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2018/10/18 11:00:14

Evgeny Efimenko, "A swagger - Development center": The future - behind intellectual services

Evgeny Efimenko, the commercial director "A swagger - Development center", in an interview of TAdviser told about key projects in a public sector and own solutions of the company for this category of customers.

Efimenko's We is invested heavily by
in creation of ready-made, replicated solutions

What is the state segment of economy and its automation? How it is seen by your company?

Evgeny Efimenko: The state segment is, first, federal projects at the level of the Ministry of digital development, communication and communications and other federal agencies initiating and implementing the state initiatives in the field of digitalization. Secondly, it is the projects started by regional authorities at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation for the purpose of the solution of the specific tasks. And, at last, the third – departmental automation in an area of responsibility of the separate ministries and departments.

What of the listed directions are in a zone of interests of FORS?

Evgeny Efimenko: All three directions traditionally are in our zone of interests, we are present at each of them approximately equally. At the federal level the company participates in creation of infrastructure of the electronic government, the systems of interdepartmental interaction, various portals of federal level. In many regions we implement the projects connected with rendering public services, supervising activity, housing-and-municipal and road economy. We solve specialized problems of the federal ministries, agencies and services.

What sign projects were implemented at the federal and regional levels?

Evgeny Efimenko: Participation in creation SIEI where we were a collaborator of the project regarding a system design, development of the platform and services became the sign project of federal level. At the regional level the whole complex of projects on automation of public administration was executed. For example, in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug systems developed by us provided program implementation of administrative reform, including creation of the Register of the public and municipal services, the Uniform integration bus of the district, etc. Many projects are implemented in Moscow, the Moscow, Tula and Arkhangelsk regions, Khabarovsk Krai, the Republic of Karelia and other regions.

And projects on departmental digitalization?

Evgeny Efimenko: One of the last – the project in Federal Agency for Fishery (Rosrybolovstvo) which we do together with "The center of a monitoring system of fishery and communication" (TsSMS) – the jurisdictional enterprise which is responsible for informatization of the fishery industry. Infrastructure and consulting projects are implemented for the benefit of the Federal Tax Service. In Federal Treasury we participate in the projects connected with the electronic budget.

Digitalization of public sector in general – as it is possible to estimate its level? What it is possible to tell about driving factors?

Evgeny Efimenko: The basic level of digitalization is reached, infrastructure tasks of ensuring interaction of the ministries and departments, consolidations of their information systems and resources are solved. The applied projects often changing the whole spheres of economy become drivers of digitalization today. One of important trends – the organization of effective interaction with citizens and business on the basis of paperless document flow, rendering electronic services. And our company takes active part in it, working with the regional governments and state companies Rostelecom and Rostec. As an example it is possible to call transfer to an electronic form of service in execution of the warrant for earthwork, installation of the temporary barriers and objects implemented for the benefit of Consolidation of administrative and technical inspections of the city Moscow. The regulations of rendering this service integrated more than ten organizations that very much considerably accelerated and simplified work of the organizations involved in works on improvement of the city. One more important factor of digitalization – the organization of a feedback with the population. At all levels of public administration it became obvious that it is not enough to accept the address or the complaint, it is necessary quickly and qualitatively on it to react and solve a problem about which the citizen reported. For this purpose all system at all levels should be debugged: each question, on each object where it was, at all seasons of the year and day should find the contractor and decide qualitatively. And on it day, sometimes hours, and on certain events and are allotted minutes.

Small derogation from topic of the day, we will try futurology. Once spoke "automation", then became – "informatization", now – digitalization … What word will be the following how you think? And what processes will correspond to the term in practice …

Evgeny Efimenko: Perhaps – "intellectualization", in the context of broad use of artificial intelligence (AI). And intellectual identification when access for the person to the territory, to the premises, to the car, the device or service is provided without any additional actions from its party should become one of manifestations of it - it is the biometric systems, telematic services, the behavioural analysis and IoT, - everything should be interconnected. And the future – behind intellectual services.

