Hramtsovskaya Natalia Aleksandrovna
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On June 10, 2010 N.A. Hramtsovskaya, the leading expert of EOS Group on management of documentation, the member of "Guild of Managing directors of Documentation" and ARMA International, successfully defended the dissertation "The concept "electronic government" of an Anglo-American historiography" provided for a degree of the candidate of historical sciences the academic degree of the candidate of historical sciences is as a result appropriated.
The subject of "the electronic government" in its different options already long time is actively investigated abroad, and in the last half a year the new wave of interest connected with the programs of creation of "the open governments" implemented in the USA, Great Britain and some other countries / "the governments 2.0" was outlined.
At the same time the subject of "the electronic government" is insufficiently studied in Russia, the richest world experience poorly accustoms. So far in a domestic historiography there was no special research with setting of the problem connected with studying of genesis and development of the concept "electronic government".
N.A. Hramtsovskaya's thesis is devoted to the relevant, having important applied relevance and meanwhile poorly studied subject.
N.A. Hramtsovskaya systematizes and theoretically comprehends big layer of researches in the field of "the electronic government", introducing for scientific use a significant amount of new historiographic sources.
The author says that "the historiographic research within historical science has applied relevance for projects of creation of the EDS in Russia".
In work the techniques of a research of publications on a subject of "the electronic government" offered by the author which allow to receive the reliable, checked results are of undoubted practical interest, do not demand from users of special mathematical knowledge and therefore can be applied by a wide range of specialists historians.
2010: Quote
In March, 2010 at a conference "Electronic document management in Russia: the purposes, problems, tasks" Natalia made the report on "What Is Necessary and It Is Not Necessary to Regulate Laws and Regulations in the field of Management of Documents and Archiving" within which it is offered:
- Oblige the Bank of Russia, tax administration and, perhaps, some other departments to create a permanent work group for development and maintenance in current status of uniform rules of storage by the organizations accounting, tax, etc. documents in electronic form – that the commercial organizations were not forced to support ten different technologies.
- In the field of archiving it is necessary to regulate some aspects of acceptance and storage of electronic documents in departmental and state archives. It is necessary to provide a possibility of so-called "removal" of the EDS: in date of transmission on archive storage, electronic signatures under the document are checked and the document confirming success of check is created. Further, though an initial electronic object and its EDS remain, reverification of the EDS is not made. The archive (as well as at storage on paper) provides integrity and authenticity of documents with the means – already by the principles of archiving, but not office-work (i.e. not its individual protective signs, and its interrelation with other documents of archive become the main proof of authenticity of the document).
- Electronic archives should have rights and a duty to prepost migration of electronic documents on the basis of the approved migration order (having allowed when it is appropriate, migration from electronic media on paper and/or a microfilm). A task of electronic archive is not preserving of the electronic original (according to many specialists, this problem essentially is not solved), but preserving of the certified electronic copy, with which it is possible to work on the current equipment and the software. The copy certified by archive which migration was carried out according to statutory rules in legal relations should be recognized as equivalent to the original. The legislation should recognize the right of archives on the basis of these copies to issue archive references.
- Grant to the state archives the right, under their responsibility, digitize and/or microfilm less valuable document types, handed over in paper form, and further to store in electronic form, having destroyed paper originals.
- Not to drown in "paper" which amounts continue to increase it is desirable to work a possibility of introduction of the legislation allowing the organizations to store documents of time storage life in paper only a part of term, and then to transfer them to alternative carriers (electronic or a microfilm). On condition of observance of certain rules (and, in particular, monitoring procedures of quality of copies) – to grant to the organizations the right to destroy paper originals, and during remaining period of storage to save only copies on alternative carriers.
- In public sector, within the program of the electronic government, the law on reduction of paper document flow which would provide would be useful: certain stimulation of transition to electronic document management; extremely would complicate rollback from electronic document management back on paper back; extremely complicated introduction of new types and document forms in paper, but not in electronic form.
- Oblige Rosarkhiv to organize (with involvement of concerned parties) development of necessary regulating and methodical documents in the field of management of electronic documents – first of all for state bodies. "Textbooks of methodics" on the Internet portals, websites, Internet and receptions, operational and long-term storage of electronic documents, etc. mean.
2013: The participant of Expert advice concerning improvement of electronic document management in public authorities
Since 2013 representatives of EOS Group Vladimir Balasanyan and Natalya Hramtsovskaya are included into Expert advice concerning improvement of electronic document management in public authorities at the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.
2017: Entry into the structure of Council for open data
At a meeting of the Government commission on coordination of activity of the open government on June 22, 2017 (protocol No. 3) the new structure of Council for open data was approved. The structure of Council includes the leading expert on management of documentation of the company "Electronic office systems" (EOS GROUP) to. and. N Natalya Aleksandrovna Hramtsovskaya.
Council for open data:
- Develops specific mechanisms of opening of data, helping the state to solve all organizational, legal, technical issues connected with it;
- Works with business and citizens, helping to measure demand, to select the correct priorities at disclosure of the state information;
- Collects and advances the best practice, popularizes the idea of open state data, shows specific opportunities for business development;
- Creates an independent feedback mechanism — for assessment of the cumulative economic and social effect of disclosure of the state databases.
On September 20, 2017 the first meeting of Council in the updated structure in which Natalya Hramtsovskaya took part took place. At a meeting reports on experience of the publication of open data Rosleskhoz, the Pension fund Russia (RPF) and some other questions were considered.