Customers: Special design bureau Logistics Moscow; Logistics and distribution Contractors: InStock Technologies (Ying-Stock Tieknolodris) Product: InStock WMS (IsWMS)На базе: Java Project date: 2017/04 - 2017/09
In 2017 the company InStock Technologies executed the project on implementation warehouse management systems InStock WMS in the company "Special design bureau Logistics".
InStock WMS was faced by tasks of the organization of accounting of storage of goods of the different sizes in uniform warehouse space. It was necessary to organize goods acceptance taking into account serial numbers for expensive goods of bailors. A system needs to maintain high loads by the number of transactions and the number of the processed articles.
InStock Technologies developed the mechanism of automatic redistribution of personnel in dependence about types of tasks to exclude idle times of workers. The goods acceptance technique on the range of serial numbers, was developed and implemented by scanning of the first and last numbers of range. Methods of small-pieces selection at the same time of several orders, with the choice of types of a container are improved. Integration mechanisms with the ERP system are added.