Let's return to realities. How strongly sanctions opposition complicates work of the western vendors in Russia? For the company long ago cooperating with Oracle, this moment should be relevant …

Evgeny Efimenko: Vendors, certainly, experience difficulties and look for ways of overcoming restrictions and compensation of losses. Some go for localization of production of products, others – open source codes, the third – diversify business, compensating decrease in a share of projects in state structures at the expense of commercial or consumer segment. In general, for large western vendors sales reduction is not critical as, as we know, the Russian market is not rather significant owing to the small sizes of the Russian economy in world scales.

And for the Russian customers what difficulties?

Evgeny Efimenko: Sanctions opposition significantly complicates for the customer the choice of basic solutions during creation of information systems. Earlier the state organizations created functional requirements to a system according to the tasks facing them, and did not attach particular importance, their implementation based on what technologies and products will be how exactly provided. Respectively, the supplier offered systems, proceeding from the greatest efficiency of the solution of assigned tasks, selecting balance between the term, cost and quality. Today, owing to political changes, the Russian customer is limited in the choice by the requirement to use free or domestic software. As a result, search of balance becomes complicated, level any of the mentioned components often goes down.

What solution class, service does offer FORS to the state customers?

Evgeny Efimenko: We work in all directions. First, we are engaged in custom development, and both based on solutions of Oracle, and on the basis of Open Source – a stack of the used products with the open code wide. Secondly, we provide various services within already existing projects - it is technical support of infrastructure and application solutions, technology consulting on setup and optimization of products. The third direction – delivery of infrastructure solutions, the equipment and software from different vendors. And the fourth – cloud solutions. Transition to a cloud environment is a long-term trend therefore we see high potential for development of this direction. The uniqueness of our cloud offer consists that we built a complete legal, technology and financial infrastructure for providing and maintenance of cloud services of Oracle. We provide access to a cloud platform of "turnkey" Oracle, including development of architecture of the project, deployment of systems, migration of databases and applications and also complete financial and organizational maintenance.

Specify, please, what share in a portfolio of the company is occupied by projects in the field of the state segment of economy? How many projects in the state sphere are implemented in a year?

Evgeny Efimenko: About 70%. In a year about one hundred projects - from creation of the big systems to maintenance services and to development of already implemented and working applications are implemented. With many customers we establish the strategic relations, and new contracts are signed for the benefit of continuation and development of earlier begun projects.

And what it is possible to tell about the nature of consulting projects?

Evgeny Efimenko: Recently we made several large consulting projects which purpose was to increase the capacity of computing systems due to optimization of their architecture and settings. The analysis of hardware infrastructure and the source code, a possibility of increase in loads of a system and effects of these loadings, selection and optimization of solutions, ensuring effective operation of applications, development of the normative legal documents defining how and in what order a system should be followed and develop, development of regulations of inter-user communication of a system, service of exploitation of the customer and contractors – such, mainly, there were us tasks. As practice shows, similar projects are very demanded, including, and among large federal agencies. Therefore we consider that increase in efficiency of use of the available IT assets is one of noticeable market trends.

What this trend is connected with?

Evgeny Efimenko: The changes happening in big information systems which it is long are operated, over time become chaotic, uncontrollable. Customers do not want that their IT landscape turned into "a scrappy blanket". It is necessary for them that data were used most effectively based on optimal technical resources, and at the same time the systems were steady and available. These tasks are also solved by technology consulting.

To what else direction does the company pay much attention in the development plan today?

Evgeny Efimenko: We invest heavily in creation of ready-made, replicated solutions based on the experience got as a result of custom developments and deployments. These are systems which allow the customer to deploy quickly the solution at themselves and to receive required result. And the second important direction of development – promotion of cloud solutions, provision of services and IT infrastructures. Today many customers are already ready to transfer to a cloud not only the minor systems, but also basic, and even critical for business.

Can you call the largest customers with whom the greatest number of projects is connected?

