IT Services and IT Outsourcing

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The IT services market in TAdviser terminology includes implementation consulting, system integration, hardware and software installation and support, cloud services, and IT outsourcing and technical support services. TAdviser includes IT outsourcing services for maintaining and maintaining software and equipment, developing custom software, and testing software.
Market Estimates and Major IT Service Providers
Already at the beginning of 2023, it became clear that the Russian economy as a whole, and the information technology market in particular, continue to actively develop in the current conditions, that in support of this growth, the government has taken effective measures and IT companies are required to help Russian business gradually move towards gaining independence from imports in this area. A dramatic change in the IT landscape, the formation of technological stacks that meet the requirements of import independence, the intensification of cybercrime and a shortage of personnel - this is the list of the main challenges that, as a baton, 2023 took place in 2022. What are the answers for the year found? What are you looking for in the coming 2024? Read the new TAdviser review. More...
The leader in the rating of the largest IT service providers in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in 2023 based on revenue for 2022, was MTS Digital. Her income from this type of activity increased by 28.8% to 87.9 billion rubles. The top 5 largest IT service providers in Russia also include the Digital Economy League, Jet Infosystems, Maxim and I-Teco Group of Companies. In total, more than 130 companies took part in the rating. Their total revenue from the provision of IT services exceeded 470 billion rubles. More...
The state of the Russian IT outsourcing market and its largest participants
Services for the maintenance and technical support of software and equipment, custom development, as well as testing of software products, which TAdviser classifies as the IT outsourcing segment, have been in demand among Russian businesses for several years. The growth of this market was not prevented by either the coronavirus pandemic or the change in the geopolitical situation in connection with the start of the SVO. More...
Jet Infosystems became the leader in the new rating of IT outsourcers prepared in 2023 based on the results of reporting for 2022. Its revenue from outsourcing services increased by 4% and exceeded 18 billion rubles. The second line of the rating is at the Digital Economy League (17.5 billion rubles, + 58.5%). The third place was taken by I-Teco, its revenue decreased by 30.9% to 10.6 billion rubles. In total, over 60 companies took part in the ranking. Their total revenue exceeded 127 billion rubles.
Industry distribution of IT outsourcing projects
As of December 20233, the TAdviser database contains information on 2.5 thousand projects in the field of IT outsourcing. Most of them fall on three industries - the public sector, financial services and trade. For more information, see the diagram below.
Outsourcing. Outsourcing (from English out - "outside" and source - "source" - using an external source/resource) - the transfer by the organization of certain business processes or production functions to serve another company specializing in the relevant area. Unlike service and support services, which have a one-time, episodic, random nature and are limited to the beginning and end, outsourcing is usually transferred to professional support for the uninterrupted operation of individual systems and infrastructure on the basis of a long contract (at least 1 year).
Types of outsourcing:
- Production outsourcing In production (or industrial) outsourcing, part or all of the production of products or its components is transferred to a third-party organization.
- IT outsourcing (ITO) Involves the delegation of an external specialized company to solve issues related to the development, implementation and maintenance of information systems both entirely at the level of the enterprise infrastructure (equipment or software support) and the scope of work related to the development and/or support of individual areas of the system (programming, hosting, etc.)
- Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Use external resources, knowledge and experience, established service provider infrastructure (outsourcer) to organize and provide your own specific functions and achieve the company's business objectives. In most cases, BPO involves the transfer of standardized current processes to the company.
- Knowledge management outsourcing (KPO) KPO involves the management of processes that require in-depth study or serious analytical processing of data, the formation and management of knowledge bases, which can subsequently be used, among other things, to support decision-making.
What is outsourced: In accordance with the statements of many outsourcing service providers, almost any functions of the enterprise can be transferred to an external contractor. In practice, the most common forms of outsourcing in Russia are the transfer of the following functions: accounting and tax calculation legal support activities payroll personnel management information systems and database management marketing communications and public relations project management from development to implementation issues economic and information security management logistics and delivery manufacturing assembly and testing cleaning and maintenance transport management, its maintenance and repair (aircraft and sea vessels, road, rail transport).
Benefits of outsourcing: Reduced costs, including reduced infrastructure and maintenance costs, time; the opportunity to pay the most attention to the main business; focusing the company on the core business (both the customer and the contractor - synergies are also possible here) converting the cost structure from fixed to variable, which facilitates the cost planning process; improving quality by using modern technologies, procedures, principles and methods of process management by outsourcing companies. The main benefit is the opportunity to use someone else's highly professional experience gained in solving similar problems, and constant access to new technologies and knowledge.