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X-Com equipped educational audience of school of 601 St. Petersburg

Customers: School No. 601 of St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg; Science and education

Contractors: X-Com (X lump)
Product: Projects of creation of complex IT infrastructure

Project date: 2018/11  - 2019/04

On May 30, 2019 the company H-Com announced equipment project completion computer by the equipment and the printing equipment of educational audience state of budget educational institution "School No. 601".

Within the project the office of information science was required to equip and to prepare it for training. The company offered the customer self-produced computers. It allowed to create the solution, optimum conforming to requirements of the software applied in educational process and also to minimize the project budget that is important for public institution.

Computers are united in a local network, the teacher can control and adjust actions of pupils from the workplace. For printing of educational and methodical materials the structure of the equipment switches on the multi-function printer (MFP) of Ricoh which is characterized by the low cost of ownership and the price of a print.

For the choice of the contractor of the project the administration of educational institution held an open competition among the Russian producers and suppliers of the computer equipment. By consideration of requests, along with the price offer, the tender committee estimated experience of candidates for implementations similar on project scopes for educational institutions. The company X-Com предложила most financially and qualification and reasonable conditions of project implementation and was recognized the winner of the tender.

The project is executed according to contractual terms on the volume and terms. In the company the quality management system conforming to the international standard ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001-2008) works. Computers pass multistage test at each production phase and before sale. All equipment is affected by a three-year guarantee.