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Boeing and Pentagon signed $43 million contract to create robotic super subs

Customers: U.S. Department of Defense (Pentagon)

Contractors: Boeing

Project date: 2019/02

In February, 2019 it became known of the contract for the amount of $43 million which the Pentagon signed with Boeing. Under the terms of the arrangement, the American company together with Huntington Ingalls Industries will create for US Navy the pilotless underwater swimming offices Orca (Kosatka) with the diesel electric drive for conducting the civil and military operations.

Submarines will weigh 45.4 tons, will be able to float more than 12 thousand km and to plunge on depth up to 3.4 thousand meters. Will take the platform of the independent uninhabited device Echo Voyager which was also developed by Boeing company as a basis.

The naval institute of the USA reports that Orca will be capable "destroy sea mines, submarines, the surface ships, to conduct radio-electronic fight". Modular construction will allow to arrange the submarine under specific objectives.

Supersubmarines about 15.5 meters long are going to be used in investigation, autonomous missions on a long distance and also at rescue of swimming devices and for work in dangerous conditions. Besides, Orka does not require the ship for start and can spend under water several months in standby mode.

 Will have to make, test and deliver to Boeing four devices and the related infrastructure elements. According to the contract, the producer undertakes to report all equipment to military until the end of 2022.

In  December, 2018 the Russian developers  started  underwater tests of the perspective strategic big underwater Poseidon robot. Testing was undergone by the atomic power station in  the body of Poseidon. Its  checks came to the end in  February, 2019 and  were considered completely successful. Ride tests of Poseidon are planned for   2019. The Russian underwater robot will be able to bear a nuclear fighting charge.[1]
