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Step Logic Step Lodge


Number of employees



+ Evgeny Nikolaevich Lachkov

The company has been providing network and system integration services in the Russian market since 1992. The company has more than 600 employees, offices are located in, To Moscow, and Kazan. Yerevan Kazakhstan The intellectual foundation of the company is made up of over 300 engineers and system architects certified by global manufacturers. The company has authorization levels for such vendors as,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Alcatel APC by Schneider Electric Avaya Cisco Systems Citrix EMC HPE Huawei others. IBM Microsoft Nortel Siemens The range of offered solutions and services includes the creation of a corporate network infrastructure, Triple Play carrier-class networks, the creation of systems and, provision, video conferencings contact centers services in the field of information security processing and, provision data storage of integrated buildings, as well as engineering infrastructure a full range of services for technical support, maintenance and maintenance of information systems, including. outsourcing IT infrastructures

When building and optimizing business processes, Step Logic uses standards and practices recognized at the world level: the project management process is based on the PMI standard, service support processes are based on practices in the field of IT organization and management - ITIL, the company's specialists are certified according to PMP and ITIL. The quality management system complying with GOST R ISO 9001-2008 and GOST RV 15.002 -2003 has been created and is functioning. The quality of services provided to customers is confirmed by certificates of certification bodies "Military Register" and "Euro-Register"



6th place in the ranking of TAdviser "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian telecom"

Step Logic took 6th place in the ranking "The largest IT suppliers in the Russian telecom," prepared by TAdviser in December 2024 based on the companies' revenue from the implementation of relevant projects for 2023. Read more here.

Data for 2023

TAdviser interview with Taras Dira, director of the information security services center

This summer system integrator , STEP LOGIC announced the expansion of information security outsourcing with services for managing basic solutions, which are part of the infrastructure of most domestic organizations. Why the company has launched new services now, how customer requirements have changed over the past 5 years and for whom it is currently relevant in, outsourcing INFORMATION SECURITY Russia says the director of the STEP information security LOGIC service center. Taras Dira Read more here. [1]


6th place in the TAdviser rating "The largest providers of information security outsourcing services in Russia"

STEP LOGIC took 6th place in the ranking of the largest providers of outsourcing information security services in Russia, prepared by TAdviser in March 2024 based on the revenue of companies from relevant services for 2022. Read more here.

Data for 2022

Opening of the Testing Center for Domestic Equipment and Software

STEP LOGIC announced on June 28, 2022 the opening of the Center for Testing Domestic Equipment and Software.

The company's laboratory has deployed stands with solutions for building a network and computing infrastructure, as well as information security systems, unified communications and VKS developed by leading Russian manufacturers.

STEP LOGIC proposes to test a comprehensive technical solution based on equipment and software included in the Unified Register of Russian Programs for Electronic Computers and Databases and the Register of Industrial Products Produced in the Russian Federation. The test drive will demonstrate the operation of an automated workplace running a domestic OS (Astra Linux, Alt Linux), an email system, a communication platform, application software, collaboration applications and services, backup solutions, virtualization tools and directory services.

For testing in the laboratory, network devices of different classes are also available, responsible for access and aggregation, industrial and Wi-Fi solutions, routers and products for building a network infrastructure. On the demo end, you can check the compatibility of domestic solutions with Cisco, Huawei and Juniper equipment, assess the correctness of the main and specific network protocols, conduct load testing and stress tests using automation tools.

The laboratory has deployed virtual images of 5 NGFW/UTM solutions, the functionality of which can be demonstrated both in a reduced and advanced scenario. In addition, the company's specialists are ready to organize testing of other solutions in the field of information security, having developed a scenario for specific tasks, as well as provide the computing power of the laboratory as a landfill.

The test drive of domestic communication platforms, VKS systems and complexes for building operator and corporate IP telephony networks is carried out according to ready-made plans, which include not only acquaintance with the interface of solutions, but also verification for compatibility with foreign equipment.

As of June 2022, our market took a wait-and-see attitude, which is associated both with ignorance of Russian manufacturers and the specifics of domestic software and equipment, and with the lack of complete analogues of foreign IT solutions in some areas. However, if we evaluate the possibility of replacing a particular foreign product, starting from the real needs of the business, it turns out that most of the tasks can be closed by domestic developments, "said Stanislav Darchinov, technical director of STEP LOGIC. - In order for import substitution projects to become massive, it is necessary to acquaint customers with Russian solutions and demonstrate their functionality. Opening the Test Center is a logical step along the way.


TAdviser interview with cloud infrastructure cybersecurity expert Mikhail Krechetov

The Russian corporate sector has entered a cloudy phase. Even banks and government agencies have ceased to fear clouds and are looking for the most convenient and profitable ways to use them. Mikhail Krechetov, an expert on cybersecurity of cloud infrastructures at STEP LOGIC, told TAdviser in August 2021 about how the concepts of corporate information security are changing, what methods and means of information security come to the fore. Read more here.

