"The cross-industry center of monitoring" created electronic archive of documents on the Etla platform
Customers: Cross-industry center of monitoring (MTsM, Runovo) Moscow; Telecommunication and communication Contractors: Atlas Soft Product: Electronic archive EtlaНа базе: Etla platform Project date: 2019/12 - 2020/06
2020: Creation of electronic archive
"The cross-industry center of monitoring" created electronic archive of documents on the ETLA platform. On July 23, 2020 reported about it to Atlas Soft.
The MTsM group represents the integrated holding including the various companies which are engaged in different types of activity. The company performance proceeds in several main directions: telematics, information technologies, information security and also investment activities.
The relevance of creation of electronic archive is connected with the growing volumes of documents of Group. The implemented system, allows to create within uniform archive of documents separate independent archives of documents for each company of the MTsM Group. In other words, in a single system different sectors of access to documents, both for normal users are created, and for user groups, thereby completely solving a problem of the centralized data storage of all companies of Group. The management and key staff can get access to all data of all companies.
The main criteria when choosing a system were:
- Rapid implementation of a system by own efforts, at the investigation of what there have to be all necessary mechanisms on setup of a system (editors and designers)
- The accessibility to archive from any device (the PC, the notebook the tablet, the mobile phone) not being in a local area network from any place in the world.
- Fast, flexible and convenient document retrieval, with a possibility of its setup under user requirements
- Opportunity within one archive to create subarchives for different the companies
- Fast import of already existing documents to a system both from network storage, and from the scanner.
- Existence of the mechanism of automatic autorecognition of graphic documents for the purpose of further search in contents
During work on setup and system implementation specialists of the MTsM Group:
- Worked and built the general structure of electronic archive of documents of all Group
- Created reference books and rules of automatic numbering and automatic naming of documents
- Distributed access rights of users and user groups for each company of the MTsM Group
- Brought to a system the complete information about partners and clients
- Brought all necessary reference books to a system
- Using the built-in editor created cards of documents for all available document types
- Created a number of rules of automatic numbering, automatic naming and automatic placement of the documents registered in archive
As a result of introduction to commercial operation of electronic archive the MTsM Group significantly changed approach to work with documents due to receiving transparent archive of documents with access isolation of staff of the different companies to necessary sectors of archive. The management and key staff got access to all documents of Group.