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2010/05/23 00:06:55

IT outsourcing

IT outsourcing — provision of services of creation of systems and their support in the field of information technologies. It is a method of optimization of activity of the enterprise for the transfer account of the non-core functions connected with information technologies, to the external specialized companies. Works (both one-time, and long-term) in the field of use of information technologies fall under a concept of outsourcing of information technologies: development or a software maintenance, service of computer or network equipment, creation and maintaining information websites on the Internet, consultation in this area, etc. The directory of projects of IT outsourcing and service providers on TAdviser


The services provided by IT outsourcers.

IT outsourcing of the company is selected when they need to reduce own IT personnel, non-core in terms of core business. Also can move the company desire to reduce the number of agreements with different contractors, for example, by delivery of the different equipment (with each supplier the agreement), the organization of telephony, the Internet and so forth. If the enterprise selects complex IT outsourcing, the relations with the only contractor can replace the mass of agreements. In addition there are obviously not enough competent specialists in regions thereof quite difficult and expensively to create own IT command

Outsourcing forms

  • Resource outsourcing (outsourcing of personnel). Applying this form of outsourcing, the customer company uses the outsourcer as the company on selection of highly skilled personnel. At the same time the customer, using external resources, manages them and, respectively, independently bears responsibility for result. The service provider, in turn, should provide the customer with resources of the necessary level and timely perform their replacement if it is necessary.

  • Functional outsourcing. This form is a little more difficult than the first, at the same time it is considered more effective. The essence of functional outsourcing is that the outsourcer completely undertakes all functions which the customer transfers it. Naturally, criteria of work of the outsourcer, including the speed of reaction to an emergency situation, extent of participation in non-standard problems, etc., make a reservation and enshrined in the special agreement in advance. Thanks to functional outsourcing the company can increase effective management of the expenses and is considerable increase quality of IT services.

  • Strategic outsourcing. It is the most complex form of IT outsourcing. It means complete transfer of management of IT services of the company to the outsourcer.

Advantages of use of IT outsourcing

  • Allows to concentrate on the profile areas of work of the enterprise.
  • Solves a problem of shortage of highly skilled IT specialists.
  • Reduces risk of loss of important data.
  • Reduces costs for ensuring work of IT department

See article: Bases for successful IT outsourcing

Market of Russia

Main article: IT outsourcing (market of Russia)

According to IDC, in 2007 the Russian companies spent 532 million dollars for outsourcing in the field of IT. It made 12.1% of all Russian market of IT services.

Forecast of development

In the conditions of crisis outsourcing can become option of optimization of IT costs for customers, IDC considers. Experience of the western countries shows that economic recessions of the last years were followed by growth of investments into outsourcing, they remind. And despite reduction of the market of IT services in general, IT outsourcing volumes in 2009 will not decrease, experts of IDC are sure.

Markets of other countries

Main article: IT outsourcing (world market)

The leader in the market of IT outsourcing is India (controls about 40% of the market). In countries of Western Europe 20%, and in the USA — 40% of the market of IT services are the share of IT outsourcing.

Russian IT outsourcers

Foreign IT outsourcers


By the determination provided to OPBoK (Outsourcing Professional Body of Knowledge®) "Outsourcing is the long-term, focused on result business collaboration with a certain service provider". At the same time the purchased services can represent a separate type of activity, several types of activity, or complete, end-to-end business process. In most cases, in particular for the large organizations, received on outsourcing earlier it was made by the enterprise for own needs, and then it was transferred to the external supplier.