Recommendations in the selection of infrastructure technical support services

STEP LOGIC in April 2021 told what preparatory work the customer needs to do in order to choose a high-quality infrastructure support service that meets all business needs. Read more here.

DSS Selection Recommendations

In January 2021, STEP LOGIC specialists told what to pay attention to when choosing an All-Flash storage system (DSS). Read more here.

2018: Autodesk CFD Certificates

Step Logic completed an in-depth training course at Autodesk CFD and was certified. The company's engineering systems department has several focus groups in such areas as BIM, IoT, IIoT, intelligent buildings, etc. In total, the employees of the department have more than 200 diplomas and certificates that confirm the high competencies of Step Logic in the design of engineering systems and installation work at facilities of any level of complexity.

2016: BIM projects based on Autodesk Revit

The implementation of BIM in Step Logic was divided into several stages: employee training, elaboration of a general design strategy, preparation of a regulatory and technical framework for employees, development of a pilot project model, preparation and issuance of documentation in accordance with GOST. As a pilot project, a unique facility was chosen - a data center for the country's leading television company. As a result, "Step Logic" received

  • A team of designers with 3D modeling technology
  • A complete BIM model of the data center, including both the architecture and the models of the required engineering systems;
  • typical drawing books for issuing documentation and model visualization videos.

The design process includes information 3D modeling of the object. The resulting 3D model has the property of visibility - the realism of components, and the entire range of important parameters necessary to create drawings, diagrams and schedules. As a hardware complex for BIM-technology, Step Logic operates a distributed system of graphics stations that have high-speed network access to server resources, where a prefabricated information model of the object is stored.

The introduced technology allows for any element, ranging from a bolt, pipeline, cable tray and up to diesel-rotor and refrigeration machines, to fully establish the parameters and properties inherent in these elements in reality: overall dimensions, material, power, connection points and much more. During the design, Step Logic specialists also virtually build the engineering systems themselves, taking into account the relationships between central equipment and peripheral elements. In this case, any change in one element completely changes the entire built-up system.

A huge advantage of the technology is that during the design process, each participant (whether it is a designer of a separate system, a manager or a customer, and even a remote specialist, if necessary) has on-line access to the received unified information model and executed drawings, which allows avoiding intersections and clearly applying the requirements of standards when laying networks together. In this case, if intersections and overlays occur during the design, the Step Logic project team has the ability to automatically check the model using the collision control software module.

the developed BIM model, customers and investors have the opportunity to undergo a design examination. So, since 2015, Mosgosexpertiza has become a pilot organization for conducting a state examination of projects developed using BIM technologies. Currently, more than a dozen sets of design documentation in BIM format have already received an expert opinion. It is also planned that in 2017 the Ministry of Construction will form a single regulatory framework of the Russian Federation, which will make it possible to consolidate BIM technology in design and construction.
See also - Building Information Modeling - product and project catalog.

2013: Changes in shareholder structure

In early 2013, the structure of the shareholders of Systematics changed - the investment division of Alfa Group - A1 sold its stake. At the same time, Step Logic was included in the list of affiliates of the group. Judging by this, as well as the change in the composition of the board of directors, the co-owners of Step Logic (President Yury Kantarovsky and Vice President Yevgeny Yuditsky) became shareholders of Systematics. Apparently, it is their interests that SLG Holdings Finance represents.

In June 2012, the Cypriot Systematics filed another petition. Now the same "acquisition of rights that allow determining the conditions for the entrepreneurial activity of the" integrator "Step Logic" should occur through the purchase by Systematics and another previously unknown offshore Barad trading limited 100% of the shares of SLG holdings limited. Thus, it was decided to divide the deal between the parties this time not the Russian Step Logic, but the offshore controlling it. Who is behind the Barad offshore is not known.

The foreign investment unit FAS RF saw in this transaction signs of a foreign investor gaining control over "an economic entity carrying out strategic activities." The main activity of "Step Logic" is "development software and consulting in this area." But classifying such work as strategic did not prevent the parties from obtaining FAS approval. Taxonomy declined to comment on the new deal.

2012: Inclusion in the structure of "Systematics"

In March 2012, the Federal Antimonopoly Service announced the satisfaction of the application of Systematica to acquire 100% shares in the authorized capital of Step Logic Group Limited Liability Company. This is not the first time that Step Logic shareholders have tried to sell the company. In 2007, the BBC integrator (later renamed Asteros) tried to acquire it, but in 2008 the parties announced that they decided to abandon this idea. In February 2012, the Cyprus Systematics and another offshore company from the British Virgin Islands, SLG holdings finance limited, had to buy 100% of the authorized capital of Step Logic. The FAS IT Department, having received the conclusion of the federal service unit authorized to control foreign investments, approved this transaction.

2009: GAZPROMSERT Certificate

The Company received the certificate "SDS GAZPROMSERT," confirming the compliance of the design solutions "Step Logjik" with the requirements of state standards and regulatory documents of OAO Gazprom in the field of IT security and design of automated systems.