"Lisa Alert" performed operation on rescue of the person using the solution "Beeline AI Search of people"
Customers: Lisa Alert Moscow; Public and non-profit structures Contractors: PJSC VimpelCom Product: Beeline Artificial Intelligence (Beeline of AI)На базе: Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI) Project date: 2019/01 - 2020/09
2020: Updating of the solution "Beeline AI-Search of people"
On October 6, 2020 Beeline reported that the search and rescue group "Lisa Alert" found the person who was lost in the forest using the unmanned aerial vehicle and a neuronet "Beeline AI there is a Search of people" (0+).
At the end of September the elderly man, the resident of the village of Glinishchevo of the Bryansk region located in 22 kilometers to the west from the center of Bryansk went to the forest and did not return. The request about its loss arrived only day later after disappearance that by data Lizaalert is extremely late terms for start of a rescue operation. The situation was also complicated by two factors: at rather cold nights reducing chances of rescue and the almost impassable marshland with a large number of the young trees complicating work of search groups on the earth.
Since 2018 in cases when it is necessary to inspect huge hardly accessible open sections, the search and rescue group "Lizaalert" uses drones for visual inspection from air and operational determination of strategy of search. In 2019 Beeline developed for group the specialized solution "Beeline AI there is a Search of people" which helps to reduce many times time of viewing the received pictures and releases a human resource for other search.
On this search the Lizaalert group used the updated solution "Beeline AI-Search of people". By means of a neuronet 1079 photos from drones were analyzed, and among the first thousand pictures expected subject to search was detected. On coordinates of pictures the search group which confirmed that it the detected object – the missing, and made successful evacuation of the victim was sent.
The main objective the first version of the neuronet given to group by specialists Beeline in 2019 had an otsortirovka of "empty" and not informative photos of the area in which there are definitely no attributes of presence of the person (traces, fires, etc.). It helped to make the operational decision in determination of strategy of search on the earth and water.
In the updated solution "Beeline AI-Search of people" the main objective is the analysis of pictures during search works and an output of notifications to pilots in case of detection of people in pictures.
The updated application works under OS Windows, has the version for work on processor without use of the video card, is easily scaled for use in regional divisions Lizaalert.
Besides, for 2020 a neuronet "Beeline AI is Search of people" underwent additional training on 6000 pictures for increase in accuracy of recognition of people.