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MegaFon provided with communication services Rosprirodnadzor

Customers: Rosprirodnadzor - Federal Nature Management Supervision Service

Contractors: MegaFon
Product: Services of telephony and communication

Project date: 2015/03

March 20, 2015. Announced MegaFon communication provision of services to Federal service on supervision in the field of environmental management and ecology (Rosprirodnadzor).

Transition of department to a high-quality and reliable communication from MegaFon became possible thanks to implementation of service in transfer of number. The contract is expected by the amount of 1.9 million rubles a year.

MegaFon as socially responsible company, makes all efforts that its activity rendered as little as possible harmful influence on ecology and the environment.

To us such important department as Rosprirodnadzor is especially pleasant and honourable to provide with mobile communication, – Sergey Bulangcha, the director of work in the state clients of MegaFon comments. – This contract was implemented thanks to service of MNP which implementation opens even more opportunities for our potential clients".

Representatives of the company integrator reported TAdviser.