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Corporate University of Moscow Education


Former names: Moscow Center for the Development of Personnel Potential of Education, Moscow Institute of Open Education


2021: Renaming to Corporate University of Moscow Education

In July 2021, the Moscow Center for the Development of the Human Resources Potential of Education changed its name to the Corporate University of Moscow Education (GAOU DPO)

2018: Renaming as Moscow Center for the Development of Human Resources Potential of Education

In February 2018, the Moscow Institute of Open Education was renamed the Moscow Center for the Development of the Human Resources Potential of Education (GAOU DPO ICRKPO).

2010: Structure of IIA

The main activity of the Moscow Institute of Open Education in April 2010 was the advanced training of educational workers in the city of Moscow. The structure of the institute included: 3 faculties, 35 departments, 17 laboratories, 15 centers, the Museum of Moscow Education and the editorial and publishing department. IIO was not only the main center for retraining teachers and professors, but also the center of Moscow in the exam.

1937: Establishment of the Moscow Institute of Open Education

Moscow Institute of Open Education was established in 1937.