Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Valentik Ivan Vladimirovich
Valentik Ivan Vladimirovich


Was born on July 22, 1976 in Petrozavodsk the Republic of Karelia.

1995: Held different positions in law firm

11. 1995 - 01. 2009 - the employee, the director of law firm, in parallel was a teacher of law department of the Petrozavodsk state university.

1998: Petrgu

In 1998 graduated from the Petrozavodsk state university, specialty "law".

2009: Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

01. 2009 - 02. 2009 - the assistant department head of regulation in the field of use of forest resources of Department of forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

02. 2009 - 06. 2009 - the head of department in the field of forestry of the Ministry agriculture RUSSIAN FEDERATION.

06. 2009 - 04. 2010 - the head of department of policy in the field of the forest relations of Department of forest and hunting economy of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

04. 2010 - 01. 2011 - the head of department of state policy in the field of the forest relations of Department of forestry of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.



01. 2011 - 10. 2011 - the deputy head of department affairs and legal support - the head of legal support of activity of service of Rosprirodnadzor.


10. 2011 - 02. 2014 - the head of department of the state forest control and fire supervision in forests, control of execution by territorial subjects of the Russian Federation of delegated powers in the field of the forest relations of Federal Forestry Agency.

2014: Ministry of Natural Resources

02. 2014 - 10. 2014 - the director of the department of state policy and regulation in the field of forest resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation.

27. 10. 2014 - the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation - the head of Federal Forestry Agency.

On June 28, 2019 the head of Federal Forestry Agency, the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation Ivan Valentik wrote the application for dismissal addressed to the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev Biografiya[1].


It is awarded:

  • Gratitude of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation "For the achieved results in work and in connection with Day of the lawyer" (2009),
  • Certificate of honor of Federal Forestry Agency "For fair work, big contribution to preserving and enhancement of forest riches and in connection with celebration of Day of workers of the wood" (2012),
  • Gratitude of Federal Forestry Agency "For the big done work, activity and an initiative shown by preparation and holding the 6th International forum "Wood and Person" (2012)
  • The sign "For Difference in Service" the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation "For faultless and effective public civil service, a big personal deposit in development of forestry and in connection with the professional holiday "Day of Workers of the Wood" (2014).


Since 2016 consists in second marriage, has two sons from first marriage.
