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"System Technologies" completed the main stage of implementation ST Mobile Trade. Chicago in Splat Global

Customers: Splat

Product: ST Mobile Trade. Chicago
На базе: ST Mobile trade

Project date: 2019/06  - 2019/11

2019: End of the main stage of implementation ST Mobile Trade. Chicago

On December 2, 2019 the System Technologies company announced end of the main stage of system implementation for sales management and production planning in Splat Global company.

Project Objectives:

  • creation of a uniform digital ecosystem for sales management and production planning based on the solution of the class DMS (Distributor Management System);
  • creation of tools for support of strategic ambitions of the company;
  • output of the company to higher level of acceptance of the management decisions based on objective data.

in the middle of 2019 we made the decision on replacement of the old solution for management of distribution on "ST Chicago DMS'. It was necessary to make it on the run, without stopping the channel, ideally — quickly and seamlessly, without stress for trading partners and users,


In a month System Technologies transferred the main functionality and were convinced that the completeness and accuracy of the data meets requirements of the customer. Then the project passed into an active stage of scaling, operation and development.

In September, 2019 the project team made integration with Demand Planning for production planning and included the module of management of promo-activities in a solution circuit. For the beginning of December, 2019 there is a work on process of modeling of secondary sales (on the basis of offtake and primary sales) for receiving exact geography of distribution of products in a uniform section with other channels.

I consider that a pacing factor of a project success, it is kind of banal sounded, is a team work. There are no audience and contractors, there is a conscious movement of each participant of process to the purpose,
speaks Anna Morina