Competence center of NTI IBH RAS
Since 2019
Central Federal District of the Russian Federation
Miklukho-Maclay St., 16/10
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The NTI IBH RAS center is the center of crystallization of a high-tech industry of biotechnologies.
The NTI center acts as the organizer of joint activity of all participants of the innovation process - the universities, science and production, is urged to generate the advanced knowledge and to become the center of formation of a modern format, attracting and creating conditions for development to the best creative capacity of the country and foreign countries. In the NTI Center the advanced products and technologies connecting results of researches of fundamental science and requirement of the existing markets of NTI for the purpose of increase in efficiency of national economy, increase in life expectancy and improvement of quality of life of the population are created.
Opening of nursery on cultivation "net from diseases" laboratory rabbits
On December 6, 2019 in Pushchino there took place technical opening of Experimental clinic of laboratory animals (mini-nursery) of Competence center of NTI based on IBH RAS in which pilot production of laboratory rabbits of SPF category will be arranged (engl. Specific-pathogen-free, or SPF, designates that animals are free from pathogens – the microorganisms capable to cause any diseases). The nursery will begin work in 2020. This Zdrav.Expert was announced on October 9, 2019 by RVC company.
The nursery will become special and only for December, 2019 in Russia the complex accredited and certified according to the international requirements (AAALACi) and standards (ISO 9001:2015) on cultivation and keeping of high-categorized laboratory rabbits.
The building with a total area of 640 sq.m. is designed and built according to the concept of "barrier" premises for not vaccinated animals where the last technologies in the fields of thermal disinfection and sterilization, vozdukho-and water treatment are applied. The largest European companies acted as equipment suppliers. Investments into the project made more than 50 million rubles, financing in the amount of 13 million rubles is planned for 2020.
Use of laboratory animals of SPF category as the biological test systems when carrying out preclinical researches and medicobiological tests and also raw materials for obtaining cultures of cages by production of vaccines, is the compulsory provision around the world. The international system of requirements to obtaining the reliable and reproduced results of tests and to laboratories which study effect of chemicals on the person and the environment (GLP) orders to use in researches of the standard, healthy and certified animals that for December, 2019 time in Russia is not executed.
The laboratory rabbits of a drain of NZW of SPF category who are contained in mini-nursery are characterized by high genetic and microbiological purity what appropriate certificates confirm. In Russia laboratory animals of this sort were absent earlier. Use not of laboratory animals yields false and non-reproducible results of medicobiological researches and tests. In Russia of the first mini-nursery of laboratory rabbits of SPF category these problems will be solved with emergence.
opening of mini-nursery became one of priority tasks of the NTI IBH RAS Center as use in the territory of the Russian Federation of highly categorized laboratory animals will contribute to the development of GLP and GMP that in turn will increase trust to the pharmaceutical products manufactured in the Russian Federation, told the deputy manager of the NTI IBH RAS Center for preclinical tests Fedor Meshcheryakov
Opening of laboratory for the innovation diagnostics and cancer therapy of a mammary gland
On August 22, 2019 the Russian Venture Capital Company (RVCC) reported that the laboratory of biomolecular technologies for the onkoteranostiki of Competence center of NTI IBH RAS will be engaged in development of the innovation approaches for the high-selection diagnosis and effective address therapy of oncological diseases, in particular the adenocarcinomas of a mammary gland, ovarian cancer and other types of aggressive tumors of the person which are characterized by a superexpression of receptors of HER2, HER1 and EpCAM.
Development of other approaches for diagnosis of tumors and also creation of connections for therapy are the most relevant and actively developing directions in biomedicine. The science integrating these two directions – a teranostik, is strategy in the personalized medicine which main idea consists in creation of the connections allowing to visualize at the same time a focus of the disease, to make therapeutic impact on it, to keep up with kinetics of delivery of medicine to the center of a tumor and in the course of monitoring of treatment to regulate the scheme of therapy.
The main activity of laboratory – development of the innovation connections for the teranostiki of oncological diseases. In particular, the main biological model within work of laboratory is the HER2 positive breast cancer of the person. The breast cancer wins first place among oncological diseases of female population around the world (in Russia 21%). At the same time the incidence grows: from 2006 to 2016 it grew from 41.51 till 50.85 by 100,000 population.
HER2 receptor, being clinically significant onkomarker, – the member of the EGFR family (receptors of an epidermalny factor of human height). The gene of HER2 plays an important role in development of malignant human tumors. It amplifitsirutsya in about 20-30% of carcinomas of a mammary gland of the person and in many other types of malignant tumors. Amplification of HER2 was also mentioned in a carcinoma of a prostate, a malignant tumor of endometrium of a uterus, primary cancer of a stomach, cancer of an ovary and kidney. HER2 receptor superexpression often correlates with resistance of patients to chemotherapy, high metastatic potential of a tumor and also predicts high risk of a recurrence of a disease and decrease in the general survival of patients. Thus, the high-selection influence on HER2 сверхэкспрессирующие cancer cells the address constructions having diagnostic and therapeutic properties has extremely important clinical value.
In laboratory the innovation methods of treatment of oncological diseases allowing to deliver therapeutic molecules or to make other impact only on tumor cells will be developed without touching at the same time healthy fabrics and without having ghost effects for the patient. Developments of Competence center will make possible implementation of widely known concept of "a magic bullet" – the ideal agent for therapy and diagnostics who "comes precisely to the purpose", without having at the same time ghost effects (gepato-, haemo toxicity and so on).
The laboratories created within activity agents for the teranostiki of the last generation will allow to bring diagnostics and therapy of a number of oncological diseases to qualitatively other level.