded to save report forms, usual and convenient for users, and fulfilled business – processes.

Some Specific Features of the Project

  • In selection process of software on the basis of free providing limited number of licenses for a period of 4 months preliminary testing of a HRM system "the COMPASS was held: Personnel management" by forces of employees of the Customer.
  • Payroll by more than 250 codes of charges and deduction, including different methods of a piece-work pay and also such specific type of charge as payment to "pieceworkers" not of work in holidays is implemented.
  • Forces of IT specialists of the company configured the report forms, usual and convenient for users, used in the management systems of personnel operated "COMPASS" to system implementation.
  • Import of data from the used earlier diverse programs is made. Transfer of information in the course of automation of head office where in the St. Petersburg and Moscow departments software miscellaneous was used differed in special specifics ("Energo ACS" and 1C respectively). Forces of consultants of "COMPASS" developed the procedures synchronizing data in all three systems during the transient period.
  • For the purpose of security users of a system at head office work with the program only in the terminal mode. All reporting files are saved not in workplaces, and on the special FTP server what consultants of KOMPAS company developed the special utility for.
  • In implementation process of the project separation of access rights was made so that the staff of the St. Petersburg and Moscow departments could not see "someone else's" data.
  • For the purpose of submission of accounting records and tax declarations in electronic form on communication channels in the form of legally significant electronic documents communication with the COMITA REPORT system is provided.