Evgeny Efimenko: We implement most of all projects for the benefit of the Government of Moscow, Federal Treasury, Tax administration, we work with the Government of the Moscow, Tula region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and other above-mentioned regions.

How long did cooperation with the Moscow government begin? What systems are already implemented in Moscow within the Smart City program?

Evgeny Efimenko: We cooperate with the Government of Moscow more than 15 years. Everything began with the project on creation of the Uniform information calculating downtown – the system providing calculations for utilities. The following large project started in 2008, in its framework created and brought an automated system of the joint dispatching service (ODS ACS) of the Moscow Department of Housing, Utilities and Amenities into operation. Automation of all works connected with the maintenance of objects of municipal economy was a project objective. Having begun with roads, in the subsequent based on this system we solved problems of the maintenance of domestic territories, green plantings, the engineering systems and some other. Now the ACS of ODS is a city system by means of which control of solving of tasks is exercised, connected with the maintenance of city infrastructure. Besides, we constructed automation systems of inspection and administrative practice of the Moscow housing inspectorate and consolidation of administrative and technical inspections regarding planning and conducting checks, fixing of their results, a design of violations, issue of instructions and control of their execution.

Can you give an example of the recent project in other spheres?

Evgeny Efimenko: Except the project which is already mentioned by us above in Rosrybolovstvo within which the portal of an industry monitoring system was created a specific place in a portfolio of the company is held by the big project implemented together with the Ministry of Transports and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow region. A large number of the organizations and people is involved in this project. In addition to the staff of the Ministry and departments of the Moscow region, it is specialists of the subordinated regional and municipal organizations, the commercial enterprises providing the contents and performing repair it is expensive to the Moscow region. The control system and work planning in the field of road infrastructure (SKPDI) was as a result created. In a system more than three thousand users work, mobile applications are used, the possibility of control of all processes in real time is implemented.

At the expense of what such operating control is reached?

Evgeny Efimenko: It is possible to call telematic control of the equipment, photo and video fixing of the performed works, an exception of a human factor in decision making at determination of control points of quality check of the performed works, so-called cores, and other innovation solutions for the industry. But effectively to use these and other mechanisms became possible only after routine work on creation of the register of highways, filling as its information was done huge, in something; to development, description and transfer to an electronic form of regulations of contents and repair of roads; standardization of agreements and quotations for the performed works and so on. All these efforts allowed the Moscow region to reach managements of road economy as the customer sees all objects absolutely other level, knows their main characteristics, understands volumes of necessary works, is capable to plan correctly budgets, to competently distribute them and to check workmanship of the public and municipal contracts.

What is the time project implementation borrowed? What technologies were used for creation of a system?

Evgeny Efimenko: The project started at the end of 2016, this year its implementation was complete. A system was created on the basis of open technologies, without use of proprietary products and platforms.

Whether it is possible to use the Control system and work planning in the field of road infrastructure of the Moscow region in other regions?

Evgeny Efimenko: To simplify and accelerate implementation of the similar solution in other subjects and even in separate municipalities, on the basis of the implemented project we created automated information system Record (AIS "Record"). She can be considered an example of the replicated solution which appeared on the basis of custom. A system is optimized for fast deployment both on the customer's servers, and in a cloud according to the SaaS model if own IT infrastructure of the customer is insufficiently developed, and the number of roads and road objects is small. In the latter case start of a system can be performed within several days and consists actually in registration in a cloud of users of the customer who load initial data, put the work types and quotations in a system. Today it is very convenient for many customers, saves time and means.

Whether there are in plans new services or products for state customers?

Evgeny Efimenko: We are ready to offer public institutions our medical information systems which are more used in the field of commercial medicine so far. Among them – the system of telemonitoring RemsMed which allows to deliver high-quality medical services to any person, irrespective of his location and level of prosperity. The SmartSport system will be interesting to automation of activity of sports clubs to municipal sports facilities where at the modern and high professional grade athletes have training. A system allows to achieve still the best sports results, helping the trainer with his work.