The deputy director general of Scientific Research Institute Voskhod passed into IT
21.04.10, 15:52, Msk
Текст: Anastasia Simakina
The deputy director general of federal state unitary enterprise Scientific Research Institute Vosjod Sergey Kuptsov passed to work into IT company where will supervise development of projects in a public sector. For IT this valuable acquisition. Not the first Russian company in conditions when IT market not completely recovered from crisis, stakes on state orders. Now profit on state projects is up to 25-70% of turnover of large players, and implementation of the Electronic Russia state program in the next years seems for most of them a tidbit of budget pie.
The IT company announced gain of the direction on work with a public sector and position assignment of the deputy director general of the company Sergey Kuptsov who will supervise it. Sergey Kuptsov passed into IT from Federal State Unitary Enterprise Scientific Research Institute Voskhod where was also the deputy CEO. Let's remind that IT works with a public sector long ago, in particular, one of the projects which were widely publicized most executed by the company is the project on transfer of the Russian schools on Open Source (open source) by request of the Federal agency by training. Among the last large projects also creation of a system of a video conferencing for the Russian arbitration courts. Among customers of IT also a number of the largest ministries, departments and state funds. The company reported that state projects occupy 32% of its turnover.
As for Sergey Kuptsov, for IT it is more than strategic asset. Let's remind that Scientific Research Institute Voskhod is developers of a number of key state IT systems (for example, Elections state automated system and Justice state automated system). Now the scientific research institute is in a status of the unresolved conflict with the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications: until the end of 2009 the ministry was going to reassign to itself scientific research institute and to consolidate completely project management Electronic government. So far the scientific research institute remains for Rosinformtekhnologiyami who is also clashing from the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications because of disagreements on the project of creation of a system of issue and service of biometric passports. The head of scientific research institute Leonid Yukhnevich was dismissed recently by the Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Igor Shchegolev, and the post and the deputy administrator Rosinformtekhnology Evgeny Karavayeshnikov the other day left. Perhaps, these circumstances indirectly provoked Kuptsov's transition to IT.
Let's remind that recently in separate department one more large player, I-Teco company selected work with a public sector. As the head of this department Konstantin Chikin told Tadviser, state orders will act as the pacing stimulating factor for development of the IT industry in the next years. "The situation in the IT industry in 2009 was really ambiguous – many players of IT market suffered significant losses. However, a number of the companies, and including I-Teco, could increase the pace due to high demand on providing complex IT services and a considerable share of state orders in the client portfolio", - Mr. Chikin said. "The state customers realized that creation of the official portal of the organization does not solve a problem of provision of services in electronic form yet", - he added.
The IR manager of Armada companyDmitry Chursin reported to TAdviser that revenue share Armada from state customers in 2009 made 75%, and was at the same level in 2008. The company occupies 2-3% of the IT market for state structures and is going to provide growth by 25-30% a year in the medium term. According to Dmitry Chursin, now the state order is about 25-35% of the market of the Russian IT market. "Such share is inherent to all emerging markets, the state acts as the engine of creation of infrastructure", - the expert considers.
In structure of turnover of Nvision Group at the end of 2009 the state customers occupy a quarter of turnover (24.53%) that it is a little less, than at the end of 2008, but rather it is connected with growth of other directions, the spokesman of the company Dmitry Markushkin commented. "Really state customers reduced budgets too and first of all under reductions expenses on IT got. On the other hand there are important tasks of implementation of the electronic government and creation of information society which should be solved", - he said.
State projects became "lifebuoy" for system integrators at the time of crisis. The budget for crisis year in state institutions formed in 2008, respectively, in 2009 many spent the budget put even before crisis. And though the IT budgets of a number of big customers concerning their strategic development were "cut off" both on "iron", and on the software, there was money for the current projects under which software was bought,Pavel Isakov, the head of department of work with the state enterprises of Softline company explained. Besides, according to him, the number of the companies wishing to participate in the state tenders and auctions seriously grew. Came to standard auctions about thirty participants that is uncharacteristic for the pre-crisis period, including regional players became more active, he says.
Respondents of TAdviser experts are solidary that 2009 can be considered critical in development of the Electronic Russia state program. It is issued orders of the Government of the Russian Federation about transfer of state services to an electronic form, the plan of the Information Society 2011-2018 and Electronic Government of 2011-2015 programs is developed. Creation of such systems are first of all software development and IT services – i.e. vyskomarzhinalny businesses. Let's remind that according to the government decree financing of the FTP Electronic Russia in 2009-2010 will make 5.9 billion rubles, at the same time in 2010 under the program will select about 3.1 billion rubles. From large cost items this year it is possible to select integration of the state ICs, development of interaction between them (more than 1.3 billion rubles) and creation of infrastructure (1.1 billion rubles). Thus, to integrators is what to fight for.